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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Id be quite interested to know ...of those who dont think the comments made by Selwood are anyworse than other inane sledges, or think this is just part of the game etc... who has a young daughter ? ( or son ) I do.. I dont play footy any more.. and only play competitive sport at a very very amatuerish level. There is still much argy bargy...and the occasional and obligatory silly words said. Most would be like water off a ducks back.. would be laughed at. However..should someone be so stupid to suggest anything along the lines of Selwood they would soon be wishing that they hadn't. I have no idea how an indigeous person feels about being villified, and almost hypocritically i will open myself to criticism here and suggest its no worse than being called any other of a 100 names about ancestry or nationality as many of us were at school...and yes it hurt but we got through it. But i will put comments of a sexual nature about a minor in a very different category. I dare say the community as a whole would. At best it displays an immaturity and naivity by Selwood, at worst an absolutely disgusting desensitivity to innapropriate sexual behaviour. I think Selwood needs to learn a lot from this, as does WCE and the league in general. Yes a lot of 'stuff' goes on on a sporting arena, some is just ( like it or not ) part of the game, and some is just vile and reprehensible. Anyone who condones it might have a good long llook at themselves too. Selwood your dead lucky it wasnt me or a few of my sporting FRATERNITY...as you'd still be picking yourself off the grass...if you were lucky !!.. Does that make us equally irresponsible and immature.. thats a possible barb that might be hurled, but I bet it wouldnt be said by any parent of a young child !!
  2. have no doubt lots of very crudy things are said..and for various reasons...just curious why anything is off limits.....i mean..how do you draw lines
  3. am curious...why should racial remarks be off limits..and disgusting remarks about a little girl not ?
  4. no i disagree..as cleanout only goes to the idea of well that..a cleanout.. this has nothing to do with cleaning out the list per se...just what are viable avenues of enlisting players.
  5. I would be very surprised if gazza ever took up th eposition at Deeland..( maybe elsewhere ).. he will be EXPECTED to win a flag...anything less and it will be a let down.. They are mighty intimidating circumstances to take on a club not in the best of shape. Left field may be quite ok.. Neil Craig certainly came from there. Maybe the club could take on one of the current assistants but at same time get on board someone with experience ..but retired from day to day footy...to act as some sort of part time mentor as well. Its done with players...why not a coach.?
  6. keep in mind we aren't talkign about some sick aunt gladice in hospital on life support, these are a bunch of wel paid professionals ( supposedly ) who have the luxury of playing their beloved sport at the highest level for much reward. No one is ever going to knock a trier ( though poor ol' Gods get's his share plus ) .. but when you trot out displays such as we have seen in recent weeks then something is going to be said.. ups and downs?? remind me again ....what are ups ?
  7. it will come back to contracts as to who can go at the end of this year.
  8. my thinking is.. by all means draft X number through the kiddy pool... but there has to be quite a few young blokes running around where there real capabilities are on show...not what "might be " They are already playing against men...which is often the argument about not advancing the draftees too quickly.. Not every player is going to be a star.. but we could certainly use a handful of young blokes who play an honest afternoons game with full respect for the jumper. I'd be very intereested..and seriously ( and resepectfully ) if you are reading CAC...does MFC look to these pools of potential talent with much effort , that is in comparison to all the attention paid to the kids ?
  9. I'll see your 3c and add 20!! exactly.. no such thing as "ready" agree wholeheartedly Jaded.. and anyways.... reality is writing the script and timetable...we may not have much choice ( well others may not have hte choice ) much longer.
  10. pointles discussing people with NO coaching experience
  11. is it a case of a person wishing a player or coach to fail to substansiate their stance .. or simply taking a stance on the failure of a player or coach ?
  12. I dont think anyone is enjoying our current situation too much. I dont think there are really that many who actually hate Danners ( I dont ) . I also dont think our fortunes will change much without change and in this effort there wil be collateral damge of sorts. Its nothing personal, just practical.
  13. Well we're in a bit of a pickle arent we.. I thought I'd offer up possibly somethg else to coment on. When it comes round to casting our net for new players, we like most clubs seem terribly focused on the draft, on the kids. I dont think this is either healthy or wise..i.e placing so many eggs in one basket...or one source. Trade hasnt got us very far...or indeed many clubs in recent years as that avenue seems to have tightened up a lot. One area that piques my curiousity are the other leagues...whether the VFL..or SANFL or WAFL etc...where there maybe some of these same said kids that might have been overlooked in previous years, but have gone on to carve themselves a bit of a reputation. Maybe they we late developers or simply didnt fit the mould or flavour of 'that' years particular intake. We , like all clubs , draft kids. We seem to take an inodrinate time on average bringing them to the game. In hindsight is it really that great an investment to have so much reliance upon a feed with no guarantee. Yes you need to take these risks, but could we not temper it and marginalise them by looking further afield ? I'd like to see this club become more lateral in its approach to finding players other's thoughts ??
