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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Quite possibly, although I had thought they'd done a bit of a back pedal on this. Anyway, we'll see.
  2. Fair enough. That may be so. Viney is our only mid I'd consider giving up to the market. Who would you give up for McKay, hypothetically speaking.
  3. Jeepers, people are suggesting a lot of changes. 10 is a lot to go off your primary list at this stage in our evolution. Possible, I guess.
  4. Nowhere near it, but Oliver should be in the conversation IMV. Had an excellent and underrated season again. Will definitely finish top 3 in the BnF. Agree with the rest of it, but not good enough.
  5. Look at the way Freo are playing under a first year coach. Lyon had them stagnating and had run out of ideas. He's done IMV.
  6. Jesse is very capable of holding his own in a contested aerial situation without jumping on someone's head. He's a mobile CHF as the best CHFs are. I'd have him in my side before Brown and I think we could actually play Jackson, Hogan and Weideman in the same team.
  7. Gaz just said Jesse has never been a CHF or FF. He plays his best footy on a half forward flank. Not sure that's right, Gary. Sure, he's no Tony Lockett, stay at home forward, he gets up on his bike.
  8. There's something a bit banjos about Hunty, but good on him.
  9. Two girlfriends? And all I'm saying is I'd prefer anyone to Ross Lyon. Over the hill.
  10. Not sure what we're going to go with next year. Are we going to focus on winning the contest and moving the ball quickly, or are we going to continue with the slower chipping game? The more outside pace we add, the more our game style changes. Not necessarily for the worse, adding that to our inside grunt is a good thing, but I'm not convinced we know how to harness that game style. There's still far too much learning on the job for my liking. We never settled on our team and we appeared to make constant tweaks throughout the year. Will be fascinating to see which element we favour (inside or outside) and whether we go more attacking or more defensive.
  11. Watching the way Freo set up and their rising midfield, it shows you how past it Ross Lyon is.
  12. Not sure we want him though, mate. Thinking on it further, I'd absolutely take him back for a future first, so effectively it's May and Hogan for the future first. ;)
  13. I think we have to be very strategic as we've got very little currency to play with at the moment. Both McDonalds will go and so if we can get picks for them, we might be able to package a deal.
  14. Well, I'd very much back this plan then. It would also hopefully have a flow on effect to ensuring he brings physicality at ground level. If Fritsch had the tank to play wing, he'd be perfect. Particularly, if we think Baker can also play there, and perhaps the two can rotate between half forward and wing. Obviously, Langdon is a lock on the other wing.
  15. Nah, I doubt either McDonald will be at the club next year. Agree with the small lock in forward to compliment Kozzie.
  16. So then we have Weideman, Jackson, Gunston and Fritsch in the one forwardline. I don't think it'll hold up, unless we want to change the way it functions and accept it won't bring ground level pressure.
  17. We need balance in our forwardline. I wouldn't be going for Fogarty. We need ground level pressure and speed. He offers neither. If you're going to play Fritsch as the third tall, we needs speedy smalls to compliment the three talls.
  18. So he may have cost the club $50k? That seems to be what's being reported...
  19. I rate Carlton's list. The one area of the ground I don't rate for them is their midfield. It's basically Cripps and the rest are triers. I think it'd be dangerous to give a competitor like that one of our gun mids. I rate McKay, but he's not a bonafide A grader.
  20. Absolutely. This has been a massive problem IMV. We've picked forwardlines that don't tackle consistently, yet our game relies on forwardline tackle pressure. Our selections of Melksham and Fritsch this year has meant we're always down two tacklers every game. Spargo is up and down, Hannan is up and down, Kozzie's pressure is great, as is Trac's and then you might get some solid effort from ANB and that's about it. You might be able to have a forwardline where the big talls don't tackle (this is our situation), but you can't also have a forwardline where two of the mid-sized players never tackle either (this is our situation). It's not conducive to consistent forward system. I'm glad they've made the move with Melksham into the midfield, because he wasn't doing enough up forward. If Fritsch doesn't clean up his kicking, not only does his lack of defensive accountability undermine our system, but his goal kicking does too. I think we need to play Weideman and Jackson, with Fritsch has the medium, Petracca resting, Kozzie pressure forward and a more consistent Spargo. We need to add another lively small that knows where the goals are and in the meantime, that's probably Hunt, but he needs to be far more consistent with his pressure. Dr Jekyll's indeed. I have ADD and I don't spend my time fingering my work colleagues. It's not an excuse. He's an adult, not a child.
  21. Sure, I'm with you on this mate, but hypothetically, what would you say if the strong review suggested we needed to clear out all the assistants and bring in a new coach? I'm all for stability, but to paraphrase/butcher Minsky, stability for stability's sake could lead to instability.
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