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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I think this thread is a bit unfair to be honest. Davey still had an important impact today, he may not have been as damaging as usual, but I'm glad he played. He still put on tackles, ran to receive and set up play. Some people don't seem to realise his importance to the team. If you don't have someone running by for the handball and setting up play, the style of play we play, then it's never going to work. Despite the close attention thrust on Aaron, he still managed 17 touches (14 of them kicks) and set the play up numerous times. IMO Davey has the best defensive pressure in the side, easily. He's the one chasing every time.
  2. My girlfriend's Hawthorn, but she's not all that passionate, so when we make our climb up the ladder, I'm hoping she'll jump ships. She will however be wearing her Hawthorn scarf, when we go on Sunday.
  3. Good answer, Felix. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  4. I would be in on it, except I sit in the MCC. Still, I can sit anywhere but the AFL members.
  5. By the way, Buddy kicked 3 the last time we met them.
  6. Yeah, Cheney's unlucky, but I suppose that's a good sign. It's incredibly tough to get a game down back at the moment. Where the heck are they going to fit Garland in there, when he's eventually fit?
  7. Sewell is probably going to be the worry and Mitchell always kills us. Keep those two quiet and we'd go a long way to winning it.
  8. You've gotta give these kids a go. Maric's doing alright, you just need to give him 5 or 6 games to show something, even if it's minor. He's already shown his finishing capabilities, we should play him for at least the next few matches. As for Bennell, he's played all but one game.
  9. I've said before on these boards that Bennell is the quickest player I've ever seen. I don't think we've seen his fastest yet, either. I'd start Bennell on Rioli. Give the young kid a shot at one of the best small players going around at the moment. If that doesn't work, play Wheels on him or then perhaps Flash. As for Buddy, Warnock should start on him. If that doesn't work we have Martin and Rivers up our sleeve. I think Martin would just about have the mobility and pace to go with Buddy, whereas Jared might not have the legspeed. Rivers should at least start on Roughead. Or what might be even better is give the Roughead role to Frawley and let Rivers play his spare man in defense, dropping back role, that he does so brilliantly.
  10. Yes, I know. I was speaking hypothetically.
  11. No, what I meant was I'd perhaps only swap Maric for Rioli if the draft had been different. I certainly wouldn't swap Morton, he'll be a superstar and as for Grimes he could be anything. I have faith in our drafting of the past 2 years, we've drafted only what we've absolutely needed, rather than average midfielders, one after the other, or rejects from other clubs. We've really stuck to our youth policy, which provides me with great confidence.
  12. Maric maybe, but even still we need to give him time too.
  13. No, he's right we did over use the handball, but like I said, I believe it was our kicking that cost us more.
  14. Yes, we did over handball, but I agree with godees' assessment. It was actually our kicking that cost us the most.
  15. The beauty of Wheels is that he has that experience and the leadership to help the young backline at the moment. He has to play with them. I would not leave Wheels out.
  16. It's been less than a year though. Was it not obvious, not a lot would change except a few draft picks.
  17. It'd be the same as the much privelledged Friday night games, yet probably not as cold. Glad to hear you're going no matter what. This needs to be the attitude of more of us.
  18. If more of us did this, what's stopping them doing this at home games? Of course, we get the unpopular slots, because we are a problem for the AFL. We don't get enough there no matter what day or time it is. We must rectify this. For the fact that we are one of the problems for the AFL, we are given Sunday games, whre lots of people should be able to get there.
  19. It's funny, because two of the hosts are Melbourne men, but I have always noticed that too.
  20. His salary would have probably sent the club broke anyway. We don't have a VISY board type corporation attached to us, that we can cheat the salary cap by giving him the title of 'environmental spokesman'. Unless, I suppose he could have been 'sprinkler consultant' for the MCC? I agree. Fev won't be around long enough in their premiership window and as it stands they already need another key forward.
  21. The reds will rip that title off you next year though, High Tower. No Tevez, probably a Liverpool player soon and if Ronaldo leaves, we won't even have a competition in the next title race. Haha, I love my arrogance.
  22. I see it, but personally, I'd like to think I would think that no matter where I was drafted, I'd keep a soft spot for my childhood team. Who's to say players don't, but it just doesn't come up very often.
  23. Well, I stand corrected.:D I have been seriously misinformed.
  24. Here it goes again...this pathetic lack of support for the team and moreover the club. If you're a Melbourne supporter, that means going along to all the matches in Melbourne and if you can, some of the interstate games as well. Why the feck would you boycott the game? The only people you're letting down is the Melbourne Footy Club. What's stopping people from doing that for one of our home games as well? If you don't turn up, we have to write out a cheque. Wouldn't it be nice not too? The only way this club is going to get itself up on two legs, firmly and strongly above the ground is to have full support. That means dedication. I miss all sorts of things, just to be at the Footy. If you're serious about your Demons, make time for it! Who cares what time it is! It is probably one of the weakest excuses not to go to the footy, I've ever heard. Are we afraid of the cold, people?? It boggles the mind, seriously...
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