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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. 7 minutes ago, bush demon said:

    Don't actually think this is so.

    Hawthorn lost Franklin, Geelong, Ablett, Adelaide, Tippett and Dangerfield yet they are all in the top part of the table. Hogan's case isn't as desire as painted by Dee tragics. He seemed to glide around at Casey Scorpions level and had an ok kicking action, but now seems too big, stuck in the goal square, and plants his non-kicking foot deep into the soil every time he roosts it a la Earl of Spaulding.

    I just come here to see if there is any news, I should know better by now. I'd like him to stay. Trades other than A graders generally are hope over reality as is the talk of the value of a high draft pick (always a lottery). Hogan is a known quantity who will get better. As for "stuck in the goal square" I didnt see that, in fact he takes very good marks at high half forward and wing and spends a lot of time roaming. His kicking will improve. I think he is really hard on himself which is a problem and he gets all the attention from the backs often double teamed.

    As for the responses here to his decision process most of the responses sound a bit like a discussion between bachelorettes my niece forced me to watch on the bachelor. Speaking of which some way back someone mentioned he had split with his girlfriend that sort of thiing could be a major factor in his poor form if my distant memory of  that sort of thing is right. He may have a sick family member at home. Just so many things that cold be going on.

    I noticed unlike other clubs we have made no list announcements which suggests to me we are talking to him and others and need to align everything first. I just hope Mahony isn't seen holding a red rose.


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  2. 1 hour ago, jnrmac said:

    Interesting but useless fact.

    There are now no players names John in the entire list of AFL players

    But more Jacks / Toms than you can poke a stick at.... any Robbies?

  3. I know nothing about this guy but how is it that you can get on an AFL list and not be able to kick. Its always amazes me that this happens. Its fundamental to the game. Indeed I think that at this level if you are within 40 m of the goal and 45 degress from the centre line it should be a certainty that you will goal.

  4. To expand it a bit:

    Norm Smith Memorial Trophy (Coaches Award): Nev Jetta / J Hunt

    Ron Barassi Jnr Trophy (Leadership Award):Chris Dawes /Jack Watts

    Harold Ball Memorial Trophy (Best Young Player): J Hunt

    Ian Ridley Memorial Trophy (Club Ambassador Award): Jack Watts

    James McDonald Trophy (Heart and Spirit Award): Maximus

    Troy Broadbridge Memorial Trophy (Best Melbourne-listed player in the VFL): ? Jack Grimes

  5. 12 hours ago, SaberFang said:

    In the first 16 years of the AFL, a spread of 10 teams won a premiership (in a 16 team competition).

    In the last 11 years, only 5 teams have won a premiership (Hawthorn, Sydney, Geelong, West Coast and Collingwood), with 3 of these teams making up this year's top 4 - the other being the AFL funded, concession-riddled GWS, given handout after handout to ensure success. This has also resulted in an 18-team competition, making the likelihood of premiership success even smaller for clubs at the bottom.

    The AFL are directly responsible for this mess. They've created it with the introduction of expansion clubs and free agency at the same time; gutting struggling clubs of their access to talent, both via an inability to access the draft's best talent for 4 successive years, and the ability for expansion clubs to take other club's players without giving anything up (essentially free agency). And all to prop-up these plastic franchises, one of which is an unmitigated disaster after 6 years, the other struggling to even hit 10,000 members. Then, to top it all off, creating a mechanism of free passage for the competitions's best players to the "successful" clubs where they don't have to sacrifice any draft assets -- this was the key pillar of an equalised draft and trade period, now left in ruins.

    Their laughable "equalisation policy," basically devised and signed off by the likes of Eddie McGuire (a bit like the dunderheads in Labor having miners sign off on their laughable mining tax), has been a complete failure that made no in-roads whatsoever in helping struggling clubs actually climb the ladder and realise success.

    Considering Eddie's very own team have only achieved two premierships since 1958, maybe it's dawning on him that the system is fundamentally broken now. A sad state of affairs when the Collingwood president would be more aware of the state of this competition than the incompetent moron currently in charge.

