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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. that being the operative word.
  2. very easy coin for him Which is why , should Choco come on board I dont think they'd gel Happy for CS to leave and MW to join
  3. did it register !!!
  4. Hope they have a nice sturdy industrial strength red and blue tie should Chocco come on board
  5. If Williams could have got hold of Hi-Ho maybe 5 years ago I might concur. For me the die is set with that lad. Theres far more value putting that same time and effort into a handful of other youngens. I reckon , just mho of course , that he will go ( CS) to another club and earn his money..or rather ...wont. Well lets see if we get the Chocolates, then we can watch and see what happens.
  6. Williams isnt reknown for putting up with lazy boys
  7. Thing is I dont think Clarkson has any interest in the Dees.. That only exists in the minds of some Melbourne supporters me thinks.
  8. This is my only real concern re Roos is thats it might be a case of getting him over the line , but Id rather have someone running to it, really wanting it. I dont think theres really a lot between Chocco and Roos anyhow. Port played a much nicer game to watch...for what thats worth Who knows..Williams might even show our lads how to use ALL of the G...it is big after all
  9. Theres still no bloody bananas in this house despite the number of less than subtle hints about it being only fair that the many , note th few, contribute towards the groceries. Funny how the young with all their faculties ( supposedly ) go deaf so often !! I might just take to hiding the bloody things
  10. Somehow I dont think Sylvia and Choco would get on
  11. I think comrade Burgundy raises an important aspect. Roos would probably be teh most compelling candidate but he doesn't seem particularly 'up for it' . It would no doubt be a case of enough cash to wake him up. I sense with Choco , though he too would command a decent dollar, that here we have someone champing at the bit to get back into the dragons mouth. Melbournes best years and efforts have all come when players are not just allowed to play but encouraged to play with flair, to take it on, to get fired up. Ive seen absolutely NONE of this the past 18 months. I think Choco would bring this element back. Still be a very disciplined team but one where players are given some leeway to back themselves in the fray. For mine its really the only way to play footy. You just cant eliminate the reality it all happens in the moment. Im warmig to the idea of Williams Might get interesting soon with more interet expresed.
  12. Mark Williams has a ‘fire in his belly' to take on the coaching job at Melbourne I certainly woulnt feel hard done by should we get Choco. Its mooted as a 3 horse race but im not sure all horses want to run .. Im definitely starting to get the feel that the opinion of theclub has changed from that "basketcase no one would want to touch with a 10 ft pole " to the best Opportunity this side of the Stump. Hopefully we will see that "Different Side" in 2014...who knows...might just happen opne day with the right leadership. Choco would bring a refreshing eccentricity to Melbourne
  13. Dont want chemists.. rather another.. might just be me
  14. For mine id totally disregard any of these types of comments.. its a little like a reference, whos ever going to write a bad one . Results are the litmus.. simple as that. Look at their results. i.e you need to win X% of games to get to finals , you need to win most finals to get to a grandfinal You need to have players bleed for you in order to win a GF.. theres the quick and simple checklist who has that.. figure it out...hire them done
  15. ahhh firefox needed one...chrome didnt.. hmmmmm
  16. Seems to be a vastly different scenario this time than last.. here and now we re looking at Roos , Chocco , Eade last time thank god things can and do change....t f f t !!!
  17. yes I noted that...thought it odd. Stil lmuch about us is ODD !! lol
  18. umm..do yo have a pass.. If I try it it requires one
  19. dont worry REd....After we get a new coach your neddies will get a wiggle on
  20. it should be online...its no secret surely. (constitution ) the letter was published as : Commission needed to help fix Melbourne Football Clubon the Herald Sun site http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/commission-needed-to-help-fix-melbourne-football-club/story-fni0ffsx-1226665870958 but for a change I couldnt find another link to get around the digital pass
  21. the parade of hobblers would be quite numerous Id reckon !!
  22. AN egm .. really... I cant even find the constitution...let alone how to instigate an EGM lol There are groups far more interested in such a thing and they cant figure it out either..lol I understand what your getting at RPFC ..but the nett result is they all carry on with littel real accountability to the general membership who'll probably never have been informed of what their intent was because all the deals get done without cause for an election. It doesnt make for a very "inclusive" family does it
  23. Whomever we get...they wont be wet behind the ears. Man management ought to be a level above. Ive really got no qualms with splashing the cash at the right person. Its been proved you can have talent but without the right guidance it comes to naught.. How much we spend on players is irrelevant if you cant extract the player from the potential .
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