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Everything posted by Footynut

  1. Sorry I just don't agree with you. If the club isnt first and foremost for the members like every other club in the world then who is it for. I'm sick of our supporters sitting back and saying its someone else's problem to fix the club. This is OUR club. We need to get behind it when required. It exists for us because we want it to. No one care more about our club than us. Is it ideal to have corp sponsors? Yes. It is necessary in the football world but that does not mean we should sit on our hands and wait for that to happen.
  2. We have time....being debt free and $6mil in assets allows us to not be in dire straights like we were years ago. If this had have happened 10years ago we'd be cactus. Thank god for Jim who demolished our debt. We have now protected our brand and allowed other potential sponsors to see what we are really made of.
  3. Agree I'm so proud of OUR club today. We are leading the way compared to other clubs who are more than happy to harbour sponsors, clients and less than desirables individuals in the name of money. Go Dees!
  4. I'm happy to put up $500 straight up if this can be organised and perhaps club endorsement of the idea would help?
  5. To be honest the MFC doesn't need fair weather supporters like you. If You are ashamed, you don't need to be here. This is not the time to sook and play victim. This is the time to stick with the MFC. They need supporters to be more dedicated and supportive than ever. They have dealt with all situations listed better than any of the other AFL clubs and the league itself. For the first time ever we are debt free with a $6 million asset base. Is it all perfect? No. Do you think we should just pack up the club? No way. Now is the time go hard and dip in again for the dees. After all this is OUR club. No one can take away the passion and heart and soul of the club no matter what. We will survive and we will succeed. OUR club doesn't need spineless supporters and players and the fact you pretend to be a Melbourne person is insulting. If you want to be ashamed go barrack for someone else. It's not easy and anyone who sticks with the club now truly does have a heart that beats true for the red and blue.
  6. Agree after reading the full article we need a new sponsor. In fact the contract should be paid out to the club and sponsor dropped completely.
  7. Surely Energy Watch board should sack the CEO and make a statement. That would put usin the clear....
  8. Don't forget Sylvia's car crash kicked it all off.... This is a disaster... God we need a win and I can't see it happening..
  9. Footynut


    For the record I don't think it's too much to ask senior players to lift themselves. You are looking at outcomes and assuming Neeld hasn't done the things you say he should of such as talking to Davey and Green. Do you know he hasn't done this for a fact? Why are you letting these players off and blaming a first game coach? Davey hasn't produced anything since he signed the big contract and got comfortable. Do you expect Selwoods and Pendlebury to need a first game coach to motivate them given their major contracts? As for Green this is a former capt who was supposed to be motivating and leading everyone last year? Now apparently he either needs a chat from a coach to sort him out? How old is he again? Is he a professional or not? Does he love the club? He should have been running through brick walls yesterday and it doesn't take Neeld to sort that. You know it and I know it therefore safely assume brad and Aaron clearly know what was required by the club yesterday. I am sick to death of this club blaming coaches and gameplans. It is the players. As per Geelong, Brisbane of old, those players were honest with each other and played for each other as a team. Do you honestly think Chris Scott was responsible for the success first year. The players did that no question. Blame the players not the coaches.
  10. Footynut


    So how did Neeld get the best out of first gamer Magner and not Davey and Green? How is it they are put to shame by a first gamer? Individuals need to start taking responsibility a step up on their own. The coach should be more concerned with players who really need it than players who have been around forever and frankly shouldn't need anyone other than themselves to get the best out of them.
  11. Footynut


    I would have thought these 2 players in particular wouldn't require a coach to teach, motivate or inspire in order to see them play their best. They are senior players and if they can't get themselves right after all this time in the game they never will. Player at other clubs with this sort of experience are setting the example and running the game on the ground not being invisible like these 2 were. If we need Neeld to do this no wonder we are where we are.
  12. Footynut


