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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. its chaff and wheat... There ARE seeds of a team to build around but there's a hell of a lot of cow feed too.
  2. many a mention is made of some greats of the game not being zippadeedoodah out of the gates. Problem is the game has evolved and speed isnt a negotiable or icing..its very much a basic requirement in the cake. Again I hope he finds some more of it...he negates his skills and finesse by plodding
  3. many suggest a distinct improvement in speed is a given Im not sure why...he cant run for ..... take the game down a peg he's a gem...point the dial to AFL and hes wanting. Hope he finds some magic speed some where...otherwise just another nqr on the list
  4. There are distinct similarities ...of sorts, but also enough difference to avail the article as meddlesome rubbish lining also. What will be interesting is given the reaction by Roos as to how certain players respond. With Neeld it was to essentially sook, get shirty or run away . With Roos I imagine a few might be shltting themselves as to how there career might continue....and deservedly so. What some players might no realise is they are essentially applying for there jobs again via game time. The door will be wide open come EOS and some names ( suprising to some ) will be amongst those exiting I dont really expect Roos to jump up and down...just speak some home truths...for now.
  5. with all due respect Hogan has proved zilch hope is not fact
  6. anyone who sees irony...a dollar to the Maccallum institute please
  7. Ive no doubt much goes on behind closed doors...pushing the envelope as it were. Its the total disregard for human decency as exposed by these regimes in sport that gets my goat. That and then they feign indignation upon their illegalities being laundered in the open.
  8. Im fully capable of understanding. Clear deliberation isnt your forte ..I understand. Go hold Aof B hand
  9. You and Rhino need a room... you can share your attitudes and possibly do a contextual comprehension workshop. Any possibility you can refrain your pomposity and actually address the thread ?
  10. just thought itd be the exception...not a burgeoning norm
  11. sorry not sure what this suggests. Of course he has the right to self determination. other points reasonable but his is odd...sorry
  12. yes..might have required thought...some extrapolation. sorry for my blunder I shall endeavour to spelll out fully in little words for you lest you fail to garner the gist Funny others understood and you didnt
  13. Id let him go...as would I Grimes ( now ) ' horrible to realise how many just arent what we need
  14. Its ironic that you dont given credence to the turn of phrase but then choose to take it out of context. hardly surprising...its is your credo you yourself then suppose things but then redact... hypocrite
  15. I gain no joy in that false humour
  16. you knew this...in your heart of hearts we all do, if honest
  17. its a short list eh ? shorter than many of us would care to admit. Theres an old expression ,,...make it before you make it. We can do that , but we need about 6 more fair dinkum afl std players. Not starts...just journeymen who can hold the fort til things truly happen. I reckon about 15 are decent AFL grade.
  18. How you hanging in there Red...Shannon says hello ??? lol
  19. c)you miss the point...endurance is irrelevent if you've lost your ability to impact he can run around all day ...for nought....pretty close to now actually Endurance IS important but not the first requisite Youd hardly know Trenners is out there... currently
  20. cliff young had endurance....not the real asset we seek I feel in Trenners
  21. despite the many accolades it wasnt Nathans finest day
  22. Ill accept he did,,,but the body now constrains
  23. i agree..out of the way and can use his talent.. speed not of essence but guile is. problem is though...he cant kick for shilt now.. how many times has he fluffed 40 m ?? just saying. love that if he did nt We need to get real...the list is stuffed currently.. Some very arduous decisions await
  24. and he'll trade every one for ready mades...as would I...its that or oblivion
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