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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Tomorrow's headline Bomber's Bombers Bomb
  2. I wonder what Essendon supporters will do when there's no.........Essendon !!!
  3. if 1400(ish) WAS the record...what is now ?
  4. I see the headline Scott's Roos rues Roos !!
  5. We just grew up a little as a team today. Also that team that was often comprehensively over ran and flogged has been laid to rest. Still much work and distance to go , but go we are
  6. Somewhere in France , a little Plssant is probably getting plssed...ant that nice. Vive le Demon
  7. Ye of little faith ( some...and we all know who ) Good win Dees not pretty..1 pt is good for 4
  8. 2nd half Reboot Re engage footy brains Reinstall 'ticker'
  9. Theres no current cobfidence to go fwd as a team not enough targets..not enough playing hard enoufh to make the options. Result players back off. That to me is a losers attitude and needs fixing..fast
  10. Carn Dees Whatever it.... I mean....
  11. I think Paul might be having a quiet (not ) chat to a few. Hoping for the "other" Melbourne to take the ground this next half
  12. I think Chip's showing his colours. ..and they ain't Red and Blue Lamentable
  13. Some of you lot give up easily. We're still 5-6 players short of a really competitive outfit. Currently a similar number wax and wane weekly ( some weakly ) Lets see who settles and who steps up. Ess arent good atm in playibg out hard foufht 4 qtrs.
  14. No Watson...No Fletcher..No heart, no sole
  15. played for Port and Cats
  16. Let all the pressure be on Essendon. ..suits me
  17. Doggies giving the Pies a run.. Currently up a goal near 1/2 time
  18. now thats a damn shame
  19. We are learning how to play that vexed and wretched place though
  20. I really like that Roos is persistent in his "appraisal" of the umpiring. Ought to be interesting to see if we only get 5 frees again today.
  21. As ridiculous as it might seem it would be the difference between being let into the States or not !!
  22. If I was a halfway handy Ess player id suck it up...take the 6m hit and seek trade to another club. Of course that might require a modicum of intellect and thats not been shown to date.
  23. What im thinking is we are starting to put together 4 qtrs. Weve quite a few Qtrs even in losing games. We're starting to weather storms and come back hard. I sense if its a fairly close game at 3/4 time we will come over them. Just need someone up front to step up and bag some.
  24. Youd think there's a bit of support for us amongst the other lot (s) My wife's barracking for us today..shes Collingwood lol Ps Her daughter and son are Essendon too hehe
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