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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Can we swap our scratch match team for the first 18? They seem to know how to kick a few more goals
  2. I think we only beat every team once in the 70's Radar
  3. The way the guys have played they are not deserving of anything resembling a holiday, sons.
  4. Goody is keeping him in cotton wool until September. Whether or not finals will be played in September and that we'd be a part of them is an entirely different matter.
  5. Keating was a September specialist, don't know how he would help us then! As for Wright, he has no aggression whatsoever. He would partner very well with Weids, we would have the 'nicest' key forwards in the game.
  6. I know we often question the lack of 'culture' and what the MFC stands for, but thank god it's nothing like that of the filth's. The state of that club at the minute is questionable, to put it politely, and how Eddie as president continually wipes his hands of responsibility is something else altogether. He's on a whole different level to Teflon Dan. Up there with the likes of President's Xi Jinping and Putin with their elite levels of untouchability.
  7. Nope. Ben is King in that department
  8. His punishment should be to come and play for us for the remainder of the year
  9. Goodwin's tenure as coach really needs to be put to Bartlett (and to not accept cop-out answers). The board unnecessarily extended his contract for way too long, that puts us in a position that has us stuffed financially if we get rid of him early, or even more stuffed with membership retention (ultimately financially) if we don't.
  10. Fritsch is a flanker, be that at either HF or HB, allowing him to roam (i like the idea of using him as a winger). Give him some space to work with, not stick him in the middle of a scrum with blokes twice the size of him.
  11. Going on yesterday’s performance, we’ll be lucky to even kick 6 goals
  12. Swap him with TMAC. Both horribly out of form, plus the TMAC experiment has run its course (though Goody won’t recognise this for at least another 2 years).
  13. uninspiring on the field, even worse from the coaches box.
  14. I feel like i'm catching hypothermia watching this from my loungeroom
  15. why don't we swap TMAC & Lever around? Seriously, what's the worst that could happen, one's not kicking goals, the other is a liability in defense.
  16. When was the last time we played West Coast at the G? Fixture indeed.
  17. here's an idea, for every loss the players 'donate' 10% of their match fees, if they lose 2 in a row it becomes 20%, 3 & 30% etc. i suspect that would fix our lapses in performance pronto.
  18. At the lower end of 170cm, Spargo has no weapons that helps him maintain his position on the list. For a small forward, he lacks most of the traits required to forge an AFL career. Looking at Pickett's recruitment, it appears the brainstrust at the club agrees.
  19. Either that or the players have been consuming so much of it that they’re developing a tolerance to it.
  20. Given we have used 2 first rounders last year meeting the necessary quota for however long (4/5 years?), i'm more than happy to trade out next years first rounder too to try and bring in a half decent KPF.
  21. Isn't Redbull the drink of choice for Darren Burgess?
  22. You can tell from the press conference that the position of CEO is so far out of his league it's almost funny. Go back to your Polo Gil.
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