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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Well Doc , I’ve just spent a month in your part of our great country. [censored] if I’m going to venture out on a miserable night to celebrate the [censored] that’s been dished up to us supporters this season
  2. I agree on both points od ... although I believe my liver’s future prospects are tenuous at best
  3. SIGH !!! 55 years of basically..... well [censored] The worst part is we have the occasional false dawn to raise hopes ..., and then .... it’s back to [censored] I was going to have a quiet night but I’ve become depressed thinking about the rubbish we supporters cop and so I shall seek solace in the bottle
  4. Mmmmm ... yes od ... I suppose I am asking for a major upheaval!
  5. Winning occasionally would be a change for the better
  6. [censored] me. I’m glad I’m in North Queensland and only had Rugby to to concern myself with i used to reckon rugby and soccer were [censored] but after following Melbourne for about 60 years I’m having a rethink
  7. Indeed Jane! I shall enjoy the weather more than the footy I suspect
  8. The Bitter Travelling Circus is currently in Longreach. Today I shall concern myself with Jackie Howe’s tally rather than the shemozzle that the MFC has been reduced to.
  9. Thank you Neil. Happily , or should it be sadly, I do see something of my wonderful and vile self in this verse I shall now proceed to thrash the maid and then sit down and have a jolly good cry.
  10. Mitchell Marshmallow gets another go at Test Cricket!!!! You have got to be [censored] me! Quite upset my Kakadu Dreaming
  11. I shall be adventuring through Kakadu today surrounded by my many faithful acolytes I doubt I shall hear much of the game but I fully expect to hold a victory celebration at Caravanserai Bitter The Aints are nothing special and the glow of that new coach euphoria will wear off like post coital charm Dees by 20- 30.
  12. Like many of us, he is now but a shadow of his former self
  13. I can say with 100% certainty that I shall [censored] myself when required sounds like blog
  14. I don’t know which we’ve had more of - proposals for training facilities or rebuilds
  15. It doesn’t really matter who is to blame , because if we are in the same situation this time next year ............ the last person out can turn off the lights!
  16. I shall lend you the above whip to self administer a jolly good thrashing REd
  17. Please close this thread before it does my head in
  18. Well I can tell my loyal readers that I am going to The Royal Darwin Show tomorrow The bearded lady has arranged a VIP pass for me
  19. Well so much for “ friends in need”!!
  20. Of course this raises all sorts of phone protocol issues Suppose I .......err ... accidentally drop my phone into the lap of the young lady fortunate enough to be seated next to me? How does one proceed in this situation?
  21. Interesting! Haven’t flown for a few months.... never been able to do so before
  22. [censored] the bananas!!! Your poor old Uncle Bitter is currently being royally ripped off at Tulla $11 a glass for an ordinary Shiraz - FMD! The worst part is I’m sober!!! At that rate I’ll be beggared by the time I’ve quenched my thirst
  23. My recollection is that he first got into "difficulties" when he had that wrist injury and MFC gave him leave to return home.
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