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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I take it back.... we're not even ordinary !!
  2. hang on//....... that was footy !! wtf lol
  3. doesnt anyone for Melbourne understand 2nd..3rd and 4th efforts.. So many just stand there.... if I had any hair left........
  4. Get Belase off......cant have anyone on the field who actually knows where the sticks are ffs !!
  5. Golly its fun when someone winds Eddie up. You almost find yourself waiting for him to explode..........and yet it never eventuates !!! shame
  6. Mr Lovett wont be happy !!!
  7. poor Eddie....pooooorrrrrrrrrrr EDDIE !!! feel sorry for him dont ya ??
  8. Im actually starting to think that neither GWS or GC will seriously bid for him with their prized 1st and 2nd picks. I would think there are more tempting offering for both of these clubs. Id be starting to think that maybe a club other than these two maybe tempted depending upon their needs to possibly try to grab him as some sort of bargain in the 5-10 range but then we could exercise pick 12. Leaving 3 and 4 free to use as desired elsewhere. This might possibly compromise some folks thinking in terms of Boak. The more i think about it...some sort of deal involving pick 3 seems likely. I dont think we will be any worse of for it, it might just secure most of what we want out of this draft. Keep in mind I doubt we will get everythig we're plannnig on , but then how oftern do you get it. In a prefect Demon world we would get Jack for 23. I just cant see the gods ( or devils ) aligning to allow such a cushy ride.
  9. and of course we can take ANYTHiNG they say as gospel . Yep...for sure
  10. and of course we can take ANYTHiNG they say as gospel . Yep...for sure
  11. does no one quite understand the 'game' thats being played here. So many taking statements at face value. Stand back all and let the experts handle it.
  12. Micky Mouse says hello !!!
  13. its all just posturing, brinkmanship with a little bit of showtime thrown in for the AFL's benefit . We going to get dizzy watching this go round and round..... Vineywill play at Melbourne
  14. its obvious......theyre tanking !!!
  15. Viney want sto prove his worth as noted above Melbourne father-son prospect Jack Viney wants to prove merit on form, not name, so goes the Herlad article. You could take it for its face value or its just another cog in the merry-go-round of spinning smoke and mirrors. God, how much more of this reconstituted rubbish will we endure between now and the EOS ?? Might just get a chair and prop muself up high in the middle and watch everything go round and around !!!
  16. the correct answer is invaribaly along the lines of: " Im not sure darling...i'll find out. Im sure its free and easy to get into !! " more flies with honey etc
  17. I want my M T V Man Tackling Viney !!
  18. can you get someone to put that in writing please !!
  19. Horrible to use a 'like' but I totally agree. Ive never bought into this 'cursed' thing about MFC but at times you have to wonder. You know.. Ive gone from disappointed to bloody angry about ol Liam.. He has everything to become the "it-guy" in footy and the bastards that are his family ( extended etc ) drag him back to inane and superfcilious infighting. The poor bugger never really stood a chance, what , when you you have the Alice's version of the Hatfield and the McKoys going on. I suppose where we sit we would argue he always had choices, and has made some bad ones it seems. But I wonder if they were ever really options or just inevitability rearing its ugly head. Love to see Jurrah wrench himself clear of all this and resurrect his career. Just cant see it happening. Geez we can pickem sometimes !!
  20. What odds anyone we can reach ayt least 100 pages BEFORE he actually becomes a D.....lol
  21. thats about the long and short of it ..I agree
  22. Im just a little curious why some would think we might be having to pay 'overs' for Viney. hes widely looked upon as being at the very top end of the draft ( were he available to all ) and so paying 3 for a top 3 kid is ...well about on the money.
  23. Its rather a lot more simple than many are contriving . We simply are prepared to use 3. Most likely scenario is we have use 3. If we dont have to, beaudy !! Bargain Otherwise it will go as supposed. No ones about to help us. Any "deal" is bound to be a bit dodgy and liable to backfire . Viney IS worth 3. Hell we'll still have 4 12(?) and i think 23. Hardy a pittance !
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