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Everything posted by praha

  1. Yep. Exactly. I thought I was the only one who saw that. He's been dropping the ball too high up to be an accurate kick.
  2. OH MY GOD Some people just don't understand the concept of rebuilding. Start this thread in 4 years if we are still last. Then it's justified. In the mean time, the OP should just [censored] in a hole and shut up.
  3. Be ludicrous to dump them now. They seem to be improving by the week. The Roos clearly underestimated Cheney in round one and he has played solid in the next 2 round. Bennell and Jetta seem to get more confidence with every possession.
  4. Considering my membership dollars partly pay for his salary, I have a damn right to criticise him for not performing and not appreciating his position at the club. He was never up to begin with.
  5. I doubt they'd be using the same one. Probably a proxy.
  6. I always thought you had a bit of sense. Thanks for proving me right.
  7. All of these complaints were probably warranted in 2007, when we had an experienced team playing under a coach that had been around for 10 seasons. Now, these complains and wingings just aren't warranted. It's annoying. We lost several experienced and leadership players last year through retirement/delisting. We replaced them with several 17-19 year olds. We had 4 debutants in round 1. Most of our best 22 are under 25 with less than 100 games experience. Do you really think there is much justification in saying there is something wrong when they are still learning to play as a team? I thought there were no excuses in 2007. or 2003. or 2001. But now, how can you just cry and winge looking for answers when the answer (singular) is right in front of your eyes? We are rebuilding. Key word. Rebuilding. Hawthorn went through it. I can tell you what's wrong with the demons right now - we aren't winning games. I can tell you what's right with the demons right now - they're rebuilding, with several promising first-year players and a superstar in waiting.
  8. The fact is that they hadn't made the finals for 6 years and weren't prepared to risk it, draft a whole bunch of prospects and HOPE they turn out to be superstars. Even still, they would have been out of the finals still till about 2011, which would have made it 10 or whatever years since their last finals appearance. With Judd, they are a finals team within 2 years, and get rid of the risk of drafting prospects that may turn out to be nothing. So yes, I think Carlton did the right thing. We really don't know what Watts/Morton are going to become, and considering they already had 3 No. 1 draft picks, they thought that it was better to build around a superstar like Judd, instead of fill a team with No. 1 draft picks, where the risk is that they won't make the finals for another 4-5 years. I guess they were sick of losing, and if we're still in the same situation in 2012, having still not made the finals, I would trade for a superstar like Judd, instead of drafting and losing for another 4 years just to get some good draft picks.
  9. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day...
  10. We are ahead of Fremantle and Essendon.
  11. OP - You really hate DB, don't you?
  12. Your post was magical until you got to McLean.
  13. We don't need to wish about winning 5-6 games, because we won't. 2-3 is realistic. I can see us beating Freo, Essendon and maybe Adelaide at the G.
  14. Promotion and realization are two very different things. We won't win more than 3 games this year, if that.
  15. There was also little to no pressure from Collingwood in the 1st quarter and a half. So yes, we were able to execute our gameplay and the move the ball quick because Collingwood weren't applying the pressure. Now that we know that handballing, run and gun gameplan can work (as we've seen with success as Port anyway), it's a matter of getting the experience against quality opposition and knowing not to handball to players running past that are going to be under immediate pressure, which is exactly what happened from the 3rd quarter onwards.
  16. He's part of the MMM footy calling team. That should answer your question.
  17. I thought the amount of Demons support was disappointing. Although I didn't really expect us to out number them...
  18. Collingwood supporters, individually, are fine. But when they're in a group, they are a cancer. A plague on society.
  19. I wouldn't say "fail", as our expectations are for a 2-4 win season. If we go winless, then yeah, that would be a failure of a season.
  20. I was surprised it took so long for someone to mention Grgic. Well done.
  21. Malthouse is a joke. I seriously felt like punching the screen when I saw his press conference on the weekend. Journo: "Do you think your boys came to play today?" Malthouse: "What do you think? I mean, what kind of question is that? 'did they come to play?' What does that mean? When people say that I don't understand the question." It's a figure of speech your arrogant [censored].
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