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Everything posted by Footynut

  1. Good start Mr Moose!! That's a comment on the bright side!
  2. In addition our defense is not a rabble at all...it is a timing thing with Frawley returning, Tapscott settling etc etc
  3. Just a question...you say he has 3 jobs... How do you know last week he didn't develop players? How do you know he didn't manage the team? Is that is again your perception based on your observations and your percieved benchmarks versus outcomes. I don't know why you refer to other clubs at all...we are Melbourne and we are not the same...we are better than them.. Stick phat DDC...
  4. Hi all, I don't know if many of you feel the same as i do.... Just a feeling that there is alot of negativity on this site and that this could be a thread where only real positive things are posted about the club, the team, the coaches etc.. I want to start by saying no matter what I love this club and I'm absolutely over the moon at the membership tally this year! I really want to see us crack that 40k! In addition can't wait for today's game and I'm hoping that good things about today's game get posted here as acknowledgement... Not sure if there is an appetite for this but thought why not provide an alternative! Go Dees!!
  5. Accept what you are saying in that we need to do all due dilligance on having the best coach however that fact you are drawing a conclusion Bailey was found to be tactically inept last Sunday is your own perception. Did you see Richmond last night? Is Hardwick also tactically inept? Is the only coach that's any good out there Malthouse as he is on top of the ladder? Have a look at the disparity in hard bodies and experience have you? I recall times where Mick has also been under question re game plan etc... Understand that it is purely the players fitness, quality, experience and strength that allows tactics to be successfully deployed.
  6. I don't often post here. It's interesting reading but often I switch off wondering how people can on here can be so sceptical and unsupprting of the players and club we all should love to the very bottom of our hearts. Thread after thread on how bad Jack Watts is, thread after thread of how Scully is leaving, after every loss...we have no gameplan....players are rubbish...blah blah blah...you all know exactly what I'm talking about...it's so predictable... Why can people who truly love our club not all see the path we are on and accept that it is not a one way ticket to happiness every week. These constant threads of doom and gloom are continually posted. I look back at Geelong to the time it took Thompson to build the team there. He was almost gone and then look what happened. I see people commenting on gameplan. When we get smashed off the park by a top team of course it seems as though there is no game plan. You need mature quality players to execute every quarter. Yet comments are made saying Bailey is no good as a tactical gameday coach and he has to prove it to certain supporters here?? What the? There is a gameplan it's just under pressure immature players cannot execute. I see America de Cali predicting Bailey to be gone by round 11. America please go barrack for Colingwood. I don't think I have ever seen anything positive you have ever written about the club. I see many people frustrated and saying we haven't improved. We have there is no doubt we have. Last year our first game against Hawks was a disaster. People need to understand develop does not occur as a linear line. It is progressive and we should all rightly expect ups and downs. People like me who understand that it takes time for players to develop are told we are accepting mediocrity. Please....accepting mediocrity would be to sit there like we have for almost 50 odd years standing for nothing and blaming someone else and relying on very few to get us out of the mire. It's easy to blame the coach isnt it... We are finally on our feet as a club. We have a very young list who we hope will develop over time into a champion team. We stand for something. We are again relevant. We will make impact but maybe or maybe not this year. People who continually post these OPs are simply impatient at best and time wasters at worst. Let's get out there and support our team today win lose or draw. Buy a membership and get to the game. That would be the best contribution you could make to our club other than sitting here sniping under the pretense that you are playing devils advocate.
  7. Are you saying that the big que stick would have been the difference between winning and losing on the weekend? If you are you need some serious help. By the way are you actually a Melbourne supporter or someone here laying down bait to fire people up?
  8. Not anyones mates...just simply taking what they have said on face value until proven otherwise....anything else read into is a total waste of energy and time. When he stays I wonder what people like America de Cali will do with their time then...
  9. I would argue that people who question the integrity of individuals at our club such as Scully based on their perception of tone don't have their heart in the right place....
  10. Agree I cannot believe the things people are writing on this site at the moment. It is scary to think how people draw conclusions out of thin air... Between people like wacko maco and good ole America de Cali...wow....
