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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. According to bigfooty, Watts is off to Richmond

    The problem with a statement like that is what is coming back the other way?

    I am not saying we wouldn't trade him for the right deal but i dont see what this deal is at the moment.

    Indeed its the problem with a number of the palyers who annouce where they are off to the clubs involved still have to geta a deal off the ground and this year do first round draft picks mean much?

    Unless we are offered a deal that is a clear upgrade why would we trade?

    • Like 1
  2. Our problem is now with the depth.

    Riley, ANB , Michie were passengers. Garlett went missing. Howe is just doing enough and no more.

    Out: Pedersen, Michie, Riley and possibly ANB

    In: Dawes, Fitz, M.Jones and Terlich?

  3. I was in Alice recently and the ground up there will be "firm" so I doubt we will risk anyone carrying a knee or calf. No Tyson or Dawes.

    Viney might come in but it will be as a sub.

    Jetta will be demanding to play and I understood that he was likely to be ok for this week.

    Brayshaw was very stiff ffrom his corky last week and it would not surprise me if he is about due to be rested so he is fresh for the 3 weeks into the break.

    • Like 1
  4. So how was the foundation heroes night after such a putrid performance ?

    So what is the real deal with Watts

    Will we find out?

    The night started slowly but with a room full of supporters determined for the club to do well you cant help feel more optimistic.

    I spoke to a senior person in the Football department who said it was good for the players to be there seeing that they have supporters behind them rather than being home on the couch stewing over the loss and reading social media. He said that players get no chance these days to be out of the spotlight unlike when he played and they read the social media about their performances (like this forum) which is a major player management issue. He was glad they were away from that for an evening in a friendly and positive enviroment. I think you will find the real deal with Watts is they want to give him a chance to play a bit of footy out of the spotlight.

    I didn't go near Roos who in his unguarded moments looked filthy. Nathan Jones was clearly very upset by the loss (he is carrying a small niggle from gardening earlier in the year which flares up from time to time). Every player I spoke to was hoping Roos meant it when he said there would be no review, they all knew the performance stank and was unacceptable.

    Nev is unlikely to play next week but will be back the week after.

    • Like 9
  5. Sounds like there is more to tell JJC. Care to share some more with us?

    I was there as well. Lumumba spoke with great passion about the club.

    He clearly loves the club and wants to do well for the players who have been through the hard times. He made a point of singling out a few players including Garland.

    Lumumba wears his heart on his sleeve which is not everyones cup of tea but he clearly cares about his team mates. I was very impressed.

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