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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. might even be more objective to actually play him downback ??
  2. wrong call. ooze isnt robert harveys left wet sock!! So far removed it isnt funny
  3. yes he( ooze) has ability.. intermittantly. and its on the wane. Dont confuse negativity with matter of factness. So many peopel get so attached to this bloke ot hat..its all rubbish... they are profesionals. they are pieces in a jigsaw..they are widgets for want of a better description. Not one of them is that singularly important that they deserve consideration above the team. I have often said that I couldnt care less who is wearing the jumpers on the day we win a premiership...and why would you? I barrack for a team . I want to see it succeed. Do you care who is playing...who is coaching ? on that great day !! Everyone running onto that ground is paid to do so. Some do it better than others. if anyone could go and handpick a team a-la the good ol Big V days and have yourself a super side...would you not let them play in red and blue ? ( yes its farcial..but some may get the gist ). ..and for every better player you introduce...someone is cast aside !! In amatuer land you can afford to be forgiving and supportive to all the nuances and idioscyncracies of the players....after all its just a sideline for them. Even if playing with passion and love for the game...the minute you cash that big check...I for one will hold you accountable in the context of team worth!!
  4. whats ooze going to teach anyone...how to be selfish? maybe... how to lead.. ? never. how to give 110%..how to play for the team ...?? .dont make me laugh !! ooze has done alright for Ooze.. fair enough but he is borderline assett/liability at present.
  5. Bizzel...he did very well at the contract table..
  6. joking ?? ...not in the slightest.. those who can ,may recall I suggested we let him go at last contract negotiations. He would have been immensely tradable and good luck to whomever would have picked him up.. But that didnt happen..nor did my want for Hollywood to have met the same fate. We now have two expensive players who do not live up to reputed worth. Neither are tradable now...we're stuck with them til they expire. Ooze is very flash in the pan. He is not near the top of the heap of assetts going forward.
  7. Funny ..I could have sworn Frawley was to bolster our backline...and then danners throws him into no-mans land.. didnt see that one comong !!! The master-stroke of a genius for sure. who knows...if put down back he might have just blocked the path of a Roo or two ??..Might be hard to swallow that though !! lol
  8. Interesting to know who to hold to some account for Ooze. Woey..please dont persuade any more !! :-))
  9. the problem ( to me ) is the wooden-ness of options coming back in. By the time the apparent kicker designate looks to inbound the opposition has had all day to close it down. Its not that hard to figure. why isnt the team drilled in "closest the pill kicks in "..everyone else adjusts to suit. Too often precious seconds are wasted as the ball is handed over from player to player. We need to get the jump on the other team, not hand them a present !
  10. I dont mind that back six... probably a few others as you say that can come in and out. The benfit is we can start to see if they gel ? if not rejig it. One of the most importnat aspects of a team play scenario is knowing what your mates willdo...where they will be ...how they play. ( and this has only a partial influence by team orders , as the indiviuals will interpret). The more they play, the more they know and can trust. These are the building blocks of that ellsuive element ( to us ) CONFIDENCE
  11. Judging by the way the ball is handed over to certain people , there is obviously a set play type thing happening. which by many thinkings would be the case. But i have to say we need to expand this play book because its just far too limiting and time wasteful. As observed..there are opportunities for the opposition to reset it self in that interim. The whole element of 'suprise' has lapsed and they put themselves under the pump. Good teams will go coast to caost with effective and quick kickins. This to me is purely a coaching deficit, as before, maybe not Danners but his minions need to rectify this. Its glaringly obvious and yet nothing seems to change ?
  12. It just dumbfounds me that we are so far behind most other teams at kicking in. The opposition must relish the opportunities this presents. I find it incredulous that Danners could be surprised about this. He must surely win the "Captain Obvious " award for the week. He comments upon a situation which is essentially of his own making...just maybe if he coached the team (or by proxy, instruct his othre coaches ) to teach them better and more fruitful ways !! other teams take advantage of the quick kickin and look dangerous at it, when we do I honeslty have my heart in mouth , waiting for the stuff up. Why are we so inept?
