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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. That ain't gonna happen. I believe Viney has already put pen on paper to stay at the Hawks for the next few seasons.
  2. Exactly right. Gone are the days where a team gets seriously screwed by the other in a trade. To get quality you need to give quality (quality in the other teams eyes anyway) No point trading for the sake of trading. However, we didn't make one trade last year, and look where we are now. I'm not suggesting that this is because of the lack of involvement in trade week, but their might be some more action on the MFC front come trade week this year.
  3. Hell, just to have that 1m needle thumped into his lung (ala Pulp Fiction, only not his heart) is enough to suggest he's got the courage and guts needed at AFL, and puts some of the MFC players to shame.
  4. I would try and get Warnock from Freo before we try to get Murphy. If we are able to trade one of Bruce, TJ or Green (more likely the first 2) for a mid first round pick, we could draft Henderson with this, who would be 4 years younger than Murphy.
  5. Well, we didn't get thumped like it thought, but it was on track at quarter time.
  6. Nope, nope, nope. You've all got it wrong. In order to find a true and worthy champion, one with such a desire and unmatchable strength who will lead us to victory, it can only be resolved by one contest. The Roshambo This is truly a man's game, and at the end, only one will be able to stand and claim victory. It takes a lot of guts and balls to compete, the winner, no doubt will have balls of a champion. (for those unfamiliar to the Roshambo, i recommend you watch 'The South Park Movie')
  7. I think this match will be a lot closer than what many people think. Swans by 80
  8. Where did i say that the melbourne players are the reason for Sandy's success??? All i said was that the MFC will try and qualify players for the VFL finals or GF, so Mark Williams will be able to choose the players he wants in the team. He can't choose them if they ain't qualified. I too reckon that the reason where Sandy is, is because of the Sandy players. Hell, there would be quite a few from the MFC and Sandy that should swap around. Read and understand what i'm writing before you respond.
  9. Don't forget that Sandy will be playing finals. With the amount of injuries we've had this year, a lot of players would not have played enough games for Sandy, to warrant their qualification for the finals or GF. The likes of Dunn, Biz, PJ, Jamar, etc...... all need to play a certain amount of games, which they probably at the moment, to qualify. Sandy going for a 4th straight is the only thing going for the MFC right now, why stuff it up??? That's why i think certain players are "dropped".
  10. Ahh, now i get it. After we win the premiership, Sheeds will pounce. It all makes sense now!!!
  11. and so it should, they did alright last week didn't they!!!
  12. Why on earth would he want to coach us if he has always hated us??? And why would we want him to coach us if he's always hated us??? Don't get me wrong, i would love Sheedy to coach the dees next year, but i'm a bit perplexed by this.
  13. I'd assume that we'd go for a midfielder with our first pick, as they usually tend to be a safer pick. Given that this years draft is not as deep as recent years, in order to get some promising kids. I believe we need to obtain another top 10 pick. This would allow us to get the talent of a player who was touted as top 6 or 7 or 8, etc but fell through (like Selwood did to Geelong). Our priority pick could then be used on players that again were touted as top 10-15 but fell through. Just my thoughts.
  14. There is a kid named Henderson, his first name i'm pretty sure is Lachlan, and he is a KP forward. He represented Vic Country this year. He will go in the top 10. I reckon he could be our answer to our key CHF. We need to trade the likes of Bruce, TJ or Green in order to get a draft pick in the top 10. I reckon he has got what it takes to hold down CHF.
  15. well yes, but only because it is the only thing that we would have done this year. It's about time that there was signs of life from any part of the MFC, on-field or off.
  16. Sheedy would be a good coach for the MFC. But he will need to let CAC do his job. Sure he can have input into decisions, just not as much as he has had at Essendon. There is a reason why CAC is recruiting manager, because he is pretty good at his job. He studies these kids throughout the entire year, and knows their skills and attributes. Plus he knows what we need as a team.
  17. Sure, he was good leading forward, and at times our only forward player willing to go down and get the ball. But CHF is the most important ground on the field along with CHB. You base your team around these positions. Miller can barely kick the ball 45 meters and only kicks about 10 goals a season. For a CHF that's not good enough. And don't say he hasn't been given the opportunity, he has been given the CHF role many times, he has done alright, but has rarely dominated a game. I know that we aren't gonna get another Oxe, but we need someone who can kick 40+ goals a season and can easily kick a goal from outside the 50. The fact is Miller just isn't the typical CHF like Jonathon Brown or Pavlich. And with the likes of Bate and Dunn coming through as utility CHF's, they cover Miller's best attribute when he is CHF (his presentation and running). Now i wouldn't just give Miller away for nothing, he is a young KPP that has decent size. There will be clubs out there interested in him. If we do get a decent trade for him, and he happens to play good footy for that club, good on him. He would be playing good footy and we would have received something decent in return. Win, Win situation.
  18. Viney wouldn't take any crap from the players either. He would be more than capable from taking over from Sheedy (if both came to the club).
  19. I don't think he will get the votes this week. Edwards mark was pretty good. I did vote for Fergo though.
  20. Great news to hear about Jones' nomination. It was only half a season overdue. Yep agree with everyone, we have an absolute ripper in Jones. Only his second year too. He won't win the rising star, but woop dee doo. His continual growth is amazing. Give him a few years, and he will be the second coming of Viney (but with a better kick).
  21. Sheedy or Ratten for me. Sheedy because he is a master coach, for those who worry about the fact he plays favourites, so what. He won't be able to do that if he came to Melbourne. He doesn't really know any of the players too well. The only one i think he would play favourites with is Flash, and we are a better team with him in. He also likes to have the Aboriginal boys in the 50, coz he knows they can pull a rabbit out of a hat. Flash plays best in the forward line, running down opponents, ala 2004-2006. Sheedy is a huge tick for mine, and not only that, the amount of media coverage, sponsorship, etc he would bring to the place would be a lot more than our abilities to do so at the moment. Ratten having already been an assistant coach back in '04, knows the list better than any other candidate, besides Reilly. Our midfield was fantastic back in 2004, along with Thompson :angry: He too would be a coach i would have no problem with in taking the reigns at Melbourne. I'm happy with either guys coaching Melbourne, with Sheedy slightly ahead. Here's just a thought. Would we be happy to get Neill Craig (aka Craig David) as coach if he were to become available? Just a hypothetical
  22. This years GF with the retirees doing a lap of honour will be something. Hird, Kouta, possibly Buckley.
  23. Although his end years weren't that spectacular, when he was in his prime, he was one of, if not the best player in the competition.
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