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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. Let me buck the trend, we are not as bad as some of the posts suggest. The game was lost in a couple of ways. Pedo tried hard but wasn't up to the task on the day. We allowed their ruck to drift in from the side too often. Why oh why did we take TMac out of the backline?  

    Can Oscar play forward? He and Frosty took 7 marks each on the weekend. It would give us options including to run Watts through he ruck and middle more. Watts is a much better player when he is forced to work hard which putting him in the ruck has done. His second half was much better last week. 

    Out: JHK, Hannan, Bugg.

    In:  Kent Stretch and Trengove.

  2. It shows the enormous respect other footballers have for Jones I dont think there is any backhander there at all.

    "..... the footballing world watched Jones toil for years in a midfield where he had little support, as he cracked in contest after contest, often against bigger bodies and often against the odds."

    Other players may be called "Premiership player" but few have the qualities shown by Jones, he learnt from his early barging mistakes and went on to make the most of the skills he had been given. Whilst not "gifted" he has outperformed many who were blessed by the footy gods. He has been resilient and persistent.

    His effort and commitment to the Dees is second to none.  

    • Like 2
  3. The weak links were ANB, Bugg and JKH (and Jetts didn't have his best of days) and our kicking (and OMAc's usual hand pass to someone under pressure).  I don't think Kent is ready yet so the only likely change is Stretch with Trenners coming in for consideration but the question is what role does he play? 

    JHK had only one tackle with ANB and Bugg collecting 2 (Melksham 1 as well), we lacked forward pressure at some vital points whihc is a shame given we got it in to the 50 so many times. 

    Out: ANB or JHK (flip a coin) (both if Hogan comes back)

    In Stretch.



    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, SFebey said:

    Thats odd, it was said on Sunday that he has been very good around the club prior to the Frem game and someone here said they bumped into him leaving the ground also. Others may like to confirm but plenty of BS out there either way.

    If true that he may not play for family health issues that is sad for him and his family. It may be in a state of flux. I thought he looked out of sorts in his last match and whilst not excusing his actions it may explain the brain fade. If there is an issue at home then it may be better he doesn't play. 



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  5. Spencil was a revelation in the JLT and is not just a make do replacement for Gawny. I hope he is thinking along the lines Max did last year. 

    So business as usual for our rucking arrangement other than is it possible the penny dropped for Watts last week? I certainly hope so as he gave us extra drive and contest at the stoppages. I am unconvinced we suddenly have no depth with Hogan, Lewis, Hibbert, Frost, Brayshaw, Bugg, Pedo, Wagner all sitting in the wings. 

    After last week Weeds is a dilemma, he had little impact but our forward line worked (apart from accuracy which has to be an anomaly) so do we change the structure? My guess is at this stage unless Frost is ready we stick with him.  I thought Smith was ok for first time in and he should be given another chance. Hannan showed signs as well. The question for both and the coaches is are they really up to the step up or just finding their feet? I suspect the coaches think the latter. 

    So i expect no change other than Spencil. 

    The team ( and Spencil) will have something to prove as well. 

    • Like 4
  6. I doubt we will go for Spence. At the presser after round one Goody commented that Watts was presenting and bashing the pack which is what they had asked of him. On that basis you can only assume our forward plan is to be quick and agile around the forward line. Its time for Weeds to step up. We will bring in more run this week. 

    If the Scott brother (cant be bothered to work out who is who) doesn't contest the ruck that will be a bad mistake Gawny will just take the ball and feed it off. That will take Dangerwood out of the game. 

    Its an irony that some think that we may be better suited to Etihad than the G. 

    The best bit is that I don't feel the loss of Lewis and Hogan is a fatal blow to our chances this week. 

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, RalphiusMaximus said:

    I tend to think that Nev is probably the least naturally talented of the AFL Jettas, but he is by far the most professional and hardest working.  That's the reason he's so highly regarded within the club.  

    Have to agree with this tries at 100% all the time, size or skill of opponent is irrelevant he just gives it his all.

    Setting an example to others in the team. 

  8. Many down this week and we won.  Love Goodwins approach in the presser thanks fans and responds to the predictable and lazy, glad to get the bogey out of the way question with " like I said last week" or weren't you listening stupid we are looking forward.

    what is nice is I always felt we would get the 4 points despite many poor performances. And I won't have a grumpy Monday. Now that's a win in our household. 

    • Like 1
  9. Jones is always underrated, I think he had a better game than Clarrie as he stood up as a leader and was instrumental in the momentum shift in the game. On that basis he should be in before Clarrie (who had a great game). Funny how people become favorites of the commentators, the umpires and fans such that they have to do less to impress. That said I think Gawnie is a favorite of the umps and is getting a good run from the umps. (someone will find a stat to prove me wrong).


  10. 1 hour ago, Brownie said:

    should we be training at the beach or maybe an ice rink to prepare for this one?

    If the date is right hard to imagine it will be in a safe state to play. I hope they swallow their pride  and move it if its not ready to go. 


  11. Despite Viney going missing in the first half, Trac being off trac, Oscar having walked the nullabour, Tyson forgetting in the off season that we are red and blue not gold and blue and our inability our zone to move with the the Weagles switch it wasn't too bad.  A timely reminder to a young team. What we did see was clear evidence we are not far off being a consistent team. Minus Tysons direct turnovers by foot and Oscar being outworked by Kennedy it would have been a tight run thing. Still plenty to get excited about compared to previous years.

    Oliver and Hunt, fantastic. Gawn was dominant in the ruck despite not having his best game.

    Personally i cant wait for round one despite it being St Kilda which will be a tough game.  

    • Like 2
  12. 6 minutes ago, Abe said:

    I don't know why Carlton do 99% of what they do lol SOS is doing a very average job so far there though so they will feel the pain soon enough.

    out of curiosity what do you reckon Gibbs is worth in a trade? i reckon they were asking way to much

    I am truly baffled.

    Gibbs worth a first and late 2nd or 3rd but no more. But what would I know, O'Meara worth burning down the house over at the Hawks.

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