    Agree its time to limit to end the farce that trading has developed into these days.


  6. Just watched Roos presser and he said that Grimes and Trengove had a significant impact on the club and its ability to improve, two of the best quality people he has met in Footy.

    Roos is all class as are Grimes and Trengove. As I said above I am delighted with the Trenners decision and if Grimes doesn't stay he will have my respect and admiration. I hope the club handles the situation in the best way possible.

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  7. I have no idea about his talent but I am wary of any Essendon player who has been on the sideline.

    First I am not sure a year off is either mentally or physically a good thing for a player but their routine changes (the holiday pics only confirm this in my mind) and they start the off-season a long way behind everyone else. Second they must carry some mental baggage from the whole saga and there is no reliable precedent to judge how they will perform/react. The fact he doesn't want to go back suggests at least some baggage and having seen some ex Essendon players talk in the media its clear they still have real issues about the whole saga. Third we dont really know if the baseline of their previous performance was affected by the program at Essendon. Finally Goodwin maintaining a connection to his Essendon days just seems to me to be a bad idea. He needs to build something new with his team at Melbourne and find other players with the qualities he requires (and admired in some players at Essendon).

    So I would not like to be giving up a pick to get someone with all those issues. Its hard enough being an AFL player. If we get him gratis so be it. We have taken a risk with Melksham and I see no need to double down now.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Pates said:

    Great stuff from both of them! OMac was pretty scratchy for a while there (understandable he is still developing) but he has definitely been improving in recent weeks.

    TMac I never really thought he was going to leave, even though he put off the contract talks I think it was to gauge the clubs development before deciding. Hard to argue with how we're going now! If he can get rid of his brain farts he would be an excellent player for us, as it is he is still very important and he's in Red and Blue for another 2 years. 

    Not to ruin the moment but anyone else find TMac's choice of the 2 year deal surprising?

    Not really I met him and said earlier in the thread that I think is is very Ernest and would be keen to do the best monetary deal possible. Fair enough. I think it shows he thinks he will do better with a short deal now and keep ramping it up.  No doubt we will restart our negotiations again this time next year. Both parties will know then if success is on its way. 


  9. 14 hours ago, leucopogon said:

    I'm seriously beginning to doubt this, he doesn't appear to have a very good football brain to me. Makes some very ordinary decisions, is next to useless when the ball hits the deck (no second efforts), always takes an eternity to kick after a mark, and can't kick set shots reliably from more than 40 m out.

    I think you need to compare his output to other great forwards at the same age. the figures I saw on couch put him well ahead. He is very good pushing up the ground etc. We forget he is really a CHF who is being asked to play FF. Yesterday he 2 opponents most times. Our issue is the 2 big forward. Dawes was ok at times but is not an arial threat so 2 go to Hogan.


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  10. 24 minutes ago, praha said:

    Won't get close. We just don't win these games. Even when we are going well we don't win them.

    Whatever else we have been this team is not the cellar dweller of the past. As a mid table team with upside we are now always a chance of an upset. If we are on and they are a bit off thats enough for a win.


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  11. 34 minutes ago, Older demon said:

    The figure is speculative but for arguments sake lets say it is close, then as all the commentators agree, you have to pay overs to get someone to move, especially interstate. Sydney may have $700K on the table but I would like to think that MFC can retain him for less as Tom will need the extra coin to live up North. If Dawes is on $500K and about to take a pay cut then Tom is entitled to start at that figure and reach a suitable agreement somewhere between that and what others are offering.

    How can Sydney offer that? Beggars belief. Agree with the conclusion but we probably think we can get a comparable player at less than $700K and want to spend our $'s elsewhere. We have several mids who will command a higher return. Having met Tom once he struck me as very ernest and I suspect will push for the best deal he can do for himself (and I dont mean that in a bad way). It wont happen overnight.

  12. 25 minutes ago, bush demon said:

    Can only asume the source is someone close to the Pres. and that Jesse approved its the disclosure. It suggests that he is trying to shut down conjecture and we are the likely end result. Of course the club needs some certainty before it commits to other trade decisions.

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