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Everything posted by Longsufferingnomore

  1. K--b King made a categorical statement this morning on SEN that Sylvia, Frawley and Watts will not be playing at Melbourne next year and that other clubs were already circling to take them.I am now so sick and tired of hearing outlandish and inflammatory statements made by so called "experts" that I believe that the AFL needs to step in and make a statement supporting the steps that the Club/P Jackson are taking. These type of statements not only exacerbate the loser mentality that pervades opposition supporters about our Club but also MFC supporters are also listening to this type of rubbish. I am tired of hearing radio stations having competitions like "the best left field candidate for President of the MFC". This is not a joke. They are talking about a multi million dollar business, of peoples livelihoods and tens of thousands of peoples passion. I was angry that both David Schwarz and Dr. Turf found it humorous. There wasn't even a sense of uneasiness from either. Is this what we have become. The butt of every radio stations jokes. An easy road kill.
  2. Haven't yet seen the tweet from the Club re tomorrows open session so we need to gather any Demon supporters out there (there must still be a few) and get down and support the players at Gosch's Paddock. Leave any antipathy towards the Board etc at home and come and watch the boys train. Our presence does encourage the players.
  3. Fantastic post Ferdie. If you can, get down tomorrow to training. Bring that passion down with you and inspire the boys. You have inspired me and would seem others here on negativityland.
  4. Thanks WJ. It is interesting when hearing from those who are actually working in the FD that there is a determination and belief in what they trying to do. I certainly came away far more positive about the long term future as long as the Club can work it's way through relentless hounding of the Club. I did however notice that you didn't quite answer my question.
  5. WJ did you come away from the meeting with a different perspective on how the Club is travelling and where it is headed.
  6. Someone has had $500 on a Melbourne win. Maybe they know something we don't!
  7. Haven't read the whole screed but do we want someone who has a tendency to put everyone off side. Just think if he had stayed at Hawthorn we may have had Clarkson as our coach.
  8. Might be a little difficult as will have the demon dog with me. Have had a chat to a family member who has come up with a great idea. Will discuss on Sunday. Great response from the volunteers. Also "sussing" out getting the big heads from the cheer squad for the kids to hold up. Any more news from SP.
  9. Be careful what you wish for Moonshadow. As far as the article is concerned, written by the Club's two biggest supporters, the first provocative line is just typical of those two "journalists". In fact I would replace journalist with sensationalists.
  10. Have spoken to the Club today and they have confirmed that the training on Sunday at 10.00am is an open session. The Club is sending out a tweet this afternoon to let everyone know. I hope we get a really good crowd down there. There are many people trying to make this happen. I will be there with the mentality that I am there to support the players as they are the ones who need our immediate support. I am not there to berate any official that may be there as there is enough of that in the media. We the supporters and the players do not need any more negativity that surrounds the Club at the moment. That is not putting my head in the sand because all that I know that is wrong with the Club and needs to be and will be fixed remains as such. Despite that the players and the Club will always have my support.
  11. Wouldn't that be great. To have a favourite son return to the Club and basically saying ""all is forgiven". His "retirement" remains an issue at the Club and his return would hopefully put an end to the constant breast beating that goes on and on and on. Another area where the Club can move on.
  12. ...had a problem in that area. I think the FD now would never had sent Jack out on that Queens Birthday to be publicly humiliated like he was.
  13. Any chance of some D2D volunteers making it on Sunday. Trying also to get some player parents as well as past players. PM me if you are a past player and area coming along.
  14. Can we please not make this about personalities but more about supporting the players and Club
  15. I have spoken with the Club this morning and there is an open training session on Sunday at Gosch's at 10.00am This is a great time for everyone to be there with as many kids and dogs etc as possible. The Club are putting a tweet out to encourage everyone to come and support the players. Please everyone put your anti CS,DMc/Board,BP,BR feelings aside and come and support the boys. As I have said before they were absolutely flabbergasted to see everyone last time still so before such an important game in the Melbourne psyche being played out on Monday lets get behind them again. To all you Demonlanders go easy on the vino Saturday night, get the kids and dogs up and dressed in Melbourne gear and get yourselves down to Gosch's. It was a great atmosphere last time and we all know how well the boys train so be there. Demon Dog and I don't want to be the only ones there. Not a good look.
  16. Unfortunately everyone loves Ox and by making such a statement he is creating more angst amongst the supporter base. If Ox says it , it must be true. Don't know that we really need this from a high profile Melbourne person at the moment but he obviously feels passionately enough to risk some of the good work that he has been doing at the Club.
  17. Club website is saying that the only open session before Queens Birthday clash is the Friday training at Gosch's. I will confirm with the Club tomorrow but is anyone interested in getting down to training on the Friday rather than Saturday. I know Saturday would be preferable for everyone but there doesn't seem to be much interest at the moment even if the Saturday training was open. The players really appreciate the support and it has been a tough week for them (again). I am sure the FD would also appreciate any sign of life amongst the supporter base. I will post the Club's answer tomorrow.
  18. I suggest that you should stop listening to the media. There is a lot of undignified crap out there. PJ spoke to the leadership group after the game on Sunday. I would suggest there is a lot more support for Neeld amongst the playing group than the media realise - not that they would want to know or report because its not good copy. Support for the coach hasn't resulted in wins but certainly the lack of effort which was glaringly absent previously is returning.
  19. Don't you love Caro. Now saying that the sacking of CS was "knee jerk" yet she was diligently calling for him to be sacked for months. All demonlanders should be aware that changes will occur in the football department and they might not mean MN or NC. Everyone is jumping to conclusions that DMc is talking about MN but he could be talking about the whole of the department.
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