  14. directors can exert pressure...directors dont pick teams. So who are the seven not playig in red and blue next year ?
  15. ive been following these boys in red and blue for near 43 years. Ive done my dues of following though thick and thin... well mainly thin..as we havent really had any succes in all that time ( sorry if its my fault ...lol ) . we all follow and support this team in varying ways according to oportunity and priorities. But essentially we follow and barrack for Melbourne for whatever reason it is. Tell me please where the quality or passion for a club is comensurate with any form of masochism. Why put up with just any slop thats put up before you? does one do this with other elements of life ? actually some do..and in their realm nothing changes. If you are prepared to cop medicrioty ...bully for you. If you wear disappointment and under-achievement as some badge of honour, then I suggest we have very differing ideas of goals. I dont expect success out of our club...I just want it. If inthe process of this achievement those that have tried and failed are passed over or indeed put to the sword, well thats life. They would have known thats the course of events should failure be their record. There simply has to be a point where you call enough as being enough.
  16. some people may look upon it as someone losing their job.. others look upon it as a club losing its way !! i barrack for a club....not a person
  17. you can take the same ingredients and use two different recipes with two vastly different results... probably just as well Danners isnt playing other wise he'd probably start at half time !! is it just me or does he seem consistently 1/2 a game behind ?
  18. Beat freo ?? hmmm !! Freo have at least been reasoanbly competitive and looked like being in the mix. They have far more fit cattle than we do ( well...who doesnt ) and thats cant bode well. The only thing going for us will be its at the G....but anyone who doesnt allow for Tarrant at this ground does so at their own peril, he loves this place and the purple mob have been waiting for him to turn it on. Im afraid it could get a bit ugly.
  19. We do indeed have a very strange situation at Deeland at present. You would need to be the most optomistic person on earth to think Danners wil lbe at the helm next year. And this is part of the conundrum as I have no problems with him per se...just as the coach. he is genuinely respected and liked around the club and indeed would quite happily shout the bloke a beer, however, his effectiveness has come to a crashing finality. Thats just a reality. Results speak for themselves. RR makes salient points. This must be handled with professionalism. The current MFC admin seem quite capable of this. Should we get to the point where mid season we are but the holder of but a token amount of wins with no chance what so ever ( and this unfortunately looks very likely ) of making the 8 let alone being effective with it then the process of change must begin. To wait until the end of the year whilst commendable for stoicly upholding the "honour" of the contract is foolhardy in its practice. Time as always is of the essence. There will begin a weeding out process along with a change of coach. The incumnats will need to have some opportunity of manouvring Melbourne into some position of gain come trade and drafts etc. This cant be an 11th hour 59 minute approach the minute a new general is appointed. He must e given some real chance of getting value at the end of the season. Danners must appreciate that his tenure is coming to a close. The ND era has not delivered on the rhetoric. Its been pretty well 10 years of standing still. I have no idea who will head the coaches next year but it must surely pay dividends for MFC to clear its deck as soon as posible and make plain its intention s to the football community at large, by doing so we may then position our self well in the orchestrations and "fun and games " of personnel recruiting. Neale...youre a nice bloke and thanks very much for all the things you did off field for the club, but even you would admit that the results are not what you hoped for. Its time for some new blood. cheers
  20. All teams proud and bountiful All players tall and small All plans wise and workable The Reverend made them all Each little play we try and do Each little kick to you The Reverend and his mighty team Have failed to learn anew The lush green covered alter The Yarra running by The sunset on another year The Reverend’s made us cry The cold wind in the outer The pleasant sound of song The lofty cup of AFL Has been not ours too long With hearts and eyes we go and see Our hope is ever more The Reverend’s time may have come at last Its what we all long……. for Amen !!!
  21. couldnt agree more...its like give a man a fish..feed him for day...teach him to fish and he's fed for life... :-)) Whether its Mathews or someone else.. i like the general thinking.. Invest in a coach that will instill a winning way..and we get much better value...and a legacy
  22. i just took it as a couple of options...not necessarily at same time
  23. for whats its worth it was kinda interesting to hear the thoughts of someone current in the game as to how they might use our blokes ( well whats left of them!! ) They're gunna find it very easy to make a statue of the rev one day....... well...he's already set ( in his ways ) in concrete
  24. as good as Judd is....one man for a lot of money ...is not the solution for a team ( unless its the coaching job!! )
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