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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I understand...but without rotation possible near end its something to be exploited.... It seemed to go begging as a weapon. Probably just me
  2. I also noted how often GWS fwd players had space to work in... Gobsmacking at times. We do so many things wrong..... but its all the players Granted much probably is...but still . Seems there are some odd directives about our play at times
  3. Im certainly not calling for Roos head, far from it if anyone can extract us from this rubbish I think he might just be the man ( and helpers ) . But I keep seeing a bit of them and us about his stance. Now may well stem from the idea that many in the list simply wont be there in 2 years time so hes not buying into "them" or it might be he hasnt really taken us on 100% either. Roos himself now has to find another level and stop fn blaming others is the first step.
  4. Yesterday was far worse than 186 for this reason. Supposedly they were actually trying all game. At Kitty park it was a go slow protest. I dont think we should easily overlook TMacs comment that we have gone backwards this year.. Why ffs . How can that have occured ? I again suggest Roos was shellshocked and lost the coaching battle yesterday . He MUST shoulder some of the responsibility for no otrher reason than hes the coach and hes gets paid to do so. I still cant fathom how we got over run by a team with no bench . I suggested before the game that they were tanking and they did, in the shape of half a dozen Shermans, Some Leopards and possibly Panzers. They rolled right over us !!!l Yes its hard to create Bouef Wellington when all you have is Spam , but thats where creativity comes in and none was on display yesterday. If Roos suggests the cue was in the rack, then he needed to take it back out and change it up some. What was there to lose by trying ? Often in the middle of battle someone will show something if allowed. To the club. No more apologist commentary. We know we're krap. DO something. I could just imagine Sheedy laughing all day yesterday and why wouldnt you. he had a close call, he almost came to us. Wish I liked cricket more
  5. consistency.......worth 1,5
  6. Paul Roos ; your opponents became crippled by lack of rotations and options and yet still manufactured a flogging. . YOU were out-coached, but you're supposed to be accomplished . Our list is rubbish but you know this and I expect you to allow for this in your coaching. You're accountable. That was pathetic
  7. it's official....I don't care. The money will go out for 15's membership but i'm claiming it on tax as charity !!!
  8. gunna go and find a bottle two when i get home
  9. we dont deserve compensation....just shooting
  10. Cmon Paul...bleed !!!!! GET angry !!!
  11. first to admit ...i was wrong....so very wrong
  12. might seem a small thing...why kick a pass so HIGH ?? skills coaching...pathetic !!!
  13. jamar CAN mark...Dawes?? hmmmm
  14. and some were worries about a spoon...we get done by these bastards
  15. Do you care Roos ? or is the money easy ...I ask you
  16. I've torn up a membership but if I was ever tempted....today is it !!! f u mfc
  17. Not really sure any more
  18. so tempting to get an early train
  19. No wonder I dont bother coming to many games these days
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