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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Yeah, I think Bartram may well be back to his 2004 (or was it '05?) form. I watched the Adelaide replay last night. He barely made a mistake, his decision making is better, as is his attack on the ball and its carrier. He may well be alright. I'd be dropping Bruce before Bartram at the moment. It was Bruce whom Adelaide exploited and he is clearly the weak link in our backhalf.
  2. Poor drafting is no one's fault but Richmond's. If they'd drafted well in the first place, they wouldn't be where they are now. So no. They shouldn't be allowed more top picks. I would say the same if it were Melbourne. It might be unfair that GC are awarded massive concessions, but we've known this for a couple of years now.
  3. It's Bail's clean hands that make him stand out. A number of times yesterday no one could pick it up, but he'd just have clean hands and the ball would be ours. I remember one time distinctly, when a couple of our more senior players were thumbling the ball, the ball came to Bail at half back, he picked up cleanly and all of a sudden an Adelaide attack was turned into a Demon one.
  4. Bartram's played two very solid games, which surprised me, because I'd written him off at the end of last year. He did a couple of very good things yesterday.
  5. Ins: Watts, Sylvia and Rivers. Outs: Newton (for Watts, although he wasn't our worst), Dunn/Jones/Moloney (for Sylvia- Dunn didn't do enough and his attack at the football isn't up to scratch quite often, whilst the other two consistently make horrible decisions with the ball and either put themselves under pressure, put their team mates under pressure or just purely turn the football over with a horrible decision) and Bruce (for Rivers- the game has passed him by. I hope he proves me wrong, but he's been floating around since about 2006 and I cannot recall a decent game that he's played in the last 3 or 4 years).
  6. Apparently, according to the Herald Sun, JB received votes. What a tremendous turn around after last week. For the record, I thought he was good against Collingwood, it was just that one infamous contest that I didn't appreciate.
  7. We need a "like" button, because that's what I'd do to this comment. Fancy having the arrogance to call Adelaide feral, when Collingwood are the Victoria versions!
  8. Well, it's not necessarily as simple as that, but I'd add Gyberts, Tapscott, Blease and potentially even Fitzpatrick. We've certainly given ourselves a very good chance, providing we do all the right things.
  9. I'll state the obvious: if we play with the intensity and decision making of the Collingwood game, I can see a big win on the cards. That said, Burton has had a week under his belt. I'd like to see Grimes on Dangerfield this week. Drifting from the midfield into defence. Dangerfield kicked 5 yesterday, so if Grimes can shut him down and run off him, that would be a win for us.
  10. Frawley was our best defender on Saturday. He's one of the most exciting young players we've got. We're a hard lot to please aren't we? If he was in a black & white jumper or navy blue jumper, people would be raving about him.
  11. Weird, because I was in the same boat (thinking Bate's game was ordinary). I thought he had a shocker, but I guess he must have won a lot of it up the ground, where it's less noticeable (but just as important though!).
  12. Yeah, I wouldn't mind that at all. Jones needs to get better at his decision making. My question is, would Gysberts currently have the build to sustain an AFL match? He's a skinny lad, the last I saw of him.
  13. Err, you really think his game plan is for every kick you must handball? It was pretty clear that due to lack of confidence, they weren't backing themselves and at the same time were making poor decisions, which coupled with young heads and occasional skill errors are bound to turn over the football. You can't seriously think just because we played better today, Bailey changed his game plan. It was the players that were overusing the handball. Their direction is pretty clear- use the handball to spread the play and create space for team mates and the ball carrier. It just worked a lot better today and the players took the game on a lot more. They also attacked every contest, whereas last week they limped to every contest. That's the difference this week. Not a change in game plan. We just happened to witness Bailey's game plan working effectively.
  14. Good point, Forever Faithful. He and Dunn both did well in the ruck against Jolly and Fraser.
  15. I thought Bartram played one of the best games I can remember him playing since 2004.
  16. Newton straightened us up today. He's another target that stays relatively inside 50 most of the game. He may not have been in it much, but his one shot at goal was straight through the middle. He kicked through the ball, so it was good to see. Last season he showed that he can get a lot of opportunities on goal. Today wasn't necessarily his day, but against Adelaide last year (at the 'G), I remember him having quite a few shots on goal and missed some sitters. If he can convert those next week and gets in it a little more, he's still worth a game.
  17. I'd drop Bate for Sylvia. Bennell was very soft at that Davey pass, but as some have said he was lively up forward. I thought it was a good move from the coaching committee. Bennell has to get better at both his accountability (when in defence) and hardness at the football and man. He's only young, we've got to drill that into him. Whereas Bate has had two shockers really. He needs a run in the twos to get some confidence and workrate up. HIs workrate (particularly last week) wasn't good enough. He had absolutely no impact on todays game and if he had, then perhaps that might have been the difference. If we play like we did today against the Crows next week we'll beat them. If you look at our game against the Crows at the 'G early start year, we really pushed them and we're unlucky to loose. This time, I expect much the same, except hopefully a win! We then have Richmond. Bizarrely, had we won today, we may well have been 3-1 after Round 4.
  18. Cameron Schwab is fantastic. Level headed, speaks well and is realistic. We're in great hands with him.
  19. Petterd was fantastic today, but we've got to remember that todays performance was a real team effort. It wasn't just Petterds goals it was just about everyone else in a Melbourne jumper - even contributions. That will make us very, very difficult to beat. We deserved a win today, but nonetheless was very pleased with the performance. Petterd will certainly be a more than handy forward foil for Watts, LJ and Aussie when they return. The most impressive thing for me, regarding Petterd over the last two season is his physicality, his attack on the ball and his ability to keep the ball in the danger zone, our offensive 50. He's a great mark for a player of his size and knows how to kick a goal. I'd have him in my team every time. Well played today, Ricky!
  20. Another Neita would be great, but it's a different game now to what it was in the early to mid 2000s, when he was tearing teams apart. Still, I certainly wouldn't say no.
  21. He might have a higher confidence level, but I don't think he would ever be any better than he was when Neita was around.
  22. There was an article in todays Age saying precisely the opposite. Collingwood, for a long while have relied on a solid group of good players, but never a superstar. Then again, Buckley wasn't too bad. I hope they're right about us though. Something has to give with that many top draft picks. I am confident of the statements potential truth.
  23. This would make a little more sense if the panel hadn't included non-MFC people as well.
  24. Fair enough comment, however he must keep his spot due to our limited resources. If we had a Roughead and Franklin, there would be no need for a Miller. I can understand people (including myself) being frustrated with a certain player.
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