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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. We are Billy...we;re in the AFL ...by default were playing with them....what we werent doing is playing like them.
  2. We're playing with the big boys now lads !!! time to act like it.
  3. This is all about the reinforcement of the idea that a dog wags the tail.. Neeld>>> Woof !!! The lads are being instructed as to where the bar now sits. Brave new World !!! lol Good to see. Am sure many will rise to the challenge. Those that dont wont be around for long.
  4. Demons are supposed to reside in Hell.......and now they do !!
  5. or make or break a whole team
  6. Hows it looking for a Banana smoothis now Red ??
  7. I can heartily recommend a banana daiquiri !!!
  8. I mean they dont even have a fair dinkum song that lot..sheeesh !
  9. What the Freddie ClutterbUCK are you on about ?
  10. Whilst theres not much to argue in all of that, as its quite right, how much weight might anyone give the acrimony and animosity between the MCC and the AFL. The former certainly doesnt like being ridden roughshot by the Vlad and Clowns. The AFL would be cermonioulsy screwed if unable to utilise the MCG in a manner it wanted. Whilst the MCC wouldnt probably effect any favouritism for us theyd more than likely be at loggerheads with anyone who sought to unfairly disadvantage us ( mfc ) esp as we are part of the MCC The MCC is very much about tradition.
  11. to say nothng of putting a shot across Kennet's bow !!
  12. I suspect all this will accomplish is a bigger pay check for Clarkson from Hawthorn.. Hope Clarko buys Gazza a few beers !!
  13. Like ^ Lucky bugger.. But hey ..its really about Cadel. Fantastic effort and warmly deserved.
  14. "No one believes more firmly than Comrade Vladimir that all players are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
  15. One mighty stoush is looming !!!!
  16. Strangely Vlads running with the notion that it's not just a case of it not being a conflict but that's it's actually IN the interest of the AFL and therefore all concerned ( after all Vlad knows best ) All hale Vlad , Vlad is good (god?) Big Brother-Vlad-Big Brother -Vlad , just can't tell them apart
  17. Having grown in or around Beauie in my teens + I was astounded and saddened to recently pass the old girl ( Beauie Pub) and see it dormant . The Pav group killed it off it seems . Once a vibrant venue ... Could be again
  18. i'll be quite happy if as good as any But I dont think we've even begun to see his star shine. When he can focus on footy and with a few more kilos ( more than the 7 he has apparently put on to date ) with more strength ,,he'll be just fine thankyou
  19. that might just be the most astute observation of your's here ever YM !!
  20. very much so.
  21. well....thats ...quite...remarkable...
  22. never so happy to be wrong !! :D
  23. Youre absolutely spot on Mickrocks..the Interest is a killer. Get rid of a lot of that and al lof a sudden even the same revenue stream gets much hightened results.
  24. I have nothing but a gut feeling.. but kept coming up with 1 and 3/4 ..for some reason.. Lets see how we go.. Its a very magnaminous gesture by so many. Thanks (as a common garden variety )
  25. Strange that anyone would work at that level where he could be out the door tomorrow with nothing !! Whether its true or not..I personally find it hard to swallow that there was no 'handshake" fee attached
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