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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. More a spoonful Its just data ppl spruiking their wares. Lever is more than handy , you just have to observe. Those folk that make a coin from snake oil mathematics have self interest at stake and is always handy for them to roll out whatever fits on the day. I quite like Lever....for HOW he plays.
  2. Kinda read it the other way... A bit off contact drills..
  3. A question to be raised.. how 'useful' was the MAS cabin crew ?
  4. There you are. Dont care for reality..dont open door mate.
  5. Ethan Ethan When did your ability to discern sarcasm from commentary ? Keep looking. As alluded a friend ( was a senior lead in that Waverley takedown of the lad conspiring ) has eyebrows raised. Ill take a cue from that . Ok ?
  6. Al true Irrelevant to the days fiasco Agree with sentiment
  7. As it happens... A mate is an AFP member. Just quietly ( looks around fervently ) thinks soneones in for a bit of a talk Shhhhh
  8. Sounds like a lot of high brow spin about to come our way.
  9. Protocol would have it the Fedz would instigate live comms with the flight. Anything they wanted to know could be assessed and communicated. This smells like an absolute schmozzle
  10. Melbourne Airport Tactical Response Team ( in full flight )
  11. You must be Joking ! Itd be Freezing. So, what has many legs and is toothless ??????¿
  12. Phew..... thought youd called me that 'T' name... That would be a very bad thing
  13. You don't think most of that info couldn't have ALREADY been conveyed to the ground. The nuff nuff was restrained. AIr crew could resume talking to the cockpit etc. This just has ballz up painted all over it. The response team should have been ready and waiting for that plane.. should have already been pretty well worded up..I mean ffs it's what they're supposed to do ..isn;t it ?
  14. Those that might know of its use probably don't need it. Those that do need it don;t know they need it and so don't avail themselves of its value.
  15. 1) It might be possible to argue anyone running towards the cockpit yelling I have a bomb and am going to blow you up might just qualify him as a .....terrorist. You aren't to know his bonefide until later ( if you're lucky ) 2) All terrorists are looneys !!
  16. I do seriously wonder if the structure at games commencement is the best. Weve stuffed up 1st qtrs with amazing regularity. We seem ablecto do ok ONCE things are adjusted and players 'reminded' of their roles. This does suggest the approach to 'starts' is wrong...or at best needs 'tweaking'. So even referencing the horses's mouth highlights that this has limitations. They are working off a datum, of their own creation. Its not infallible though. There's probably only two things that are relatively indisputable, the weather and results. I give very little consideration to stats. It matters nothing to the bloke 30 m out kicking whether hes holding the ball as a result of 4 tackles, 5 kicks ,9 handpasses , 3 marks ( 1 contested ) and a free kick or 2 taclkes , 4 kicks so on etc. What matters is what he does with it. It might also be relevant how often he gets a crack at that ( or another ) This i suppose goes to how well the team is playing and to borrow from the old book of ism's , are they 'on' or not. It's my experience you can normally tell by looking. So in respect to what i think the OP asks. I really dont go looking for insights at all.
  17. In these troubled times with nutters everwhere trying to deliver their " messages" no matter what collateral be the cost it's heartwarming to know we're so well protected. Thankyou Andrew ( no 'S' ) Seriously...some real concerns here. No sooner has a Coroner handed down a report that in essence highlights the paucity of capacity of one State's ability to react than another situation suggests it's cultural across borders. This could have gone very badly.
  18. my bad...take a bow AFP Edit...takes bows all round
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