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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. Do you know what i love, right now you bag him and spit on his name..

    But if next week he has 25 possies and shreds it, youll be back on the ban wagon, just like with Jack Trengove.

    He was not that bad today, at some points he wasnt great, but what do you expect when people like you are whipping him constantly. Do have confidence through the roof?

    lay off buddy.

    Hell come good

    I agree it's time to lay off him.

    He was not as bad as he is being painted and is being played way out of position. I don't get why we don't run him through the middle at times or even try him up forward.

    • Like 2
  2. Andrian Anderson? Perfect CEO or not? We must get a proven powerful CEO with strong leadership the only other one for me would be Eugene arocca he seems to have left a fairly strong culture are north! Adrian Anderson would be my pick Demitriou may take a stronger liking to us haha

    Not the right choice for the club. background in football operation matters so likely to want to be involved in the footy department which is not what we want.

    Also limited experience in the business side of football, we need someone who has strong business experience in marketing and sponsorships.

    I cant see him fitting the bill.

    • Like 1
  3. An interim CEO in the meantime..

    As i mentioned last nite:

    Adrian Anderson does something for Cricket Australia until mid year.. then..?

    Id be talking to him now..

    Exactly the wrong choice for us. Schwab lite and no CEO experience. Pass
  4. Whateley demonstrates in an unbiased article how deeply entrenched our problems are.

    Watts wrong with Melbourne? Here's a good place to start, writes Gerard Whateley


    We need to start listening to this feedback.

    One thing is clear we don't demand people play at 100% about 60% is adequate or use their god given skills.

    Week after week Sylvia is allowed to put in half arsed efforts,most talented player on our list but never ever putting in a full game.

    Ditto frawley at the moment seems to be waiting to leave.

    Jack should turn up at training sans beard and say I want to play CHF. Col should demand to play on the ball and run all game or at least that's what neeld should demand.

    Headduckers should be demoted for one instance of that.

    • Like 1
  5. and again..

    Mark Robinson@Robbo_heraldsun

    the expectation today is there will NOT be an announcement about Melbourne and the tanking investigation

    I just watched the video and Caro said today.

    Robbo must be wrong, like Don.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't think it has. The AFL has leaked about us for months. Clearly to organize today's presser the Crime Commission had to inform lots of people, politicians, various codes and print the report. It is quite likely there would be a leak at a late stage, for example 2 days ago a supporter of a certain club working at the printers.... gosh I could take CW's job,

    Clearly ACC does not leak that would be extraordinary and explains why Essendon suddenly knew about it. No doubt they were told what was going to be in the report release today over the weekend.

    Doubt the AFL knew much earlier.

  7. As in - they have names and will prosecute?

    No doubt from earlier presser is that they have names but cant release them for obvious statutory restrictions not to mention, operational and privacy reasons.

    Vic Pol saying use of performance enhancing drugs more problematic from a prosecution point of view but use of illicit drugs and fixing will be subject to possible prosecution.

  8. page 28:

    The ACC has identified a range of substances that have limited to no history of use

    in humans, are not approved for human use, or their use is considered ‘off-label’.

    Substances being administered to players include:

    • afamelanotide and melanocyte stimulating hormone (Melanotan™ I and II)

    • AOD-9604—an anti-obesity drug currently going through human clinic trials

    • Cerebrolysin™—a peptide extract from pig brain which is used to treat

    alzheimer’s and stroke victims

    • a form of Interleukin not prohibited by WADA—used in the treatment of burns

    and inflammation associated with trauma (some other forms of Interleukin are

    prohibited by WADA)

    • TA-65™—a drug which acts on a section of the DNA and is purported to reduce

    ageing at the cellular level

    • Actovegin™—calf blood extract (used by a route of administration which is not

    prohibited by WADA).

    While these substances are not prohibited by WADA, due to a lack of long-term clinical

    studies on the use of these substances or their ‘off-label’ use, their potential impact on

    the health of players—both short and long-term—is unknown.

    The apparent willingness of some high-performance coaches, trainers and sports

    scientists to administer WADA-prohibited and experimental drugs and their advocacy

    of ‘off-label’ substance use, raises concerns over the welfare of players who are being

    administered these substances and broader issues for sports administrators in Australia.

    It was also identified that some high-performance coaching staff utilised medical staff
    rom outside their respective clubs to administer substances to players. In some cases,

    the medical staff administering these substances were not communicating with the

    appointed team doctors nor advising team doctors of the treatments or substances

    being administered to players. No party appeared to be maintaining comprehensive

    medical records in relation to treatments being given to players. (my underlining).

  9. page 27:

    The ACC has identified specific high-performance staff, sports scientists and

    coaches within some codes who have condoned and/or orchestrated the administration

    of prohibited substances, and substances not yet approved for human consumption,

    to players.

    In some cases, peptides and other substances were administered to players without

    them understanding the nature of the substances, and without the knowledge of the

    team doctor or club medical staff.

  10. Report page 17 is dynamite.....

    Elite Athletes 15

    Widespread use of peptides has been identified, or is suspected by the ACC, in a number

    of professional sporting codes in Australia. Although the use of peptides appears to be

    more widespread in some major codes, individuals from a number of other sports are also

    suspected of using peptides.

    Multiple players (in one code) from a number of clubs are suspected of currently using or

    having previously used peptides, which could constitute an anti-doping rule violation.16

    Some players have also been identified as sourcing peptides for personal use. An instance

    of team-based doping, orchestrated by some club officials and coaching staff, has also been


    Apart from the peptide’s anabolic effects, it has been found that injured elite athletes,

    particularly players from one sporting code, have been using peptides to assist in

    rehabilitating soft tissue injuries.

    While the level of suspected use of peptides varies between sporting codes, officials

    from one club have been identified as administering, via injections and intravenous drips,

    a variety of substances, possibly including peptides. Moreover, the substances were

    administered at levels which were possibly in breach of WADA anti-doping rules. This

    activity was orchestrated by some club officials and the club’s high performance unit.

    While intelligence confirms the use of peptides in major sporting codes, it further suggests

    that individuals in a range of other codes may also be using peptides.

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