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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 3 hours ago, DistrACTION Jackson said:

    I thought that was in reference to the VFL game, not the AFL one?

    I wonder how they’ll enforce it if the VFL game is after the AFL game? You’d have to imagine that they’ll have a hard time clearing the place out before the VFL game starts.

  2. 18 hours ago, Slartibartfast said:

    I’m being serious but whatever.

    I think it makes sense to move it (apparently now a fait accompli). Looking at the Melbourne forecast for 10:30am to 12:30pm, they would be playing in temps starting at 28c and topping out around 30c… I don’t think that will handicap each team too much.

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  3. The Facebook Event page for our first Sydney gig at Marrickville’s Gasoline Pony on Sunday March 24th from 3pm: https://facebook.com/events/s/the-johnsons-and-beef-jerkys-b/7281283615243423/

    For this gig I’ve lined up a bunch of musician friends to sit in as guest players (you’re all probably so young you’ve never heard of them 🤣) and they include Richard Burgman from The Saints and The Sunnyboys, Paul Fields vocalist from The Cockroaches and still (I think) manager of The Wiggles, vocalist Bernie Hayes from The Shout Brothers, Vince Cuscuna, guitarist from The Hitmen DTK, Buffalo, and Psychotic Turnbuckles, among numerous others. I’m a bit worried about how my energy levels will cope, so it’s good to have some quality back-up.

    This front man come nut job, Andy Miles, will be our MC for the afternoon:




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  4. Apologies in advance, but this is a bit of self promotion for my band Los Romeos Oxidados who will be playing on April 6th from 3-5pm, at a venue in Alinga Street, Canberra City, going by the name of Smith’s Alternative.

    This is a big deal for me because it will be my second gig anywhere and my first gig in Canberra, for something like 8 months (we will play in Sydney at the Gasoline Pony in Marrickville, on March 24th from 3pm - for any Sydney based Demonlanders).

    These gigs are only possible because after completing 6 months (so far) of fairly intensive chemotherapy for my cancer, I am getting a six week break/reprieve and have arranged for the band to play four gigs, with one in Canberra and three in Sydney (we couldn’t make it to Melbourne unfortunately, due to our rhythm section having other commitments on the only weekend we could have done it - we had a gig offered to us at Brunswick’s Retreat Hotel - my niece’s band The Robbie’s will play instead, supporting a friend of mine’s son, who goes by the name of A Man Called Son). I’ll throw the poster I made for that gig, in the comments as well.

    I’ll put links to the Facebook Event page and the Smith’s ticketing page, and add more info about the Sydney gigs, in the comments section.

    If you’ve read this far, thanks so much!  Hope to see some of you there… not looking at anyone in particular @Deeoldfart 😉

    Now, how do I get Demonlanders (living in Canberra, or elsewhere, to actually view this topic in what has recently been a very quiet forum?  Any ideas Mr @Demonland??

    Link to the Facebook Event page for the Smith’s Alternative show:  https://facebook.com/events/s/los-romeos-oxidados-are-dealin/309174975487293/

    Link to the Smith’s Alternative web site page for our show and is where tickets can be purchased:  https://www.smithsalternative.com/events/los-romeos-oxidados-84995?d=6%2F04%2F2024+3%3A00%3A00+PM



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  5. 1 hour ago, sue said:

    If you believe that Maynard was genuinely attempting to simply smother, you and I are on different planets.  So I think the quesiton you posed is irrelevant.

    Just because you can reasonably argue (as you did) that Angus' condition had a long history, says nothing to absolve the AFL and its sychophant/gravy-train media of the shameful outcome of the 'trial' of Maynard.

    I’m certainly not absolving Maynard or the AFL over the outcome of that particular case (I was up and out of my chair yelling at the time the hit happened). What I’m saying relates to all of the posters laying the blame for Gus’ retirement at the AFL’s feet… it makes no difference to this final outcome. 

    It will be interesting to see what kind of effect this announcement will have on Maynard himself… I’m no fan of his and cannot forgive that hit, but I can’t help but worry that this could have a big affect on his mental health.

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  6. Yes, I’m devastated that we’re losing Brayshaw, but all (probably the bulk) of these comments directed at Maynard and the AFL for their inaction are way off the mark.

    To say that Brayshaw hadn’t had a concussion for x amount of years as if that meant he was in tip-top A1 condition and that Maynard is responsible for his having to retire is ridiculous. The effects of the past concussions are cumulative (they do not just disappear) and I’d suspect that Brayshaw and his ‘team’ had pondered retirement more than once in the past, purely because of his history. As weird as it may seem, maybe the Maynard incident was a blessing in disguise, having forced a decision upon them that is most likely in Brayshaw’s best interests.

