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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 3 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Don’t even mention Kolt’s hair. It’s a bone of contention between us. I told him I don’t like the string (it’s not even a headband) and he said, “you don’t like any of my hairstyles… maybe you tell me how I should wear it?” And buggered if I knew what to say. 😅

    I like Kolt’s style… he’s like a shrinky dink (remember those?) version of Ben Brown!

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Flowergirl said:

    The way the team got around Judd after his first goal was indicative of the great things about our team. 

    Even more impressive was when they got around Pickett who was obviously feeling out of sorts and slightly embarrassed about his performance in the first three quarters.

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  3. Pickett has been the laziest player on the ground today… just jogging around, applying pretty much zero pressure… thankfully one of the only times he did apply a little pressure and got his only possession, resulted in a goal assist.

    I’m loving Turner’s game, Hore is showing a bit down back, Rivers managed to get himself somewhat back on track after a horrendous first quarter, Salem has been mostly good, but I have to wonder what has gone wrong with his kicking game. I’m not McVee is ready for a move to the midfield yet, having had only four possessions.

    Here’s hoping McVee, Fritsch and Puckett can get themselves more involved in the second half.

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  4. On 13/08/2024 at 16:55, DeelightfulPlay said:

    Wow, y'all would hate Sydney.  I live in one of the nicer suburbs over SCG way and regularly see rats and cockroaches... I'm always impressed by how clean Melbourne is whenever I visit 😂

    Hah! Where I am in Dulwich Hill, cockies and rats aren’t such an issue… maybe the terrific bush turkeys that live in my street, scare them away.

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  5. 4 hours ago, FearTheBeard said:

    You have stated "Judging her on how she carries herself is irrelevant"

    I can't be bothered arguing with you if you can't comprehend how ridiculous a comment that is.

    Do you even understand what “how she carries herself” means… it’s a reference to your “red dress” comment. I think it might be you that has the comprehension issue.

    • Like 1
  6. 51 minutes ago, FearTheBeard said:

    lol never heard a more incorrect opinion in my life.

    You are basically saying that it’s ok if the club financials are doing well but everyone in the club hates eachother and are sick of all the off field leaders 


    Where did I say anything that even slightly alludes to what you said?? I’m basically saying that how she dresses at any function has absolutely no relationship to how she might or might not perform her duties at the Dees. I was saying that you did not need to make mention of that… just discuss the actual topic which is about her performance at the club.

    I’m not saying anything is ok. I know there are obviously issues at the club that MUST be addressed, but I’m not engaging in hyperbole that is based on rumours (everyone hating each other etc).


    • Like 2
  7. Just now, FearTheBeard said:

    Based on the last 2 years her ability is clearly lacking.

    Then that’s all that needs to be mentioned. Judging her on how she carries herself, is irrelevant.

  8. On 13/08/2024 at 09:00, FearTheBeard said:

    To sum her up, I was at the King's Birthday awards ceremony last year where she received an award. Everyone is very humble and happy to be there and dressed in black tie for the governor. She struts in, in a bright red suit like she was the best thing on the planet. I just reckon that says a lot about a person and who they actually are as a leader.

    The Japanese have a great expression “Deru kugi wa utareru” that translates as “The nail that sticks out, gets hammered down”. It’s probably best to judge her on her actual ability.

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  9. 3 hours ago, david_neitz_is_my_dad said:

    Morris is a Melbourne supporter

    So maybe it’s Morris who, like many of us, is frustrated with the direction the club has been taking, and is using his position in the media to invent a scenario, using Trac as his ‘foil’, in an effort to get them to do something.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    They roughed him up at halftime as well

    Yeah, I missed that, but did hear about it. He looks like a twig, but stands up to opponents like a Goliath! He’s going to be something really special… now, if only we could somehow lure him to the Dees!

    • Like 3
  11. 27 minutes ago, No10 said:

    … except it was Mac Andrew

    That didn’t actually worry me… what I loved was the fact that he’d just been roughed up by a couple of Essendung players a minute before, and got to rub their faces in it, and he got to give the crowd a big “Shhhhhhhhh!!”. Pure gold!!

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  12. 5 minutes ago, waynewussell said:

    A few mistakes in the final three minutes was the difference.

    Not mistakes… it was a complete lack of effort in the last minute or so, that allowed Port to kick it amongst themselves, when we should have been pressuring them!  I suggest people take a look at the last minute of the Suns v Essendon match.

    • Like 4
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  13. Just a couple of observations… how is it possible that Port could have a louder crowd than the Dees, and secondly, in the closing minute of the game, how could we just stand back and let them time waste, without even attempting to push up on them??  

    I just caught the end of the Suns v Essendon game, and it was night vs day..they attacked and attacked right up until the last second (almost literally) and got the chocolates!!

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  14. 1 hour ago, Hellaintabadplacetobe said:

    The battered sav! Gotta love fatso the fat arsed wombat.

    Some of the best TV of all time.

    “The ‘sloop’ pointing north.” during the gymnastics.

    • Haha 1
  15. 19 minutes ago, pitmaster said:

    For a sane insight into Olympics commentary check out Rampaging Roy and HG Nelson's daily show on ABC RN called  People, Medals and Cheese. Very funny and ripped into McGuire a couple of days back, having lifted an eyebrow about Tubby's efforts in the diving earlier.


    I love HG & Roy! The Dream (show) that they had during the Sydney Olympics was brilliant (I have the DVDs of it)!

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  16. I am usually optimistic, but the past few weeks have seen my optimism stretched to the point where I’m happy that we’ll not put in as bad a performance against Port as did the Swans!

    if we do win I’ll be over the moon, but failing that, I’m hopeful that the likes of Jefferson and Verrall etc might get games in the final two rounds.

    • Like 2
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  17. 2 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Really? That’s ridiculous. Ok, maybe Matthew Mitcham is unavailable but surely we have a raft of former divers who could commentate. 

    He does have a fellow commentator who I think is a former diver, but Tubby tends to hog the commentary 😁

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