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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I dont advocate 'tanking' as that is simply playing to lose..togain the draft picks.. as i said.. we will get them to some degree anyway. You (historically) will need 7-8 wins toclaim anything above bottom four.. and i just cant see that happening anyway. Butif anyone feels, thinks, believes otherwise.. go for it ...your perogative. Everyone assumes you must run out and grab the kiddiest kids with all your picks. Byall means grab the best you can, but I have advocated for some time to look elsewhere and maybe grab one or two ready mades with some decent footy in fornt of them. we still need some KPP .. who knows what will appear come november etc. You always play to win, but sometimes your means isnt what you would like. A healthy dose of reality is needed by some here. we arent playing in september..get ove rit.. play and plan for next year....which brings us to the reason of this thread, Daniher. played the very straight bat didnt he, and really what else would you expect. He's hardly going to say..well ive had a gut full, although if you listened carefully he all but said that towards the end. He seemed a little fed up with some of the fellas, that they simply werent coming up to scratch !! But who's fault is this really. If you give kids, players ..employees...anyone too much range then its often going to come back and bite you. many thought he kept players on the track far too long after transgressions ( of play etc ) ...and now he wonders why some didnt/dont respond !! dug your own hole there Neale. I personally felt he ducked behind the " I ought to keep and stick to coaching ... a la Wallace directive " when asked about club involvement etc. Onthe surface it makes perfect sense and possibly thats all it is. But you might be forgiven for thinking that it also is what youd expect from someone repositioning themsleves for a move come end of season. Of course he would do the right thing by the club, I reckon hes an honorable bloke. I also reckon e would be positioning himself for what ever is best for Neale Daniher. You'd be an idiot if you didnt, and he's no idiot. Youd also have to be blind as to what is happening at Neales ol Alma Mata. There are serious suggestions that this is Sheeds last year at Windy Hill.. the fit is like a glove !! Bomberland likes its old boys. The thing that truly annoys me about Danners is we never seem privy to the most basic thinking of how he intends to changes things , I mean, surely its not OK at present . Just the laconic we need to play better footy. Since we've heard that now for 10 years id like a little more detail, just a smidge. He emphasised our loss of the weekend came down to poor kicking..and thats 100% right it did, but nothing about his views on this. I dont expect a bulletin outlining the training drills, but some communication of the nature that the boys will improve this ..or else. Some sense of annoyance and the requirement that they ( lads ) will be appraised and found wanting, make room for someone who can. but we dont get this, we get "We've played........... " etc. So..he seems to intimate theres not much more he can do. maybe thats just it....Not much more he can do.. next !!
  2. I don think we will need to try ...to finish in the bottom four.. unfortunately.. Thats just going to happen save for the pre mentioned miracle and possibly that would do us no favour anyway. I wouldnt even really bother trying to win per se at the moment..I'd be trying to get a bit more experience under the blets of the young ones ...( why does young ones and Neale suddenly make me laugh !! ). Not only for them to get some more game time...but more importanbtly...game time together, so they begin to get a feel of playing together at this level. I'd be trying to get them to play more than 2 quarters of good footy consitently, to get their basic skills up.. Do all of that and the payoff will come later. its not ''chucking it in " as such...its just playing as best you can the cards you have !! I actually think if we did this we might start coming good later in the year.. too late for anything really, but a good headstart into next year.
  3. well we didnt really learn a lot from all that. Thought they really tip toed around the Rev. lots of words all around...very little actually said. Intersting as one could view that as Daners wanting to move on, or as Carrro commented maybe he does want to stay..after all he has a lot still to prove, he knows he hasnt succeded, that must hurt. I suppose he has to say that its not over yet...hed have to say that.. as I point out elsewhere..it prettty well is...if you're a realist...all emotions aside.. Good to seethough that he ( ND ) realises it was indeed Melbourne and no one else really that lost the game...it was there for the taking. What he never seems to say is what he is going to do about it !! He is the coach...isnt he ? he in charge of these things..traiining that is...emphasis on skills.
  4. well... lets see 16games to go these inc : WCE @ Sub Port @ AAMI Fre @ Sub Bris @ Gabba but wait ...there's more !! Dogs @ Telstra ( twice...got screwed there !! ) Dons @ Telstra and Syd at the back of beyond ( Manuka ) Well.. by my reckoning you need 12-1/2 to 13 wins to secure a place in the final 8. Of the 16 left.. 4 are hard...and 4 even harder. Given that we havent actually won one yet .... I dont think its too much of a stretch to call it over ...do you ? Might as well experiment and get some games under these blokes !! just my view...as its not going to make the slightest difference really.
  5. especially as one of them actualy KNOWS where the goals are !! would be handy dont you think !! :-)
  6. I must admit I read that as well and thought...wtf..... No...you havent used all potential players.... then I calmed...and reread it, hoping for further enlightenment... but none came. At first I was trying to see if I could read it as alluded above that we have nearly exhausted our supply. But if youve ever heard the ol' rev talk...he's actually very careful with his words.. and so I am at the point where I am preapred to see it as he thinking there isnt really anyone else to come. I too immediately thought...HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !! Newton !!!!!!!!. well..again time will tell. but in answer to original post.. yes.. I thought it a tad strange
  7. ****"It was a tough one to take," Daniher conceded. "I thought we played pretty good footy. We won enough of the ball, won enough of the stoppages, kept the Burgoyne boys under control, kept Chad Cornes under control but we just weren't able to kick it through the goals when it mattered."***** Ah....even the Rev has twigged... we cant kick !!!....its rocket surgeryisnt it !!!! It doesnt matter what else you do ...if ya cant kick !!! ....time to learn some basics boys !!!! start enrolling for Footy 101-..and in the beginning....we kicked the ball...