    To say that this was caused by the AFL’s inaction is also either wrong, or a misguided case of 20/20 hindsight. They could ban Maynard for a year, and it would make no difference as to whether Gus would retire or not. Where were all of the complaints about the AFL being too slow to act on changing rules relating to smothers, prior to this incident?  The fact is that the AFL have now acted and have made changes to those rules, citing the players duty of care etc.

    Why is it that our supporters are always looking for someone to blame when things go wrong, when we should be wishing Gus all the best for the future? Even in the practice match thread people were raising the old chestnut of the umpires hating Melbourne. 

    Anyway, whether you agree or disagree with my rant is of no consequence … I think we can ALL agree that Gus has a long haul ahead of him and that we ALL send lots of love in his direction and wish him well in his journey.  I do hope the club employs him in some capacity, as the Dees just won’t seem the same without him. He was a great servant of the club!

    Go well Gus!!

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  7. 3 hours ago, Winners at last said:

    I love late 60s/early 70s Oz music ... Seasons of Change, Golden Miles, I'll be Gone, Lotus One, The Freak/Hey Pinky (Zoot) ... need I go on? 



    Yes, there were so many good artists at that time that were not just mimicking what was going on in mainstream USA, UK and Europe. They were establishing an identity that was our own and I honestly think that some of the best music anywhere on the planet was coming out of Australia at that time.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Tarax Club said:

    David Bowie wrote ‘All the Young Dudes’ for Mott the Hoople. lan Hunter with the signature very dark shades was a singer with the band. Mick Ronson also was alumni, associated famously with Bowie’s ‘Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars’. Lou Reed’s ‘Transformer’ album etc.

    A slightly interesting (well, to me at least) factoid… the band I moved from Melbourne to Sydney to join, had a guitarist named Steve Ralphs, who, as it turned out, was first cousin to Mick Ralphs, guitarist with Mott the Hoople and then with Bad Company.

    And now for a somewhat interesting sub-factoid… it turned out that prior to me being offered the spot in the band, he was a visa over-stayer and had been going under the name of Steve Fleming (which happened to be my family name), so he decided to revert back to his real name. The band didn’t last long after that, as the immigration people caught up with him pretty quickly and he was gone by the end of the year (1979).

    And yes, the Bowie connection with Mott the Hoople was such a good story. I do think though, that Ian Hunter was probably destined to become a star regardless of whether Bowie had intervened or not… he was such a strong personality with the talent to back it up. One Bitten Twice Shy, like T-Rex’s Bang a Gong (Get It On) is one of the great songs of that era and I reckon would still be a hit if it was released today.

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  9. 14 hours ago, rjay said:

    '@hardtack', you just reminded me of this after mentioning Ian Hunter on another post.

    He released a new album last year...84 yo, this was the first song released (Ringo on drums). Reckon it would have been a hit back in the days when such things existed. It's a strong album with lots of interesting guests and the title Defiance - Part 1 hints of more to come.


    I’ll give it a listen later tonight. Thanks!!

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  10. 1 hour ago, george_on_the_outer said:

    Demonland was producing "happy snaps" of players at training 20 years ago, and what we are seeing now is nothing more.  In fact our own @Six6Six produces far superior quality shots when compared to the amateur efforts shown by people who are being paid to do the job.

    I was looking at the Gallery from training yesterday and was appalled that they could post such uninspiring, lifeless, dull, shots!! It was quite apparent that there’d been no real attempt to edit them and there were shots of players’ backs with little to no action occurring.

    I will admit that there were a handful of acceptable shots of individual players (a good shot of Salem for example), but even most of them (not that there were many - the entire gallery was just 30 or so shots) were pretty ordinary!

    I suggested to my son who late last year completed a photography course at the Torrens University campus in Sydney (I think it was a Billy Blue Design College course), that he send the club a folio of his work, but he wants to wait a while first as his priorities are to get a driver’s license (most important) and to maybe just shoot around at local clubs.  His work is of  a very very good standard, and his love of footy shines through it all!

    Despite being a massive Demons supporter (and member), his best shots are unfortunately of the Swans seconds playing at Tramway Oval across the road from the SCG; sure I’m probably biased, but as someone who knows a bit about photography, in my opinion he’s got talent to burn!

    Sorry, I got a bit carried away 😂🤣🤣😂

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  11. 1 hour ago, rjay said:

    I've decide to go back to vinyl...bought myself a nice new turntable, amp and speakers as a Christmas present to me.

    Still have a lot of my old vinyl, I purged a bit of it a few years back but kept the ones that were important to me.

    I reckon this one will be one of the first played...what do you reckon '@hardtack'?


    Definitely agree!! You’ll need to track down a copy of Out of the Blue; it’s a brilliant album.  Unfortunately I don’t have the room for a full vinyl friendly set up, so I went the other way and recently purchased a JBL sound bar to replace my bulky space consuming home theatre set up. It has detachable speakers that can be placed to act as rear surround speakers. Seeing as how I’d invested in this technology, I decided to subscribe to the Apple Music streaming service and now seamlessly stream from my iPhone via bluetooth; it’s been a godsend since I’ve been mostly confined to my home. I’ve been tracking down a lot of Oz music from that early 70’s, era and hearing it in a whole new light. Tully, Company Caine, Spectrum and the Indelible Murtceps, La De Das, Coloured Balls, Ariel, Chain, Wendy Saddington and on and on the list goes.