  13. i dont quite get why everyone roasts Godders kicking...its no worse than most in red and blue ( which I concede is not that flsh at times ) but some of his passing was amongst the better weighted kicking all day!!
  14. whatever changes are looming...they need to address the reality we have the worst forward line ( by score ) about to face the second most miselry defence !!
  15. really begs the question of not why dod Brocky get penalised...why didnt he get the 50 ? lesser things have been paid.. thougth McLean was stiffed.
  16. on white...was good to see him take contested marks ...for me he often does but many say he takes the easy ones. Credit where due...it sjust his rucking that is the questionable item of the teams puzzle for me.
  17. im happy enough to leave him on and a runner to convery the message that "he's been a very naughty boy !!" ::-):
  18. had me as why dunn and miller werent swapped end for end .. at least Frosty's tacklong would have been useful in defence.. Dunn can think ( unlike previous ) and make clever use of the ball going forward.
  19. yep that stat holds up.. but again... add context to it. what its saying is as a "follower" hes getting the pill.. as a ruckman he's getting beaten. So what exactly is his role out there ?
  20. ward ? ok.. thanks.. he ought to be shot for that.. a cardinal sin. Biz played quite ok I thought, stil not hard to shoine amongst that lot at times. Carrol...I know this will be unpopular but though he's come along heaps.. he still hasnt convinced me he's really the FB we need, the better forwrds get away from him easily. Still probably just me
  21. what can be done ? thats the question isnt it. what are the options. yes 36 have played so far.. but in what context..as stop gaps for the walking wounded or as aprt of a composite amongst themselves. Its the former. Ther are at least half a dozen who will either not be at Melbourne or not feature in any ongoing way next year. we could form a team around the nucleus of the 'known identities' plus the likely starters for next year, topingup with the "to be discontinueds" to get through the year. there is no point as such in playing the so called best 22 each week. well for starters ..who are they? what have they achieved so far..its they who have gotten us here, they and the coach. This suggests the so called best 22 are simply not the right 22. we need to start build ing the NEXT best 22. Hopefully a band of brothers who may take us further. this wiil include some bit not all of the most likely starters from any list most anyone will assemble at present but tempered byany qualification of them going forward. example. Biz played well today. he wont be here next year. why use him on day in day out basis going forward at expense of experience of others. same for Dutchy, Ward etc. Its time to get ruthless. You could posibly win with some form ( reversal) maybe 6 or 7 for rest of season by using the very best...but its a short term gain at the expense of next year. But here we have a divide. There are two basic schools of thought here. Some think we outght to look way forward into the neeeds of next year and beyond and start now and those that see the best method as steadying the Titanic..and and taking each iceberg one week at a time!! Or can someone educate me as to what exactly decribes the "right" time to do all this, if not now ?
  22. oh good logic Rhinoi...lets string together 10 wins.. an then play the kids.... mate what options do we really have ? Foget about pie in the sky stuff...look at what is actually happening.
  23. there are some ...who whilst possibly hving given wel over the years...simply wont figure in next years side. we simply have to realise this and where possible blood the kids. yes they may come totally unstuckon occasions. but nothing replaces experience. They can only get it one way. This will build confidence and maturity. Even if they are smashed on some days its all part of the learning curve. If they dont show the stuff, then we will know and thats also part of the deal for the club. You can only build from the standpoint of knowlwdge. Well lets see what they know. There is only one way forward. There is not much lower to go. There is a nucleus of a very good team in there somwhere. Im actually quite optimistic going forward. But it wont happen overnight, nor with the current brand of shampoo if you get my drift.. but thats another matter.
  24. Only the most optimistic or delusional would feel we are anything but toast for season 2007. On that basis can be start thinking in terms of 2008 ..and start developing anyone that needs game time. or do the purists stil waant to persevere with a Quixote like tilt at the windmill ??
  25. cant blame Robbo too much...delivery to him was woeful!! bordering on disgusting really. we need to go back to basics and learn some fundamental skills of this game.
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