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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. sylvia and godfrey were dragged to the ground in the goal square in the last quater and both were called play on we need our president to point these statistics out int he media and these missed frees so, like all the other coaches/ president winging they start paying free's to our forwards
  2. cant take a trick this year, and after the goodes case it thought harris might be investigated for elbowing holland in the back, it made a great sound and was surprised the goal umpire who it happend right in front of ( 1 meter at most) would have reported him
  3. agree rhino, bartram was doing a great job last year and was also winning and using the ball better than godfrey ever will and it is only time until bartram comes back and they drop godders
  4. id have sheedy i like your 4 way swap and to add to that a rumor on sen was wallace wants out of tigerland
  5. rivs will play and thats about all i think, mclean will play for sandy and same for robbo who i doubt will play full stop.
  6. we will get better but after next week we will be 0-8 i think we will finish between 9th and 11th we will have a massive run but we have given too much away
  7. agree with both rhino and godees id rather 9th than 15th, i want us to win as many games as we can, i want the likes of dunn, bate, petterd etc get a winning mentality, i want them to hurt lika a [censored] right now and to finish the year strong and have confidence going into next year
  8. yep godders to kerr, bruse and embeley but i dont think it will really matter too much, i actually wouldnt mind if ND said stuff it see if you can beat them one one one no tags
  9. yeah i was on the behing post and it was out by at least a foot
  10. dont forget bruce does have a claf problem and possibly while his kicks are worse than normal, but he still drops the ball too far from his body which means he has to stretch it reach it meaning a terrible kick, some body at the club should have noticed this by now
  11. cj was great there last year or the year before, brock will play sandy, same as wheels if they are fit holland out, rivs in maybe petterd for ward
  12. i was front row between the goal and point post and saw harris smack holland in the back with a elbow and you heard and allmight whack, if there is footage it might be looked at due to the goodes incident
  13. agree jaded i thought he was quite good there, i wold like to see him thrown in the centre for a couple of bonces just to see how he would go, usually is quite clean at ground level
  14. a bit freaking hard on jones, yes it was a bad tackle but so were a dozen others and a million more things that happened
  15. waste of $50 mate wet toast wont lose 2 in a row, especially against us at home
  16. any true football supporter will always remember collingwood losing by any margin in any game, especially a close GF
  17. even funnier with a name pronounced basher!
  18. ND will play those players over kids cos his coaching future relies on it
  19. agree deanox, i thought white was stiff today from boundary throw ins, darcy kept an arm back to hold him so he couldnt leap
  20. robbo, dunn, bate maybe newton will step up to the plate but of course we can, west coast dont really have a great power forward, lynch is good but aint no brown, fevola or velvet sledge hammer we could trade for one or pick one up in the next draft or 2
  21. yes we can win one with him and without him
  22. what rumour about byron?
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