  8. not a lot of gain to be had from blaming all the things we cant change... umps..injuries etc.. but things we CAN and SHOULD change.. skills...i.e passing.. and kicking...esp for suasages !! the terrible truth of today.....is that the game was there fo the taking.,.. and we didnt... we couldnt buy a goal today.!! 30-40 out at the G ought to be a given !!
  9. nor should it...dont advocate it as such...just dont see it as off menu either...for anyone.. why would it be :-)
  10. well..Queen it can be a dual edged thing for sure...but a level headed 'team' player if expalined would see it in a positive.. if he doesnt... do we really want them ?? but how about putting it this way at present... going to hte Zebs allows a player to experience a winning vibe !! :-))))
  11. its funny the sec you suggest a drop.... I mean reallocation to the Zebs !! heheh everyone seems to think its some sort of reprisal...a punishnment etc.. Not always.. it can be an opportunity to regain confidence..some form.. some reappreciation of the postion your excpected to hold. it can be a positve.... Beter a couple of feelgood runs to get the mind in gear then constant second guessing and frustration !!
  12. we arent in teh position to NOT !! am I serious...[censored] yeah!! what..we're doing that well are we ??.. ..lo.l... ya kidding arent you the jumper has to be earned...by everyone. the minute you allow unaccountable walk up starts...you lose credibility.
  13. a brave post there 45 !! but I'll back you for the most..as does Dee'v Cam had a blinder of a season a few back...we were playing nice footy..it was open.. slick..looked great.. ( til the wheels fell off..s.i.l. ) Im not 100% sure if he's really shirking..or just ineffectual.. remember seeing him close up at a function a few years back... and thinking ..geez mate if you hit me ( bump etc ) youd come off second best and your supposed to be a tough at it bloke !!.. I had my doubts after that..and have had the view since that he simply isnt as effectual as many make out.. that and his kicking ( and I use that word in its most casual mode ) has gone awol personally I thought he wasnt too bad today given he wasnt 100% for the most part. but he isnt this al singing all dancing star many make him to be ....not any more why not drop him to the Zebs to get form..and make him learn.. I am sick of hearing tis bloke or that is above going back down...No one on this team is THAT bloody good.. NO ONE !! and maybe thats a point for other threads.. the so called untouchables.. ..enough said
  14. where do we send the thankyou to?? Now they are playing Atlas !! vbg !!
  15. still doesnt account for attrocious kicking.. does it ? Neeta gets a bit of a "get out of Jail" he even struggled for distance at one point ( not altogether comforting , but I already know all the arguments..lol ) would you employ a train driver that couldnt drive a train ? why do we have so many players that cant kick ?? honestly it has me stuffed !!
  16. Much wil lbe lamented about today. .... it was a fair crack.. and we nearly got there :-( many will look to th eumps.. what maggots..how dare they cost us a game ..etc.. or you bunch of pathetic supporters...if only 10 000 more had turned up maybe that would have spurred greater achievement. or the injury woes continue.. must be voodoo !! But gentle folk... i am about to suggest something so extraordianry it barely deserves belief, something so bizarre that surely only the gods of other universes must be repsonsible for.. what is it that cost today ...and distinctly didnt help on many other occasions.. I'l tell you.. I'll tel you all.. and its remarkably simple WE CANT KICK FOR [censored] !!!!!!!! Ladies and gentlemen the game is called FOOTball...it requires kicking of said ball with skill and nuance.. and we cant do either. We pass like inept apes at times, puttig the ball beyond lace out.. putting players under enormous and uneccesary pressure. its often the difference between a fluid continuous attacking play and a right [censored] up !! a turnover etc. we place players in fornt of goal...and I certainly dont want to place bets of any kind on them !! 9.17 had it even been 10 .16...at least a draw 11.15 and its a win A message for all coaching staff... forget plan A...or plan B..or run, ccarry... cash carry or any carry.. for the next few weeks ...just drill them for hours on kicking !! thats all...just kicking.. until they can do it like real footballers !! it used to be the first thing taught...now apparently its the last thing needed !! And if you think this is a crock !! name me 10 players (ours ) that you'd bet ya left nut on if 30m out in front of goal ?? scarey isnt it !! rant over :-) p.s The maggots didnt help either
  17. I think a lot will depend on how he plays out this season... should ( god forbid ) he be struck down again...thensomeone has to start asking some very tough questions !! thats just a reality, no sleight intended !!
  18. the case of two hoodoos .. which to get busted first... Ports inability to beat us on the G or Out inability to beat anyone at this sport? hmm they have port at 1.38 !! Lets hope you're right Oracle
  19. why on earth does someone Juice's size get named on the wing ?? Strange ways at Sandy...yet still they kick @ss :-))
  20. I really shouldnt be sitting here laughing at this..... it really plays with our heads doesnt it ? This goes to much of what ive been questioning over some time...but at least Petterd has been rewarded ( justifiably ) with retention...this makes sense.. Doggy doesnt..theres just no consistency in this ...He's not even made to sit on the bench...he's starting !! damn curious to see who actually starts
  21. I too... well lets see how this lot goes.. ougt to be iteresting... looks more like a set up for training !!
  22. well...thats different !!! Good to see Bucks and Warnock listed.. lets see who plays thats got to be some sort of camouflage line up !! very lateral :-)
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