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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Posts posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. Frawley and Garland can play, and play well. Add Tommy Mac to that.

    Sure they are struggling but for the last 4 years this pair have been hammered from pillar to post trying to stop wave after wave of unpressured attacks from our opposition.

    Put them in a top 8 club and they'd walk into most teams once they get some confidence back. These guys deserve medals for the way they have fought against the odds over time. They'll get it back and the better our midfield gets, the better they will

  2. .........what bothers me about a lot of posters on here, criticise the Club for knee jerk reactions and then because McLardy was put in an invidious position by so called supporters they want a knee jerk as well.........


    Yeah right, it was all the supporters fault....

    Now let me go back to the coffee I am having with the tooth fairy.

  3. Garry said he doesn't have the time to get involved. What does he do besides the Classifieds, The Footy Show and Triple M footy? Count his money?

    A pretty easy gig I would have thought. I would imagine he has plenty of time on his hands.

    He also has no footy commitments from Oct to the start of the each season either.

    The real issue is he has no interest in doing it.

    His words

    • Like 1
  4. We couldn;t afford Malthouse or Roos.......

    Not sure about this line, as I thought we offered Clarkeson a 5 year, $5million deal.

    Think we could afford them, bur neither were keen (or able) to coach last year.

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  5. edit- if brayshaw can juggle all his media commitments and still be president at north then lyon should re-evaluate his position and how much the MFC really means to him

    Lyon hides behind the conflict claims.

    One of the las things he said was the truth on the matter, he has no interest in doing it.

    • Like 2
  6. im new to this forum and i will probably get shot down by some members of the keyboard army, but fcuk it,here we go..

    i want Mark Neeld to stick Colin Sylvia on the half back flank this weekend v West Coast.

    Woosha will play Hurn on Col if he is in the forward line and after a quiet game by Shannon last week, he is gonna tear Colin a new asswhole.

    i say put Col on the half back flank and make him accountable, but give him the freedom to run from behind the ball and use his disposal as a focal point (aka EMULATE Shannon Hurn)

    in return id drop Gillies and put Rodan to use his experience on Hurn in a run with..

    thats my thought..

    Not a bad thought

    Reckon we should try it out at Casey for a month first

    • Like 1
  7. A very dignified exit.

    Can believe how well Schwab performed, not surprised at all. But am surprised at how good he was to Don and how good he was for him.

    McLardy on the other hand was a disaster. His claims of this has been discussed for months don't exactly add up when he signed Schwab for 3 years in August, when he tells us how brilliant the business side is, when he tells us there will be no knee jerk reactions and how stability is the most important thing at a club.

    This bloke has no credibility at all after that performance.

    That said, I'll just have to avoid discussing Don for the remainder of the year as I have nothing good to say from what I have seen (and that's not just today) of him in action, but at same time we need unity so will be refraining discussing him for the rest of the season (well will try to, we all know I can't help myself sometimes).

    My voice will be my vote later in the year.

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  8. Just had an interesting call from the MFC, I had another call coming in and had to cut short the person from the club short but suspect that they were chasing why I hadn't renewed my membership this year. Call what ever you like, but is my own personal protest on a $500k fine from the AFL when the club chose to cave in and accept it and not fight it, think what we could have done with an extra $500k ! Just thought the timing of the call was interesting in that it was not that long after Schwabb standing down, wonder if there has been a directive internally to start following up with non paid up members to see if attitude has changed now that the 1st sacraficial lamb has found the chopping block. Had the leaders called the AFL's bluff and challenged the handing down of the fine when the club was not found guilty we could have saved a lot of money.

    The calls timing is coincidental. There were volunteers working at the club last night as well, last week also on Monday and Tuesday. They will be there next week on Monday and Tuesday as well trying to get lapsed members to rejoin. I know, as I was there.

    Pure coincidence that you received your call tonight

  9. Interesting timing. would have thought he'd have enough on his plate to find the time to ge a sleeve. Would imagine they take a long time.

    That said, if he had it done over summer when he wasnt under the pump the WGAF.

  10. Jason Dunstall, Dermott Brereton, David Koch. High media profiles, but commit to their footy clubs. So tell me again Garry. What's the problem? Sorry, if you gave your reasons last night, I must have missed them, because from what I recollect, you said very little about the MFC that had any substance.

    you missed Eddie and Brayshaw (Eddie was CEO of 9 based in Sydney yet continued as president).

    Forget about Lyon, he is only interested in himself. We need a new leadership group, but Schwabs saviour has no desire or place to be in it IMO.

    • Like 1
  11. Caro asked for CS's sacking and referred to the demoralising effects of positioning the team in the best place to receive priority picks... Well what a surprise!

    It pains me to completely agree with Caro (and Rangey) but I honestly believe for us to move forward as one, then Cameron has to move on. Till then, everything else is just shuffling deck chairs

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  12. There you go again - trying to divide this place.

    We are all filthy, RR. If we continue the way we are there has to be changes but at a time that suits us and our future.

    Caretaker coach? Looking likely.

    Caretaker CEO? You better know your sponsors are ok with that much upheaval.

    Caretaker President? The final plank in the reaction of a Mickey Mouse organisation.

    We are a joke at the moment, don't rub it in by spilling all those positions before September.

    You are the one making posters who think like me as the enemy of the future of the club.

    I do not appreciate it at all and I have been incredibly patient of late.

    Then make one change. We tried the coach, problem remains. One of main reasons for Baileys issues was Schwab. Novel idea, remove the person who was (and I believe still is) the problem

  13. Nineteen, it was an honour and a privilege for myself and my lovely lady to stand alongside you and the others tonight

    Then I'm guessing you are Peter, Dave here - managed to pull 5 renewals that I was pretty pleased with.

    First time there tonight and really enjoyed it. I'm fiercely critical of many of the goings on with the club and will remain so, but felt great to be able to contribute a little.

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  14. What McLardy is saying is that when Neeld was appointed, he (and Craig) were given total control to build the club, playing list, assistant coaches etc; they will have whatever resources they want. Now, 14 months later (24 games), he is saying that we must have patience, it will turn around. And that makes sense.

    Except change needs to happen from the top.

    Don has passed the buck, quite gutlessly too.

  15. What the Melbourne Football Club needs is someone that will go through the club from top to bottom, talk to everyone at the club, Board, Staff, Players and Coaches and try to fathom what the problem is. They should also try to talk to former Board members and Managers if available.

    This person has to be completely independant and able to gain the trust of all concerned so the truth will come out.

    It's no good just trying to patch up the issues and pretend all is ok, we need to get to the heart of the problem and eradicate it; forever.


    I have said it for a long time now that the MCC is probably our biggest problem and the use of the Board to gain access to the influential members there compounds it.

    What you describe is what I thought the Andrews report was doing.

    The report that the admin obviously didn't like so they locked it away and made sure we never found out its contents

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