    Why is it all about Neeld? How many coaches and gameplans churned over will it take for you to realise this playing group is selfish and rotten to the core. They do not play for each other or the club. They care more about themselves and don't step up to take responsibility. What would it take for the players to stop waiting for someone else to give them the silver bullet? Bailey, Viney, Neeld. Attack, Defend whatever the coach or gameplan. This playing group is rubbish at all of them. The coaches are not the common thread its the playing group that deserve 95% of the blame for the insipid performance. These players accept and are far too comfortable with losing. It is them and only them who can change that.
  13. Much of the same output from the same players across 3 different coaches now. When will some of you realise that it's the players that let us down. Not the coaches. Bailey, Viney and now Neeld. The players don't respond and are not good enough. How many different gameplans and coaches will you all be happy with churning through before you realise. The players need to stop waiting for someone else to bring the silver bullet. They need to work out what it means to be a real team and win for each other. They are not a team. They care more about themselves than the club. Look at the comment on Sylvia in this thread. Why isnt he looking concerned? These players have become used to losing and are ok with it. That is the problem. Stop blaming the coaches. Blame the players.
  14. Can't make the game but I just loaded up the Telstra AFL app and subscribed so I can watch the game live on my phone! This means I can now watch it while I'm out! Bring it on today Dees!
  15. Can't be there today but my thoughts and prayers are with Jimma and his friends and family. Thanks for the memories my hero.
  16. Not sure what happened there JMac. I recieved my reminders both by mail and also via email with the link to renew making it very easy. For what it's worth I'm an MCC member and each year renew te MCC/MFC membership and it is basically a donation to the MFC as there is no real compelling offer for MCC members who fork out huge subs each year. Not complaining though but still wonder if we could do more to convert MCC members?
  17. I have woken early this morning on the other side of the world to hear of this news. I normally dont post alot but feel compelled to write and echo the sentiments everyone here has put forward. I never met Jim, but he has been my idol as a kid growing up wanting to emulate on the field, to adult life where he has been a true leader with values and integrity in and outside of football. Jim showed us all never to give up. Sincerest sympathies to Jim's entire family from the bottom of my heart. MFC and Jim are forever intertwined and we will never forget. What a breathtaking human being to have had as an idol. RIP Jim.
  18. All this JW bashing kinda reminds me of the way the footy world used to get into Tom Hawkins....took a while but there weren't too many knocking his performance in last years GF..... Jack's time will come and he will be ready if this footy dept has anything to do with it...
  19. In my personal opinion Neeld had to pitch for the job, which meant list analysis from albeit from afar. He had an intimate knowledge of what makes good teams and saw these two as those with greatest potential. He then put together his first impression of them with what he had observed from outside and made public statements after already issuing them the challenge personally. Although he says he is not looking to individualise I think that is in terms of talking up the team aspect of things rather than individuals. Reality is when it comes to training every single player is different and has a different program.
  20. Sorry my comment wasn't directed at you at all. More for Freak. Agree on your point of blind faith. Simply pointing out there is often more too it than meets the eye.
  21. In terms of concerns about the intensity of the running during training I can say that the training session is really only 1 component of the day's work for these guys. Prime example: I was running the Tan this morning and saw James Sellar putting in a hard hard effort up Anderson St Hill. I'm not sure how far he had already run or ran after I saw him but we should know players are doing a lot more than the training sessions on the oval. I have seen him there regularly during the off season and he seems to continually punish himself. Neeld also mentioned to me that there are 47 individual programs running at the moment and every player has specifics to complete daily around running or weights etc. It is very specific and scientific. Far more to fitness than meets the eye.
  22. I have to say that article is followed through in how he speaks and carries himself. I know if I was JW or AD or any player I would be busting my gut to want to prove myself to a guy who has clearly told me what he wants. I believe the feedback has been taken on very well.
  23. Its a really good question actually. I think you will find they are the 2 Neeld believes are the furtherest below potential coming from the outside and both for differing reasons. BTW I wouldn't worry about Sylvia. MN I made the public statement with his action on the suspension. In addition Mark knows where Syv is at and has made this abundantly clear.
  24. For what its worth I totally agree. Its perception as to how the communication is received. Some here perceive it as 'humiliation' others as a positive challenge. We do not know if Neeld had actually already issued this challenge to Jack behind the scenes and that Jack had been made aware by Neeld he was going to mention it to media as Jack had taken it well and on the chin. Still appreciate people form opinions on what is reported black and white. The only way we will know if this has worked is how Jack actually comes out to play next year.
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