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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. We also haven't played in September for a decade. It might actually come together for us this year.
  2. It is a pleasure to read a properly spelled post from you, that actually makes sense. My opinion on Hird goes against the grain. I understand that. Peter Jackson has turned the Melbourne Football Club around. He appointed the right coach at the time, despite Roos being in my opinion, a poor match day decision maker. The coach has an important role but does not run the footy club. Was Terry Wallace responsible for the recruiting in his famous 5 year plan? Higher people within the club than Hird made decisions that will forever taint Essendon as drug cheats. Hird needs to get on with his life and I am glad the AFL has reached out with an olive branch.
  3. BTW - I like your uncle who thinks he had Eisenstein covered. Some of Eistein's unproven theories are still being tested and likely correct with modern science today. If your uncle can even understand and argue the point I pay him credit.
  4. More than happy to. I admitted earlier I only spent about 2 minutes reading the article. To be clear I'll question why he chose 14 years as his critearion for a hiatus and how is it physically possible for heat to hide in the deap ocean while bypassing the measurable upper layer. Happy to cc you if you send me your email address.
  5. For someone who can actually write pretty well it amazes me how you can almost never contribute to the topic. in your opinion can heat hide in the deap ocean and defy every law of physics? Would you be able to reply to this without mentioning Andrew Bolt, Margaret Thatcher or Uncle Sam?
  6. That is my poor explanation not your misunderstanding, In the heat at the bottom of the deap ocean theory, the heat somehow dodges the measurable upper layer of the ocean. So in my example the bottom of the bath is warmer than the top of the bath, that the heat is shining on. It is not physically possible. It passes for climate science and that is one of the many reasons I call it a pseudo science.
  7. It took me two minutes, I could destroy the whole article because honestly it is well written but poorly backed up with any science.
  8. You can't be serious? The heat at the bottom of the ocean somehow dodges the floats at the the top of the ocean that accurately measure the temperature. And then hide right at the bottom where it can't be measured but still helps to explain global warming, when every other avenue if [censored].
  9. I don't understand your poor spelling. Let alone the argument.
  10. That could explode Dieter's tinfoil hat. Is that a backhanded complement to Bolt?
  11. Macron's wife couldn't hold a job at the AFL. No matter how fit Trump thinks she is.
  12. I didn't see the program you are referencing and agree child rapist and enablers should be held to account. My definition to being held to account in these circumstances is probable more severe than most. However, in my experience of watching four corners it is a stitch up program that only shows one side of the story. They have a history of dishonest form.
  13. Jara - I can't get past the subscription section on the first link. On the second link I love your enthusiasm but it is rubbish. Why does he choose 14 years as his critearion for a hiatus? A hiatus is a hiatus no matter the length. I also laugh that he is a qualified oceanoligist and takes into consideration the heat could be hiding in the deap ocean. Firstly that is the only place on our earth where temperature, heat or energy is not currently measured. Secondly I'll give you a science experiment you can conduct in your own home. Fill your bath with water (pretend it is the ocean) get a source of heat, maybe borrow Dieters hydroponic lights (pretend it is the sun) exhale in front of it (you don't even need to pretend that is carbon dioxide) and see if the heat can somehow magically get to the bottom of the bath. I'll give you a tip there is no law in physics that gives it any chance. And if there is some new magic law of physics that can hide heat in the deap ocean we don't need to worry about global warming because the oceans will just magically hide it until we have the technology to measure the heat down there. Would you like me to spend more time reading that piece I'm sure it is littered with errors given it took a 2 minute scan to pick up those obvious ones. It makes you wonder who hands out awards these days. I've been very vocal on saying Daniher should be Australian of the year yet we give it to activists or undeserved people every year. Dud selection panel dud awards. Just like dud data gives dud results. Rubbish in, rubbish out.
  14. Climate science is a pseudo science. I won't bother looking for an example because anyone stupid enough to do a course on it, isn't worthy of being called a scientist. Why can't geologists have an opinion? They have more expertise than most on past climate. If you are looking for specific examples from actual professionals just tell me in which field? I can tell you where the statistics are wrong. I can tell you why a large body of engineers disagree with the theory. I can show you why the clouds are important but not included in the models. I can show you examples of all the major weather monitors "adjusting" the data to suit a warming bias. If you need me to explain further why climate science is a pseudo science let me know.
  15. Is Goodwin overseeing our medical staff? Or does he take their advice? Hird is unfairly the face. A simple corporate structure will show Hird didn't oversee the staff implementing the illegal program. Not going to bother arguing it. Hird is certainly negligent.
  16. At least Jetta can take Betts and Vince / Sloane. That is half way to beating them. Although Melksham will go to Sloane for some reason because he can tag just as well without doing as much damage the other way.
  17. I'm going against the grain and agreeing with it. Hird is one of the greatest players I have seen. He is the unfairly the face of the scandal. Let's not forget Goodwin was involved in the coaching and Hibberd was playing with the alleged drug cheating. The AFL need to offer Hird an olive branch. I am not sure, however, this is the best way. They do need to do something.
  18. I hope Trengove never plays again. i wanted him back last weak in the absence of Viney, Jones and Tyson. For his leadership, tough body and footy brain. Unfortunately, he wasn't picked. That says to me he will only ever be picked again if we are further depleted by injuries. I loved you Trengove and you were part of the group that courted Roos. Best of luck going forward, hope you can go back to the SANFL and play some good footy.
  19. He is our x-factor in the finals. I really liked his workman like game again Carlton on Sunday. He needs to get the little things right and the rest will come. The one thing that will frustrate over his career is the high speed his foot travels when he kicks the ball but at an odd angle. When he sprays he will really spray but for the most part he will be brilliant.
  20. Deespicable I like what you say in theory (except Trengove speed, it is what it is) However, without in depth knowledge of the reasons behind a shorter stay it is hard to agree with you. We seem to be getting a lot right at the moment. Doubt we win this week but we are building for finals. Whatever is for the greater good.
  21. Angela Merkel - German Theresa May -British Emanuel Macron - France Paolo Gentlin - Italy Mark Rutte - Holland Stefan Lofven - Sweden Nicola Sturgeon - Scotland None have children. I don't for a second say you need children to be a good leader or a better person but there is a real pattern in Europe. It's funny how all those people wanting to save the planet for the next generation in climate talks have no offspring themselves. Perhaps politics not planet saving is more important to them? Anyway Europe and its union are on the way down and all you will hear about in the msm is how they hate Trump. I wonder why?
  22. Trump Jnr is the kind of person that keeps the Nigerian Scam emails going. There are a few points I can see after reading about this. 1) There was no collusion between Trump and Russia. Unless the released email chain is a decoy. 2) The information Trump Jnr thought he was getting was about the Clinton's colluding with Russia. 3) There is no way Trump Snr didn't know about it 4) Turns out Both camps thought the other was colliding with the Kremlim 4) The Democrats actually did collude with Ukraine
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