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Everything posted by Rogue

  1. Petterd's probably another, but there's plenty of room to field all four in the same side, as Green and Sylvia are already frequently play further up the ground.
  2. Newton and Hughes have an excellent opportunity to stake their claim, particularly with Jurrah out for at least half the season. Dunn started his career looking like a 'natural' forward to me, but - as others have said - he has a big question mark over his overhead marking. I like him as a push-up forward, in a similar role to the one Miller has played. In a TD match v North, I think it was, T-Mac looked really good kicking into the F50 a few times. I think Warnock playing forward was done in order to develop Trengove
  3. So, someone starts up a new website and wants some hits... What better way to get people than create a thread about a 'provocative' Demons-related article on the new website? Nice advertising, very savvy - no better place to market than team fan forums, and it's free.
  4. If he plays the season he's likely to kick 30+ goals - he averages 1.4 goals p/game in his 21 games so far. I'd tell Newton that he's going to get an extended run throughout the first half of the season, providing he does the things required of him that he can control (present, chase, tackle, etc.). Fitzpatrick looks extremely raw to me, and I think it may be too early.
  5. Regarding players being encouraged not to read Demonland, I'm sure they're also encouraged not to take to heart abuse from the crowd during games or 'advice' from Joe Blow down the street on a Saturday night. I accept there are some differences, but the principle is the same. PS. I'm not sure why anyone would think posting on Demonland is directly 'supporting' the Club - does anyone think chatting to their Demon mates at a [non-affiliated] pub/venue 'supporting' the Club, 'the fork'? - but it's not the evil that some seem to be intimating.
  6. I can't see why we wouldn't be playing there. I assumed the Casey game was scheduled in Week 4 to increase the likelihood that we would be in the NAB Challenge. Any idea on what day the Casey game will be played, casey scorp?
  7. No preseason game is 'critical' but if there was one that was it'd be the game that I assume is in Casey in a week and a half. A nice showing at our south-eastern 'campus' and some momentum going into round 1 - for both the team and the supporters - would be nice.
  8. Not at all. I'm just not sure why some people seem so quick to jettison their previously strongly-held views, regarding both DB's contract extension and our chances for the upcoming future.
  9. The idea that third-party deals are either disallowed and/or unrestricted by the AFL is a myth. On top of the salary cap is a 'marketing/sponsorship' cap that, as far as I can tell, runs along the same lines as the salary cap. However, there's no minimum that Clubs must pay (unlike the salary cap stipulation of ~92.5% iirc). Fwiw, I've posted about this before.
  10. I find some of the reactions pretty funny, particularly given the discussions that have been going on over the past year regarding a potential contract extension! First, the majority view has been that we couldn't or wouldn't give DB a one-year contract extension, as we would have to (or be very likely to) sign him up for more than that. I disagreed emphatically with this view, and am glad that the Club has not decided we needed to give a two (or three!) year contract extension! Second, the majority view has been that DB deserved a contract extension and/or that we must extend his contract. However, following Mike Sheehan's article, in which he states the obvious regarding DB - he ain't going anywhere - some are suddenly swayed by this argument when they've disregarded it before...perhaps I should change my username to Mike Anyway, this is a molehill made out to be a mountain. AFL coaching contracts aren't worth the paper they're written on (in terms of a guarantee that you'll hold the job for the duration of the contract). PS. It'd also be interesting to see how the views of user's have changed following NAB Cup Round 1. The mood on Demonland certainly seems to have changed.
  11. The crowd reaction at the intraclub match when he exhibited a nice turning circle when out on the lead was quite funny.
  12. I imagine most supporters who see this match as critical will either have already signed up or will sign up. The less 'hardcore' supporters probably won't particularly care about round one NAB Cup, let alone watch the game, given it's Sunday 8:40 on Fox.
  13. I don't think it's uncommon to have back-related soft tissue injuries in the legs (ie. hamstrings etc).
  14. Jaded ensured it was a versatile accessory
  15. Freo might be battlers but so are we, and it's over there. Oh, and it's round one of the NAB Cup. Critical? Nowhere near it IMHO.
  16. I don't really understand the animosity towards Brumby helping out his Club, particularly when you compare it to the angst from time to time directed at Melbourne's high-profile supporters when some feel they aren't doing enough for their Club. As for whether Obama 'barak-ing' for Melbourne would be a plus, I doubt it'd be a negative. PS. Even if we're no shot at getting Obama, it's a nice way of getting Melbourne in the papers. It reminds me of the Club's ploy of milking the media re: Luke Ball.
  17. I didn't get that impression, given he made another comment along similar lines a little later in the interview (iirc, there was a a slightly tongue-in-cheek 'good luck to [brisbane]' remark re: the Fev recruitment). I think you made a good choice, given that posters on here and Demonology have provided some nice summaries of the AGM/Members Info Night.
  18. Ask the residents of Rowville (and Doncaster?) about this
  19. It's fair enough to ask the question, but I wouldn't drop him for the last match of this series. If Hauritz was out, Jaded would have to be a chance. (We've tried just about everyone else).
  20. Bond > Lee is a good call from 45HG. I'll refrain from also having some shots at WYL (:D) but will just say that there's no surprise Waugh won when he bowled first - he would have only done so if it was going to confer significant advantage, and he was leading a very good side. I don't think we've been 'settled up top for so long'. For example, Hughes and Watson have both nabbed opening gigs relatively recently. Cam White would be a decent replacement for North - both somewhat handy with the ball and White can slip. Whether he's the next best bat waiting in the wings I'm not entirely convinced, but we could do worse. As RR said, Haddin's place is 7 (I'm not sure, but I thought you were having some jabs at his batting a while back). McDonald isn't good enough to bring in as a batsman and we don't need an all-rounder atm IMO. Damn :<
  21. I disagree - it's not that simple. In the last decade or so we've performed quite well on-field if you look at something like finals appearances. Perhaps you're talking about having premiership wins or having one of the elite players of the competition, but that didn't turn into financial success for North in the 90s.
  22. Pretty good timing, given the public pressure put on him by Hilditch about needing a spinner who could play a big role in the final innings of a Test!
  23. 1) Windows still has a huge market share. 2) Security is already becoming a more pressing concern for Mac users (refer the latest Macworld mag cover story).
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