  11. Ok on the face of it this is ridiculous.... BUT This could be about putting him on the list for the following reasons: 1. As all have pointed out spare ruck and have one last look at him. 2. At the end of the year we need to make 3 compulsory delistings, if Scully stays it will be tight to see who actually goes. Maybe the FD figure they get a year to really look at he and Steph Martin and then at the end of the year it makes at least one delisting off the main list. They then only need to find another two. I get the feeling they dont feel they currently have 3 certainties to delist atm due to most players being early on in their careers. This could give them at least one easy out.... Just a thought...
  12. here, here couldnt agree more...
  13. I dont think you are the angel you make out...... you have led the condescending and insults yourself, one thing you are brilliant at is the passive aggressive. the last thing the club needs is unrealistic expectations...i bet if we lose the first game to the swans you will be on here telling us all Bailey has to go etc etc... we have certainly heard all that before haven't we! The kids will give us as much mongrel as they can but to a point...as they grow physically they will begin to run out games better and impose themselves physically on the contest. I totally agree with OP....your statements are not relevant when linking the past failures to today's club and team. (Please read that doesn't mean you are irrelevant, nor is your opinion nor is what we have done as a club in the past) To your point if things are going to really change we need to create our own history....we have never gone about it the way we are now being totally aligned...we ARE doing things differently than ever before and that will eventually lead to different results... Its frustrating for ALL of us when we lose any match...but putting down others by saying they accept mediocrity when in fact thats not true is inflamatory and not what the club needs.... Take a deep breath the ride is on the way up but there are going to be more times of terrible despair and frustration....thats reality..... GO DEES!!
  14. i love how alot of ppl here are better coaches than those who are professionals who are paid for it...
  15. This must be the only Scully thread where America De cali hasnt jumped on and questioned TS motives.....funny how ppl can talk it up n then disappear...even our own here in Demonland...
  16. This is one of the funniest threads i have read on DLand for a while...
  17. Essendon supporters are so patronising it gets under my skin....but when its convenient they seem to go missing....football...oh we dont care about that....Essendon as per Carlton supporters are the best front runners in the league... I have a pineapple w a bombers supporter that the dees will finish ahead of them on the ladder this year.... They have already gone into meltdown claiming its another '2000' year..... These guys will fly out of the blocks and crash and burn by Anzac day where they will be smashed and fall away after... Enjoy April while you can Bombers....
  18. Nah its Collingwood....i still hate it...
  19. Agree I travel to Sydney almost every 2 weeks. It does wear thin and it is never less than 2hours to get from Melb to Syd by the time you leave the airport. Not to mention the drive out to Western Syd isnt the quickest...it goes on forever... Let alone the drive from Berwick to Tullamarine.... A few flights delayed by storms....alot of time goes by...
  20. Going to be a great year to watch the development of the forward line! Very exciting times.....bring on the pies! We will push them hard this year...how will teams be able to shut us down if we stay fit and have a mid field that can get on top?
  21. Structure at the centre bounce matters less these days where players swarm through all parts of the ground IMHO... Reality is we didnt have a strong Jack Watts....Jurrah was no where, Bate and Dunn where no where...Maric....even the new players on Friday showed more...Cook, Evans, Nicho....we didnt have the players in form to execute....the form and what part of the journey the players are on matters in terms of implementing any gameplan... We didnt have a mid field who could win at stoppages etc.... Having said that your point re the coaches learning and improving is a valid one...but its got to be easier to coach when the players you are asking to execute are actually in a state mentally and physically to do it....
  22. Same as everyone else.... Nothing can be read into yet.... Actions will ultimately indicate where Tom's loyalties and ambitions burn....
  23. Reality is though as per my input into the thread last year. People had expectations of vast improvement which were extremely optimistic. This year is another step in the right direction. But we all need to stick with them on the journey of growth rather than be critical of kids who are growing and learning the game. The gameplan could have been anything in theory but we were never going to see it with the stage of maturity the team was at. Gameplan is one thing....execution is another...
  24. my 2 cents are: 1. I hope he stays it would show the any others coming out of contract our core is unified and want be part of something special. 2. If he doesnt its not the end of the world. We have a strong list that will move than cover him. Really its up to him if he is serious about winning premierships or he is around to make as much as he can. If he wants to make the dough thats cool but the MFC needs players who want to commit and have red and blue running through their veins. If thats not Tom its best he goes. If it is Tom then bring on the next 10 years!!!
  25. Well deeluded... Where are you now? I suppose your going to tell us that u still stand by your point that bennell is bound for king st with Sylvia and didak?
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