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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. This is all about a game of distractions !!!
  2. Titus brings a spot of levity to this saga. What really happened during James Hird and Essendons court case with ASADA
  3. ahhh thought this was about the ComBank bloke
  4. That would be schtick!! and franky..my dee, ..I couldn't give a damn! What Little and co are doing is despicable. I make no apology for schticking the boot in to these despots.
  5. Of course he will say this...its the "Tilting at Windmils ' methodology. Its a form of bullying really. He seeks an unjust outcome by show of relentless attack. hes just hoping to wear it all down. he underestimates his adversaries me thinks. They are even more stubborn and determined.
  6. no one's jealous as a result I hope !!
  7. We arent dealing in common law here. Its about adherence to a code of practice as laid down by the representative bodies and agreed to by all participants. This usurps the so called right to non self incrimination. maybe they should have read the fine print huh
  8. No, youve got it. This is the nonsense of it all. They EFC arent actually questioning the validity of the reasoning for the SCN only the procedural method of having arrived at them. They are hoping to derail the train. They know the train is legit but just dont want it arriving at its destination.
  9. Are you being deliberately mischievous ? The deed to which the sporting codes signed ( WADA) works by the Inquisitional System not the adversarial one of common law. I.e You are Guilty until you can show innocence. They haven't done this to date and seriously don't they ever could for a very simply reason. So , and it's a point worth repeating. you ARE Guilty unless you can show you are INNOCENT. That is the whole purpose of Show Cause Notices. It gives the recipient the opportunity to SHOW they are innocent.
  10. but they have to. As guilty as shlt on the deed itself . So lets create a stink and go after the "messenger"Hird wont quit til his gun empty. ( we know what caliber he is ) Little will shortly understand hes walking along a finite plank.
  11. but they have to. As guilty as shlt on the deed itself . So lets create a stink and go after the "messenger"Hird wont quit til his gun empty. ( we know what caliber he is ) Little will shortly understand hes walking along a finite plank.
  12. This aint over by a long shot.
  13. What makes me truly laugh is the likes of Little and Hird think they are are so clever. Theyve dug a bigger hole than was there originally. The club had it done the right thing aaaarrghh lol ) could already on way to rebuilding and recovery together with some tempered sympathy. Not now. On path to rack and ruin . Might never recover.. (aww shame that ) and the rep of the club is merde. They are delusional fools.
  14. Essentially agree....some see ball get ball etc ,; some see ball and contemplate how it will be moved. Some can do BOTH ( we need to find these pronto ) I still think if you keep Jackie its on the wing, in space , as a link , instigator type player who can patrol from hbl to hfl even coursing at goal when opportunity presents. He does have skills, he just doesnt have mongrel
  15. Probably wouldnt have read this in the Hun I'm guessing
  16. for EFC its always been about playing for time...they have the money Hird ...just about ego no one gives a fig about health issues re players
  17. Little and Littleler are attempting to Phillibuster their way out of this. we're on to you worm
  18. Windy Hill just got Jeffed...and deservedly so !!!
  19. Little still playing games...he's persistent, give him that...weasel !!
  20. its a classic who dunnit really. Nearly all the main players are compromised in some fashion. Somehow judicious logic must find its way through
  21. he wants it under the carpet...that's his "away"
  22. First call is always Mediation...can last 5 mins...or Depends if yo want your day in court...or your poker ability !!!
  23. starting to turn into the No T$ No B$ Thread- ver 2.0
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