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Everything posted by Footynut

  1. Yes because Moloney is a gun...seriously...Viney is the next Selwood...
  2. Will Neville Jetta ever play again....seriously it's been forever
  3. Well this is left field but I think Schwab could do worse than to 'poach' Sheedy next year to be our spokesperson. We could do with a spruiker who talks trash and puts on a front for club pride. That would let Neeldy get on with the footy out of the spotlight. Ultimate slap back in the face of GWS and the AFL take Sheedy from under their nose.
  4. Love these Daily Margot! Loved the Carlton rallying the AFL to move the GF to April!
  5. i noted it was more our players don't have the capability to keep running to provide movement to kick to where as Collingwood did all day. Our guys stand there waiting for the ball to be kicked on their head at contest. Collingwood are well drilled and create space for each other or they run and provide more movement dragging the zone around until they find a free player. We don't seem to be fit enough to do that.
  6. Club could make some great money out this as a tshirt!
  7. Simply cannot agree more RB. We will have ups and downs, its important we all keep perspective but gee im going to enjoy this week!
  8. Absolutely - one of the best moments I have had as a supporter following this club. The lady in front of me turned around and hugged me, high 5s from supporters next to me. Then my better half and I headed to the bullring bar in the depths of the MCC members and joined the whole bar jumping up and down singing the song non stop! What an amazing night!!!!!
  9. Even my wife said that sounded like the perfect day!!
  10. - 6 Jackie - Gone missing -5 Hardnut - dont have the humility to admit when you got it wrong and then try and take credit when it goes right? -4 David King - What was that David 'I have no idea' King? -3 Leigh Matthews - what was that he said about Jack Watts? Did he look like a number 1 draft pick tonight? -2 Tony Shaw - Go run into some more trees you irrelevant smurf -1 Essendon supporter who told me at the ground before the game he would be the only one leaving with a smile on his face! +6 Mark Neeld - A man who stands by his convictions, believes in himself and is delivering + 5 Jack Watts - What a player +4 Rivers +3 Grimesy +2 Garland +1 Jones
  11. Mark Neeld the only one.with the heart big enough to take this club and turn it.around. What a feeling to sing the song again!
  12. Bombers are our bunnies! Looking forward to next week. Don't expect to hear much from the trolls this week Jackie and Hardnut etc etc! Thats a great thing! I'm.goin to buy the paper tomorrow and enjoy my eggs. Suck thT right up media and all the haters! This is one for the believers!
  13. I can't believe this! This ones as sweet as ever and thanks especially to those believers Jackie and Harfnut! Bombers are our bunnies again! Did I say hardnut or halfnut haha oh well
  14. Darren Jolly UFC Grappler lol...
  15. Would you like me to list all the failures prior and in between?
  16. Fair enough. I love your spirit and passion. At least you have a balanced assessment instead of calling for our coach/CEO/anyone else who can be blamed to be beheaded.
  17. Players at Ocean Grove loved him and many still keep in close contact with him. Funny because when we had Bailey many were asking for a tough coach that could tell it like it is and bring a hard edge. Now people are complaining that he is too hard and as a result has lost the players....
  18. So there are 2 camps. 1. I have faith and I believe in what I'm seeing and who are leaders are. 2. I will only believe once I see and until then will sit back and take pot shots under the guise of being someone who thinks differently and challenges. Which is really more difficult? A leap of faith or seeing is believing and pretending to be an agitator doubting Thomas.
  19. People have unbelievably short memories. Richmond have been derided for years over poor recruitment. It's as if we are the only team that has ever missed on recruiting. Just goes to show you can have some misses and still make progress.
  20. I honestly don't know why you come here or barrack for the club. You are ultimately unhappy with everything. You want to blame people. Mostly Schwab. I think you'll find he has absolutely nothing to do with the on field team performance THIS year. Not sure what this lynch mob blame game achieves. It's easy to sit back and take pot shots isn't it. It takes far more courage to say you believe in something or someone and have faith. Let's face it if Neeld and the team fail then you can be pleased you were right all along. Does that make a difference? If Neeld and the club are successful I'm guessing you will begrudgingly say your glad you were wrong. Or maybe you will pretend you backed him and the club all along... Just an observation....
  21. Missed the point of the thread as well my fellow nutter.
  22. Jackie you are making missing the point of a thread into an art form. Well done again.
  23. I think it was because of the psych test result....
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