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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. rjay... show us the demographics you speak of..
  2. Stuie , none of this will happen inside 5-7 years. By sheer force of pressure Docklands will slowly come to life .Ironically such a move would present an opportunity for the club to actually be adopted in a way by a community. Weve never had that, the only Melbbased club never to have actually had a locality to cal its own. To those that lament some loss in terms of proximity or claim to the G...what do we do there now....sfa !! it will still be our home ground. It would be a step in the direction of becoming more professional and resourced.
  3. yep....not overnight...but one day . There is some largesse as to scale of facilites as well depending upon which particular version of requirements ( and budget ) they go with.
  4. Im affraid yours is a somewhat achaic view of what and who Melbourne is. This may well have been the case some 50 years ago, but Ill repeat that IT WAS 50 YEARS AGO !! Melbourne as a city has changed all but beyind recognition. Only some things remain the same. Even the "G: isnt the old G Its a modern place of sporting comabt belonging to no one really other than the MCC..Guess what WE ARE the MCC. Out spiritual home will always be the G. But you have to be pragmatic and embrace the times.We need everything that is Melbourne, as a club, under one roof and with our OWN facilites. Such a move to Docklands would enable this. A purpose built Venue, state of the art 'everything' , MCG replica oval and all smack bang in the middle of the densest ( or to be ) populated enclave in the City. Weve actually been over and o ver this countless times. Given we would be 'encouraged" to move by the City it would hardly be anything other than win/win.. Melbourne as a club will have only so many opportunites presented. And the the biggest beneift....Wed be a long way away from those smellyfilth !! All those people coming to our fair city...The first club they would see would be the MFC from the Bolte bridge ) The bummer will be hidden from view on Melrose Drive..( ducking the planes )
  5. Elliot will run with the hares and hunt with hounds. Hes a a political creature. If he thinks theres somthing tobe gained ( for him ) in facilitating this he will help. As others mentioned its not new. Its gone through about 4 different incarnations I think from memory. As some sort of longer term aspiration, fantastic Theyre desperate to give some meaning to that end of the town. The community/mfc sports facility is the anchor project by all accounts. Greta if it happens, wont hold my breath. That wheels probably got more chance of working Id say currently.
  6. Their turn to feel like theyre the great "unloved" Nice its not us for a change
  7. Lol..forgot about McGurk ( ironic that I would ) I reckon Roberts might end up rookied . He'll be our "this years" marvellous smokie
  8. So it would be better to get the Elsternwick Bistro/Cafe and not the Hotel hten !!lol
  9. It is fun watching Sheeds and Co squirming isnt it !! lol I wonder if its yet occured to the Martian Seagull himself that money doesnt buy everything !!! In fact sometimes it doesn't buy much at all
  10. NO !!! ( well hope note...lol ) a bit cryptic for some....and Ill leave it that way
  11. More about Bananas..... because I know you really want to know..lol The banana tree is not really a tree, but a giant herb. The banana is the fruit of this herb. Alright...who knew that ...lol
  12. Old..Ive long suspected that once we got the sniff that all was not quite kosher with the over-hyped one that MFC played a little game. It could have ended like the Puppies..or it could end how it did, with much greater reward.Weve all been over the rest countless times. Yes we are much relieved to have him gone. Im not so sure the rest wasnt without some orchestration
  13. Yes Id be thinking we doing what we can to snare a few
  14. Im somewhat disappointed we arent pursuing the China thing. Weve done so much of the ground work. How hard can it be to have a couple of guys do preseason or similar.?
  15. A little known fact about Bananas: Are you aware they are naturally Radioactive !! This is as a result of them containing hign levels of Potassium , in particular Potassium-40 which is a radioactive isotope.
  16. next year ?? uhhhh ... I seejust as a question though.. A kid drafted in 10 would have his 2 years up now wouldnt he ?
  17. He's on something , but it aint the Reality Bus !! lol
  18. for a bloke who's not into emoticons... youve gone to new levels recently...lol
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