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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I can't think of another club who have had a complete rebuild, such as ours. Our problem is that we haven't had any A grade veterans on our list already (ala Hawthorn with Crawford) and hvae literally built from scratch. St Kilda is potentially a reasonable template for us. They built from basically nothing in the early 2000s and only now is it starting to pay off. Yes, they went close in the mid 2000s, but they were really only pretenders then. Riewoldt and Kosie were less developed and experienced then, but now having played 100 games or there abouts, they are nicely poised to take a premiership somewhere during the next few years. We can hopefully expect the same, but it will take time. We won't rise as dramatically as some people think, by just adding top draft picks, they need time to develop.
  2. I'm not saying he's soft, I'm merely pointing that he's not a physical threat to most players, that a built Tapscott would be. Dean Polo is equally small and just as easy to throw as a little child. I stand by my point. And Tapscott's height isn't a factor for me, as we'd be going after a taller forward with pick 11. Besides, from what I've seen he can play taller than 190.
  3. Ricky Pettard is not a grunt player. Have you seen his arms? They're twigs. He needs to do some serious time in the gym, if he's to develop into that sort of player. I'd certainly go Tapscott at 18, but I'd be looking for a tall forward with pick 11.
  4. A lot of you seem to be overlooking the indigenous angle here. Flash is basically worth 3 or 4 players, hopefully all of which will play a part in our next premiership side. Keeping LJ (in particular) happy is one of the most important challenges our club faces and Aaron is at the centre of this. No one is bigger than the club, but it would have been pointless to set up the Aaron Davey indigenous scholarship, to then lose him to another club. Furthermore, Flash has wonderful skills and finishing that will be highlighted by a strong midfield (including players of the ilk of Scully, Trengove, Sylvia, Grimes and Morton). Whilst, 3 years would have been a better deal, ultimately, we did what we had to do. Not only was it essential to the strength of the playing populace, but necessary from a marketing perspective (memberships and merchandise).
  5. It helps when you've got a half decent midfield. Over the next 3 to 4 years, we will.
  6. He's a really good guy. I played cricket with him and played footy against him, but I don't he's good enough at this level.
  7. He's a far better player than Davis. Davis gets touches when his team is running all over a weaker opposition. A front runner some would call him. This year, we saw that Aaron was able to generate play single handedly and have seen it numerous times. Flash may not be a big game player, but Davis has one of the worst finals records of all time. But I suppose that's a prereque for playing in a Pies jumper. Furthermore, if Davis was at any other club besides Carlton or Collingwood he wouldn't be half as overrated as he is.
  8. Great post, Oracle. Agree, on all accounts.
  9. Whilst it is believeable, upon reflection, I think this is still just a rumour. All 9 are doing is reporting a rumour. They're apart of the media, it's what they're all about.
  10. That's not an excuse. I don't know about you, but I don't have any friends who have been charged, so it's just meathead mentality. It has to change. A lot of these footballers aren't the brightest candles, but surely they can be taught some manners.
  11. Frawley had a very promising season, but he doesn't quite have the versitility of Garland, who can play on anyone from a small forward to a resting ruckman.
  12. Me too. We've had a win with the McLean deal as far as I'm concerned, but Colin is our most promising defender. If we're to win a flag with this team, we must hold onto a player of Garland's ilk.
  13. As strange as it may sound, Newton has more upside than McLean, as far as I'm concerned. Newton needs to work on his kicking, as he could still play a role within our forwardline, if he gets some confidence up. McLean's lack of both pace and decision making does not stand up in modern football. If Sydney were interested in trading their firstround pick (which I highly doubt they are), I'd certainly think about it.
  14. I agree. Jones can also kick a long goal and isn't weak above his head. McLean is the one I see as the weak link. He has the least versitility of a player on our list. He can only play through the middle, although Bails tried him in the back pocket towards the end of the season. I'd be getting rid of McLean before Newton TBH.
  15. I was at the Prelim final in '07 between the two teams (Geelong v Pies) and the filth were unlucky not to beat Geelong. Furthermore, this season Geelong have begun to start choaking, so I wouldn't be surprised if they get beaten next week.
  16. Thanks for all those, Deestroy All. Fantastic to watch. Btw, how good was our ball movement against St Kilda and more precisely our kicking?
  17. That might have been it. I read it a few weeks ago, so it's difficult to remember.
  18. I highly doubt this is true, but as soon as I heard it, I thought if it did eventuate, does that mean we'll look to trade one of our key defenders for a higher pick? Bad move, I think.
  19. I'm sorry, but this annoys me, it's Aboriginies, not Aboriginals. As for the purpose of the thread, I read somewhere we're looking at a guy in the NT. Not sure of his name.
  20. I'm a fan of all of them, but LJ was clearly the standout. His skill and similarly natural football brain is one of the great stories to come out of our long season.
  21. True, wouldn't disagree with that.
  22. Sean 'not a Wellman' is doing a terrific job. No thanks.
  23. I'd forgotten what a gun he was. And Farmer's goal on the run at Waverley...superb.
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