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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. i reckon raw players are like veggies ( food ) in that you got to pick them at the right time... and use them when prime...or they just go a bit off.. its like saying...we'll pick them in 4-2-6 !!
  2. I thought getting Sammy was actually quite inspired... No disrespect intended to Leigh.. but !! we are trying to play in the same league as others arent we ?? <_<
  3. im still not sure what to say to that .. are we back to raffles and whip arounds to pay for jumpers ?? thats just plain idiotic !! its not still April 1 is it ? (post aimed at the idea that Juice is our ruck coach!! )
  4. unfortunately unlike some past occasions when we've faced enemies depleted.. we now have the handicap of our top two goal kickers missing physically...and half the rest just missing in action.. that my fellow Dees is a sad reality.
  5. Redleg is right on the mark here.. we as a club seem to wait for some ...i dunno...some sign from god.. or should that be from the other way ( lol ) before we trot our youth out. It reminds me of folk having kids...waiting for the right time in their lives...trust methere is no such thing.. nor do I suspect at times is there in footy with the kids. Some HAVE the spunk and raw talent very early, but if you sit on it too long the shine soon turns to tarnish. I was very interested to see how these kids went for the wobblies..and they actually made a difference, they werent along for the ride. some seem to think many of us are throwing in the towel by suggesting we play a little more youth, rough and raw as it might be. Quite the contrary, we're actually proposing we attack, that we dont surrender by simply trotting out the same ol suspects etc. The oppo coaches have all these guys worked out to a T , why not do something a little less expected. This club loves to protect a losing position rather than risk the chance to gain a winning one. Like much in life in order to go forward and gain you have to move out of your comfort zone. Unfortuantely it seems the comfort zone for the MFC is to finish outside the four in the nowheres ..and end up with nothing !! but hey..its nice and comfy !!
  6. ya know...i cant help but feel this is symtomatic of much that is quite frankly wrong with the Dees. Both the fact that Trav's attitude can be "his personality " ...and that the Coach simply accepts this as OK...or if not Ok..simply par of his make up. I know this will sound ridiculously trite...but as a kid I was told time and time again...'stand up straight...dont slouch !!"... this was not only a posture thing....but it was about your attitude..of what was basically acceptable and what wasnt.. and the flipside to this is what you as the individual expect to gain by it. Dropping your head is never a good thing for mine.. It just screams ..'giving in" ..( even if temepred by frustration ) When your allowed to stand on the pitch with hands on hips pondering what might have been...you've lost the mental game already and the other is only a matter of time. Not good enough MFC..
  7. interestingly at the Hun's tipsters page ( online ) everyone including the kiss of death is against us.... what do we read into it when even Mr G Reaper cant put a kind word in ?? lol
  8. John...thanks for your insights. agree nothing ever in life is cut and dried is it..always some extenuating circumstance or influence. Your view im interested in on thsi matter..as might we all. Is it simply a case though that should you cross that white line... then all that happens as a result is up for scutiny without reserve to all of the above type conditions ? Most of us are monday morning experts.. with any or all of what football experience probably past and not of the level you played at ( I dont count my Richmond little league appearances of over 35 years ago as all that much !! lol )... so in that light are we over merciless ( translate passionate and blinkered ) or is it very much a case of you payz ya money ya get to make the call ?
  9. the omen is we win the toss...lose the game !! lol aww..c'mon folk...we have to laugh...lol.. ( no more tears left..lol )
  10. real scenario.... time taken to get over injury.. add time for getting match fitness and up to speed. A speedy recovery Robbo :-)
  11. he's been around ten years...he's not effective
  12. Sylvia seems to be flying under the radar at present.....they are keeping the wraps on this guy. Agree..Sore ?? what multitude of physical deficiencies is this meant to cover ? Is that like the guy who said...honeslty officer i tripped and fell...then stumbled into the door ?
  13. what did you expect.. he was there mainly in the context of the coaches assoc. ..that...and what is he going to do...even if he did have any real surprises he's hardly likely to let anything out of the bag. just another affable display by the likeable coach ( effective NO...likeable yes )
  14. to be realistic...they dont know how much damage really.. ( til the scope ). For: he does like to get back into it quickly Against : He does like to get back into it quickly ( and he might just rush things ) A serious hole in our armoury.. Try somethig different Neale.......please :-)
  15. ( just taking the mick ) coz it works well to build upon the foundation of sh!t !! :-))
  16. there is no order to who has said any of this first...but we now have enough threads ( in a fashion ) to thatch together a reasonable image of what is wrong . For a man called the "rev" ....who espouses belief in his men, especially to pull themselves back from obscurity or from spinning endless into the abyss, he seems extremely reluctant to give real credence to the belief his club has in its youth, its draft picks etc...As pointed out here...Micky Mouse at wobbly land is onto the remedy, the same one Sheeds has known for ..well , it seems forever. Play the people whom youve shown enough interet in to draft etc. What do you do otherwise,keep them under lock and key forever til they grow tired of waiting ? These guys want to play. They have shown they can at a 'cetain' level. what do we lose by playing some?...oh gosh..w e migh lose. Neale, the word is we probably might anyway so playing them now is almost at no cost, or would you rather wait til everything is actually on the line ? As CB points... as a club we are way too conservative at the most inappropriate times. Now is not the time to retreat back into mediocrity but an occasion to treat adversity as opportunity. I too would love to see Juice in...also what has Dunn done ( sorry ) to deserve his incarceration at Coventry ? Hopefully Petterd might get a few minutes. Dappa ..youre not the broken record.. its our club :-( round and round we go, same ol' hurtful cries of "nearly there's" all accompanied to the jouous strains of " we played some dumb football".........."we played some dumb football '..." we played some dumb................ " Its now ten years of this brand of religion; the skies have opened all but too infrequently, with forecasts of sunshine but only delivery of rain. Apologies , i dont recall who said it here , but they were dead right, Danners seems incapable of originality only the poor copying of others ideas. And all i see coming is repeat failure. Something has to change.
  17. ahhh League teams... the good ol days of Footy shows !! :-)) thanks OMR ...interesting insights.
  18. 10... oh hang on ..anticipation..... thought it was ANXIETY !! make that "0"
  19. even worse...its got no ticker... its just simply stopped !!
  20. as they seem capable of inflicting more damage... lets sign up 22 Sausage rolls to don the Red and Blue !!!
  21. I think possibly the biggest lesson we have yet to learn is that some players whom we thought still had yards in them have actually peaked.. and are being overtaken. Some have surprised me...some just plain dissapoint
  22. I for one dont underestmate Chapman for a moment...rate him well.. he does have some...strange days though. on same note..Belly is gaining game by game.. I rate him as up to the job. Chapman is good but succeptible.
  23. well... the alarm has alreay gone off... Neale's hit the snooze button and he's been caught napping !! Going to have to start again !!
  24. A reality check ? wholeheartedly agee About 15 players and a coach need one for sure !!
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