    And while I think of it, I’m assuming that you do know that Rob Mackenzie is a member of Demonland.

    He’s living in LA now, but when he was in town visiting, myself, my son Liam and Rob, would meet up with another Dees fanatic in David Bland who would be familiar to those of us old enough to remember the miming show Kommotion… fantastic times and I’m still in contact with Rob now and then. I’m hoping if he makes a return visit and that my health also makes a return visit, the four of us will be able to do it all again. 

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  12. 39 minutes ago, Stiff Arm said:

    28 to claim that the light bulb 'isn't the right guy', and that the world really is flat

    I recently joined the Flat Earth Friends group on Facebook, and I’ve never seen such a busy group in all my years of Facebook use! I’m positive that the vast majority are there to extract the urine, or for the laughs (I sure as hell am), of which there are plenty. You’ll encounter some of the best creative writing you’re likely to read, coupled with ideas and comments that are both pure genius and so astoundingly stupid at the same time, they’ll have you pulling your hair out by the roots… as Molly would say, “Do yourselves a favour…”.

    But be warned, if you join the page, it will overrun your feed like an out of control Lantana infestation… but still, I cannot recommend it highly enough regardless!!

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  13. 4 hours ago, rjay said:

    No Dingoes?

    or Midnight Oil?

    I've also got to say Divinyls is one of the best live rock bands I've seen.

    Yes, bad oversights on my part, but in my defence it was just a quick brain dump of what was in my mind at the time… before The Dingoes I’d probably also have to put Carson (aka Carson County Boogie Band).

    I’m a bit surprised (disappointed?) with myself for having overlooked the Oils and the Divinyls. I used to go and watch the Divinyls playing in a small Paddington pub (The Grand National) in the early 80’s before they recorded and became ‘famous’… great live band!

    Theres probably quite a few others that I failed to include such as Chain, The Triffids, The Go-Betweens, The Masters Apprentices and so on. It’s a good memory test 😁

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  14. I’ll have a go at a list, but there’s no way I’ll get to anywhere near 100 as im too lazy and for that very reason, they will be in no particular order (won’t bother numbering them).

    Australasian bands:

    The Sports

    Jo Jo Zep and the Falcons

    Company Caine

    Spectrum/Indelible Murtceps

    La De Das

    Kevin Borich Express


    Wendy Saddington

    Renee Geyer

    Split Enz 

    The Living End

    Paul Kelly (all incarnations)

    Archie Roach

    Warrumpi Band


    The Loved Ones


    Bee Gees

    The Purple Hearts

    Lobby Lloyd


    The Boys Next Door

    The Birthday Party

    Nick Cave’s Bad Seeds

    Not Drowning Waving

    My Friend the Chocolate Cake

    Mackenzie Theory

    Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band


    Bands Outside of Australasia:

    Mothers of Invention


    Rolling Stones

    The Residents 


    Pretty Things

    David Bowie

    Pink Floyd

    The Specials

    Elvis Costello (all incarnations)


    Billy Bragg

    Link Wray

    Tom Waits

    The Velvet Underground 

    Talking Heads

    Lou Reed

    The Members

    The Clash

    The Jam

    Alberto Y Los Trios Paranoias

    The Bonzo Doo Dah Dog Band

    Viv Stanshall

    The Sensational Alex Harvey Band

    Van Morrison

    Roy Harper

    Kevin Coyne

    Tim Buckley 

    Ry Cooder

    Ryuichi Sakamoto 

    YMO (Yellow Magic Orchestra)

    The Blue Hearts

    Neko Case

    Genesis (but only with Peter Gabriel)


    Be Bop Deluxe

    King Crimson

    Robert Fripp

    Fleetwood Mac (but only with Peter Green)

    Albert Lee

    Pop Will Eat Itself

    Hank Williams

    Robert Gordon

    Jeff Beck

    Johnny Burnette’s Rock and Roll Trio

    Jimi Hendrix Experience/Band of Gypsys 

    Nick Lowe

    and on it goes…



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  15. 1 hour ago, layzie said:

    I gotta say I was really into Succession and got up to the last season but never finished it. No real reason but I'm not much of a binge TV watcher and something else probably came up which made me forget. Worth finishing?

    I thought it was definitely worth seeing through… the final season was probably the weakest, but it still rates as one of the best shows thanks to it consistently being above average.

    If you have Netflix and haven’t already been watching, Kim’s Convenience is a terrific series that’s been running for maybe 5 seasons, each of 10 episodes (I think it is).

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