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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I jumped on YouTube last night and watched a few clips of Scully and Butcher in action from last years championships. Scully looks fantastic. At least once he sets up a goal for Jack Watts. A sign of things to come? Some of you might be interested to watch the clips of Blease, Watts and Strauss. All three feature prominently through out each others highlight reels and seemed to kick it to each other all the time. Maybe they knew something? I'm going to keep a keen eye on this competition, over the next month.
  2. This is a good point, however.
  3. To be honest, I was more concerned about his attitude. What an arrogant little [censored]. You haven't been drafted yet, get off your high horse.
  4. Bell won't be dropped. They've got to give him another chance, having only just come back into the side. I also think Robbo should be out for an extra week and Newton should come in. Cheney does deserve a game, but with Bell only just coming back, I don't see him fitting in. Bennell was a shining light in the Saints game, while Grimes was the other. Are they not both similar to Cheney? Also, the criticism of Martin is a little harsh. He's just being played out of position. Put him down back.
  5. Newton might have let us down with his poor kicking, but at least he doesn't have trouble getting his hands on the ball and he gives us a target. Give Newton another game.
  6. Perhaps. Not totally against it, but I don't think Martin is suited to the forwardline. Of course, it's early days in that plan, but he looked completely lost the other night. I'd say it's worth a try, but my only question is what to do with Martin, because I believe our backline should read something like Whealen, Garland, Warnock, Frawley, Rivers, Martin. In addition, Grimes and Bennell are quickly becoming my favourites off half back. Does Miller fit down back?
  7. It has been discussed in other threads, but I think you'll find he's being played up the ground, in order to improve his aerobic capacity and endurance. I, like other posters believe it's the right idea.
  8. Not sure about footage but there is a picture in Sunday's Herald Sun.
  9. God, he's impressive. Speaks well and outlines some great points. I like him even more, every time I hear a new press conference.
  10. I've been thinking, if Bailey does drop Miller, how do we structure up? Does Bate play as a lead up forward, in place of Millsy? I think we need another lead up target, ie Newton, next week. Our Geelong-esque style of play probably requires one lead up player (a Bate around half forward) and a tall to kick to in the goal square (Newton from the square). Around them, run and carry through the middle and goals from midfield. I know it's not quite as simple as this, but it seems the personell we'll have on offer won't include Jurrah or Watts and therefore we might have to structure up something like the above. Perhaps?
  11. It sounds like Newton will get a game then. From the threads I've read on the Scorpions today, I'd say Robbo won't play next week. I think it'd send a bad message to Robbo if we play him next week, being that he didn't dominate today. It's basically saying we're no chop without you (which is probably true), but we have already told him, to get a game in the side he has to do all the team things. Doesn't sound like he did them today. Newton didn't have trouble getting the ball when he was playing earlier in the season and if he'd finished those (admittedly) extremely easy shots on goal, we'd probably be very excited by him. If he can fix up his kicking, give him a game!
  12. Agreed. Jamar is your 'classic' ruckman. He's not a brilliant ball user or winner, but he competes. Another thing I agree with is that Jamar's a fantastic tackler.
  13. I disagree. However, he certainly played very well last night and I hope he keeps it going against Fraser next week.
  14. I think I'll trust our recruiters to get things right on the key position forward we need, as for Scully, he sounds great.
  15. To me it just seems like whinging for the sake of it.
  16. Yeah, I know. But I just have the feeling that the taller, more agile players, with builds like Pavlich and Buddy, will begin to take over the midfield, in the coming years.
  17. Give him a break. He was taken at the age of 17 and only turned 18 a few months back. Just give him some time and he'll show us something.
  18. As obvious as it sounds, it's clearly our ability to both make the right decisions, at the right time AND pull those decisions off, with effective disposals. If we do this for four quarters, there's no doubt we'll take it up to most opponents.
  19. It was the first time in recent history that I can remember Jamar taking a pack mark and using his brute of a body to his advantage. Let alone taking two or three contested marks. He doesn't do it nearly enough, but he seemed to be able to move very freely last night. Perhaps this is the start of a new leaf for Jamar? His disposal is still a big, big problem. He consistently looks for the handball, as his kicking leaves a lot to be desired. His shot on goal last night was about what I expected.
  20. Nice article on Scully. Hadn't realised he was quite that small. You really have to be an elite ball winner to be successful from that height.
  21. Newton and Jurrah next week perhaps? Give Watts some time.
  22. I'm not totally against Moloney's ball use in close, but was he not playing on Hayes? Furthermore, was he also playing on Lewis last week? Or was it Sewell? Either way, he has to learn a defensive game, as it's killing us going the other way.
  23. I thought PJ did a couple of good things tonight, but a couple of those free kicks he gave away (blatant, pushes in the back- right in front of the umpire), just killed the team. He may as well have stabbed his team mates in the heart. Again, however his tap work was solid.
  24. Sounds good to me. I'd throw Jetta into the mix too. I hope they give him another game soon. Millsy's best output this year has been 3 goals (all kicked in the space of ten minutes, basically off the boot of Jones), if memory serves me correctly. I reckon Newton would be a better bet at the moment.
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