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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. like much in life you create an informed opinion. we base these on direct interactions ( some have attended functions ) some may actually have met him there is various info/background on him. he has reputations from various sources there is feedback form players ( as some here actually know players. / are players ?? ) and so the picture forms and it evolves that'll do for me
  2. they'll everybody's pin up boys ; well nearly everyones !!! pmsl :D
  3. its very interesting isnt it.. carlton need Richmond more than Richmond need carlton !! ahh the best laid plans of mice and men !! ( no prizes for guessing the mice !! lol )
  4. what is it they say.... all's fair in love and war !!!! lol this is going to be entertaining !!
  5. ah yes... the kharma faeries will be paying attention to all this !! Why is anyone particularly surprised by this sort of thing; I'm not. It is rather ingenious if distasteful. Welcome to footy 2007 I guess. though it could be used it seems to me as more of a leveredging move to force WCE to accept teh lesser of the deals on table from carlton... It's either "this" or nothing !! and to be honest it will probably work. I wonder how anybody would view this tactic if it was US playing very very hard ball. We might applaud such a brazen stance or at least probably adopt a different view ..lol Cant blame Richmond they're simply tasting the chance of something for nothing. I'l pull up a chair also. Lets see what transpires !! hehe
  6. oh touche...been saving that one ?
  7. Thing is.. sin city may not be interested in him in a years time . Ultimately everyone has to decide what tehy want to do. I conced the effect of mentoring 9 or whatever is the effective opposite ) can be telling. But Miller ..indedd all have had opportunities to develop their play, hone their skills and rise to their ability. No one else can really do it except for othe individual.. The Petterds, Rivers..Newtons etc...grabbed it and ran.. they grew in their game. brad has had as much chance under same condiotions as all the others.. and his achievement sheet is nothing exceptional ( nor is he alone QC ...) If he stays ...he stays....and we'll probably all have this conversation again in a years time
  8. yep......sometimes speech sucks !!!!!!!!!! :D
  9. "applies to all players" couldnt agree more !! why am I off the mark ? seriously ? why. because I cal a spade a spade. because as far as any players worth to the club goes its ( to me ) what they add to the equation. Its business. yes he pulls on a Melbourne guernsey .. and ?? thats his JOB !! he's paid for it.. he doesnt do it for charity , so I wont treat it as such. its a two way street. He does X, gets paid Y. when X fails to fulfill any purposeful role .. then what is his true value to the overall?? and again..yes I agree with you..this applies to anyone in the red and blue. Everyone is judged on their merits. Just how many years of "poor times " exactly do we put up with? whats the magic number at present its 5 !! is 6 the right amount ? is seven?? They ( players ) are out there to perform a role. to contribute. That and only that is their domain. Any and al other arguments are moot really as only quality to them is sentiment. Sentiment will not get you across the line alone. There is skill, ability, contribution etc etc. A player is either a plus to a team..or by defualt he is a minus, who ultimately ought pay the price for that. Initially the team will, but eventually the owneship of performance come fair and squarely upon the individual. Its not whether hes a nice bloke.. etc etc..what relevance is that. Its his worth to the team come play day !! At the moment I simply suggest that his worth to the team is greater in trade than it is on the field in red and blue..and as such the appropriate course ought to be trade.
  10. must admit this has a nice ring of devillishness about it !!! translates into...lets screw the bastards !!! Me thinks its no so 'easy peasy' over at Geckoland !!
  11. these the same people who said Verte-Mort was heading our way !!!
  12. every one on that list has to have a reason to be there... its not charity . you say he's not worth a lot to trade.. thats akin to sayin ghe's next to valueless period.. As it happens Sydney ARE interested; so at present we could realise something of him.. Another mediocre year and he WILL be untrdable !! worth more to us ....than ???
  13. I seem to recall many of us had a similar discussion re Miller some 2 years ago.. So much has changed for the better !!
  14. its not personal in the sense that i couldnt care less who is is..he just happens to be this bloke Miller ....but its my my personal view.. ( well it'd have to be..it me!!) what a non sensical stancce.. in that he might develop somewhere else... yes he may indeed.. bu [censored] matters not one iota if he doesnt develop at MELBOURNE because then he next to bloody useless at MELBOURNE !! we've already gambled 5 years on him...and even the most optimistic punter would have to agree the jury is very much still out on him ( at best ) played some good games... oh well in that case...keep him definitely !!! what about all the useless bloody games he participated in ??? or do we just ignore them No my view isnt a personal one...its just a cold look at a player. that view is that he's not worth keeping !! it costs money to do so...he's not worth it..
  15. thats the other side of the coin ..just what exactly is he ( any good at playing ) ?? the two parts of the: what is he good at ? what is his worth ? the first....well seriously ; f**k knows !!! the second...he's worth some interst right now as a trade id be cutting my losses ( or lack of gains) and Bail-ing !!
  16. Im happy enough to retain Russian for the moment..but if at the end of next year it all isnt falling into place so to speak he may be sent packing to Siberia
  17. Point is....not that he can ( or cant ) mark...... its what he does with it afterwards !! Thats the problem
  18. well.. I reckon we have a few who might step up to the plate at CHF.. and for me the most likely this year is Newton. As we seem unlikley to get the ruck drafts on offer ..I would like to go for a big motored kid; some energy coming out of the middle or failing that id be a littel unconventional for the present and go looking for another Dustin Fletcher.. everyones looking for rucks etc. You can at worst play the oppsotion in this dept...but if you dont have a good FB youre well and truly stuffed. We still dont have a proper FB , Carrol is a good second up only.
  19. what was the real problem with Neaves ?? From what I observed he seemed a likely one... seemed to be coming along ok!! was a bit surprised he was sent packing.. Is there a back story ?
  20. when were these times of dangerousness ?? lol.... must have missed that decade !! In all seriousness I cant see any point in offering a 1 year contract to someone Millers age.. He either has the goods...or he doesnt. A 1 year deal is like playing tennis mid court or backig all favourites.. I mean you might win.. but you dont win anything !! We've seen enough of Miller to know what he's capable of (?). So had Bailey; he's reasonably up to speed on our boys ( as he would have had to study them to bits for the job interviews/presentations etc ) Miller will NEVER be any use at CHF and have my doubts about using him at the other end..This is the whole dillema, where do you actually put him where he's of use ( of any impact !! ) What many of us are saying is lets not make the miustake of hanging onto another player that long that 1) they cease having any trade value as any supposed potential is exposed as fraudulent 2) Footy is brutal, game time needs to be devoted to players that wil come on and Miller hasn't. We all would have preferred he had..but he hasnt...thats just reality !!
  21. Thats the sad reality of the season .. Trav still rates in our top 10.... What is really says is that that top tem still didnt amount to much in real terms...just that they were "our" best !! sad huh !!
  22. au contraire.. I think the Miller detractors will be unfortuantely vindicated ( should he still be here for 08 ) what can he do 1)... lead out to the middl e of nowhere.. he's really good at that....nett effect.. slowing of attack..defocusses forward thrust. value 1/10. and the one is only because we have the ball !! what can he do 2) he goes in all argy bargy ,head hunting...all Grrrr grrr and neanderthal !!.. ..net effect.. gives away frees, fronts tribunal. Value 0/10 and we dont even have ball.. well done !! lol he cant ( or wont ) kick for sh!t.. has no dimensioanlity to his game.. on the upside...he has room for improvement...LOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. a pretty fair assessment even if nothing really new. Thats probably the rub of it.. we al know only too well where and when teh wheels fell off
  24. Be happy enough if we can just bring the Run back !! ...then youd be..like...the fast ressuction shuffle !! B)
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