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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Ironically theres nothing Fair about the Facts that Fairfax published. ought to be Bogusfax or similar ....
  2. its what I love about Demonland, its so educational ( and to think my wife thinks its wasting time )
  3. You know I think ive got it figured.. It was in this thread we alluded to that Smokie...you know D.R. Obviously it got too hot to leave here so it was removed lest another lurker cottoned on
  4. ironic
  5. Can I just say.. I dont care... not anymore..its over.. Couldnt give a flying fig about him. Its beyond yesterday now. I m interested in MELBOURNE. The only passing interest i have in Port is by how much we toast them come 2013. And we WILL burn them !! They will be the 'example' . The NAB will be a little experimental and informative but Round one will be when we unleash HELL ( ver 2.0.13 ) Whether Liams playing or not I really dont care. Doubt it anyway .
  6. They probably came across a memo in a bin from the "Vault' handed them by an anonymous source !! We were doping them as well and telling them ( to be sure , to be sure !! ) H_T....youre probably right when noting 'agendas'
  7. Thanks fellas.. i very rarely get to training but might try in the new year ( work permitting ) . I think im in for one hell of a shock( the good kind ) at what might present to me. Are you sure its Melbourne youre watching...certainly seems like a very different bunch to the last session I saw..lol. Tackling is interesting.. I wonder how long before they decide we are tackling "incorrectly".. Well we cant 'sling'...probably cant 'slam'. Im all for it personally... bury the bastards is my thinking. Make them hurt, make them panic, make them scared !!! Seems like they will be much better prepared for the coming season. Sounds interesting re Spencer as we are often described as poor developers of players but it sounds like were doing just that. Could be a monster if he can get it all together. Like the idea of Tommy changing his kicking ( I mean he had to..lol ) Not always easy though to unlearn and relearn a supposedly lifelong style. It sounds a bit like now Neeld thinks he has a good smattering of capable cattle that hes unleashing more of the ultimate game style..or elements there of. I was going to ask how the likes of Trengove were going and what style of play hes was participating in , but then noticed he wasnt see ( nor grimes ) ...interresting. Finally...a footy team ...and not a bunch of kids !! ( thanks to all training reporters)
  8. old news... let us move on surely
  9. perhaps it succumed to Black Sigatoka or Panama
  10. seems it slipped on a banana peel and skidded right off the forums !!!!!!
  11. How easily some seem to gloss over this (change of role). Neeld in his appraisal of Jack was that it was commendable he did everything that was asked of him. Sumary: He was developing a diferent side to his game.
  12. ol Jackie boy was forced into a sort of containment role in 12 and performed quite well i thought in a non glamorous way. Given a much greater degree of support i wouldnt be surprised to see him come out and play with more flair and aplomb. He's a good thinker and reader of play. Should be a much better season for Trenners in 13. and...he's got class and style to his game
  13. an improvement will be the miracle
  14. A fundamental problem that we had was we had to many light bodied (awaiting the bulk) type players who simply got knocked around. Neeld has sought to inject the team with a serious dose ofABLE bodies cap able of playing a "harder' style of game. i have little doubt we'll see a more no-nonsense approach taken upon the field
  15. I disagree, they have an opinion but theres no actual 'point' to the comment. its just negative rubbish really. The sort of thing thats manifesto amongst the MFCSS. To utter anythig remotely along those lines is to observe with closed eyes id suggest. Again this only really goes to the 'impression' of some. In itself as vacuous as the first.Now this isnt a critique of your post GiG, just allowing that many I feel just dont seem to portray their views with much logic or reason. No one can say right now that Neeld will be ultimately successful. That in itself is not down to him alone. What i do feel though is reasonable to assert is that he ( MN) is indeed taking us down a path that whilst leads to where success lays is not a guarantee of such. It to me is foolhardy and plain obfuscating for any to harp on about us going nowhere when all around us is such change that even of itself is having gone somewhere. Prior to his arrival many of the markers of a successful club/team were missing. We hadnt the expertise either in depth or scope to back our players. We do now.. That folks is change i;e weve done something about a poor situation and got somewhere by doing so. The make up and qualities of the team list was as many had observed wrong. it was bedded down in false hopes of a 'new age' dawning on the back of developing kids. It was either hit or miss, or hope and prayer; take your pick. The FD has taken to this sheet with not just erasers but scissors.I cant remember ( ever) such wholesale and widespread change to a Melbourne list. A player list that read like a supermarket novel was pared back to the essential talents, then added to. But not in some adhoc darts at the draftboard style but a concerted effort to address the inherent wrongs of age spread and any meaningful pulse that could be utilsed. Boys , or the 'too many of' , were replaced by more seasoned men, and football players to boot ( pi ) , not more of those experimental types. Weve gone from a list who seemed lost in the wilderness to a team who will line up at the start' somewhere we were never even close to for years. Weve morphed from a place where 'other teams players' just gave a wide berth to to a club where players ( new) and draftees and beaming with the sense of chance and opportunity , let alone the suggestion that finals are now realistic prize. And some still suggest weve gone nowhere ?? Some cant see change, some just dont want to see it. Then again some wouldnt realise it if it bit them on the bum !! go Dees
  16. now this boys and girls IS how you kick a ball.. beautiful to watch
  17. I just have this gut feeling that despite all the rhetoric and such from all and sundry there might well be an underlying current of thought which has him sliding from player to full time mentor throughout the year as the talent comes up to bat ( sts)
  18. I alluded to this elsewhere
  19. the reality is whilst Davey has the nouse and inherent skilss he simply lacks the engine and chasis to do what he used to do. Its ALL a struggle now. Have no doubt hell play a handful more but theres now a good deal of talent lining up to compete for some spots. Eventually youth wins outThe writing is clearly on the wall for Aaron. Its not if but when. Sad in a way but its his call to a point. But at some point this too is taken away. He's best to be mindful of his body. Its the only one he has. Its a tough gig footy and often the end is not sympathetic.
  20. eventually this Investigation will reach its inevitable conclusion/destination
  21. Neeld fends off tanking drama Neeld in the dark on tanking
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