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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Como...Say hello to George been to Banff ?
  2. now I feel sick
  3. always room on the bus
  4. I understood
  5. Size matters Im really happy this guy is in charge
  6. its a bit like speed cameras. We all know there are quotas.etc...then they run out the "justification rhetoric" AFL....mrp ...same rubbish Now there are genuinely reportable offences, which amazingly go un-noticed but this idea of there must be something every Monday night reeks of agenda
  7. 5 min penalty...far too much sense
  8. strangely I have to pee
  9. I hear you brother its become so...umm... supposedly demonstratively equivocal in appropriating a consistent approach to what is, or isn't but its just sunk into a quagmire of sewage. The fault I sense was supposing you could adjudge things in soe sort of quantifiable way. ...yes that whack was a 4...that one a 7 etc. He fell over as a 8, his jaw broke as a 9...... flawed in concept...comical in delivery
  10. its a bugger huh.. mine does it all the time. lol
  11. I do understand this cost -benefit thing as you put it.But I suggest, imho, a bigger picture or grander stance. i.e We wont roll over to this rubbish anymore. Next week , nor the week after are really that important in the next few years but as a stance of saying ...wtf...thats rubbish umpire and we're prepared to back ourselves in..( JUST AS WE ARE ON THE FIELD) A lot of this is psuedo subliminal.. I admire how the Sqawkers and Filth operate in this regard
  12. brutish.....;ooooooooh god help footy btw...youre pretty funny I dont think you should follow footy...might be harmful to your pysche
  13. this is where as a club I seriously think we have to think beyond this..Collingwood would. its a principle with a purpose yeah yeah I know the stragecic ideal but we are evolving past that. its has to be " we dont take shlt '
  14. BBO...youre not playing the game you nong
  15. it is odd that this 'pressure' is SO unexpected. mentoring plays such a big thing as they grow into AFL
  16. troll of the day goes to
  17. I like that you pu it in that perspective. Fresh and honest. Ive only spoke with him the once and was similarly take aback ( sts ) i.e wasnt what I expected. This lad is quite a deep thinker I suspect. the skeggyness etc is just him. but I think he has a clear vision of himself , the team, his place in it and our way forward. I think he makes a brilliant choice as captain
  18. really.. back to kinder
  19. ports list wasnt as bad as they played...just saying
  20. You do realise he was actually going the BALL.?? He mistimed it as often happens. Its part of the game...like the rounder arm block etc. grow some eh
  21. watts isnt there...its a path...Hes now decided to go it...Good on him
  22. Id kinda like us to appeal...All part of the new MFC...
  23. it really is a nothingness. I used to get that kind of hello from many a FB in my younger days. Was all part of the fun and games. This game is getting Nannylike. Any little thing gets a MRP gig...ffs. The players of yore must get a giggle
  24. Dawes did a bad bad thing Rance got up!!
  25. not that it benefits me.... I am my Boss ...lol but a very worthwhile and commendable effort there DLAND
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