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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. well it will be this year...last year was a total yawn!!! Going to be mayhem this year... beaudy !!! lol
  2. I missed the show ( I have a life...lol ) was Eddie smiling ?
  3. some of us have had distinct head starts !!
  4. well he's gone...make of that what you will :-))))))))))))) lol
  5. now Craig... mate... fully realise you cant let the cat out of the bag... but if there was hypothetically a cat... ought it feel depressed and pessimistic about its environs.. ??
  6. how can they even contemplate odds before trade and draft week... bizarre
  7. wish I had the hotdog , ice cream and beer concession on this site at the moment !!! pmsl !!
  8. or in that outfit maybe.. ( in the manner of Ce Ce Penniston !! ) Finally it has happened to me Right in front of my face My feelin's can't describe it Finally it has happened to me Right in front of my face And I just cannot hide it Joining the right team , the team of my dreams The one and only true love or at least it seems With red vee and dark blue flair It's just the way they look at me, that gentle lovin' stare Finally you’ve a’ll come along The way I feel about you all , it just can't be wrong If you only knew the way I feel about you I just can't describe them, oh no no well...it works for me ...
  9. c'mon... it is Judd we're talking about.. isnt he by relation semi omnipotent ??? pmsl !!
  10. Hmmmmm !!!!... I neglected to see that point of view.. Hehe.. its all a circus isnt it.. !! if we weret all barking mad to start with this would have sent us for sure !!
  11. again I say....makes you wonder ?? there simply is something not quite right about that...from anyones standpoint !!
  12. Now go sit in the corner... and have a good long think about that.. come back when you feel better !! hehehe
  13. Judd and Sumich have a very good working relationship. clearer ?
  14. I agree...but its rather intersting the lengths clubs are going to !! lol
  15. http://www.foxsports.com.au/story/0,8659,2...1-23211,00.html Sumich to Blues ??? Have to admit its rather clever.. bit silly though possibly if it doesnt get the desired result !! Smacks of desperation more than ingenuity though ..time will tell.
  16. all semantics really.. Geelong wont be wanting to part with Blake... fine by me
  17. We must al realise that what we are presently witnessing is a game of cat and mouse. Make up your own minds as to who's who !! lol..( Do eagles squeak ? ) Its posturing for the real end game. Judd wants to go at least to a semi choice of his own. Eagles want compensation ( and dare I say..revenge !! ).. Like any auction...it all happens only after the hammer drops the first two times...all else before is just fluff and stuff. We havent seen anything yet... as soon as his short list is announced, and being something of a pragmatist he would need to be realistic enough to know that he will get more, quicker and easier by choosing two and then stepping back whilst all hell lets loose !! I would think if we were one of two then our chances are greater than half if that makes sense !!
  18. little bets mean nothing... just mug punters.. sizable monies speak of either real balls....or a little knowledge B) unfortunately spmetimes it is just that ...too little knowledge and not enough..lolo
  19. same thing could be leveled at some a lot closer to home !!
  20. If we are to become serious contenders we need to adjust that time frame so that 2008 is whites last year as 1st Ruck..or we're just kidding ourselves !!!
  21. This may well turn out to be the most succint appraisal of the whole carry on yet !!
  22. pop quiz pick a melbourne ruckman better than him ?
  23. Funny you mention that i was only thinking how Port didnt really suffer that much in a way through losing Stevens.. He's been a real gem since huh !! They might have wanted some legitimate compensation, but ina way they got it...they were rid of him !! I feel quite encouraged to think we have some genuine Port talent now at Deeland Onya Bailey
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