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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. The KID, he will finally get fit and tear the comp apart!
  2. Buchanen- most defiantly Dont know much about graham would take murphy
  3. He wanted to be green alright, whats the colour of the $100 bills bursting out of his wallet.
  4. I broke mine spoiling the ball on a thurs training, played the sat, in pain but played one of my better games, copped a hit to the kidneys, was pissing blood so went to the hospital where they x rayed my wrist (was still bandaged from the game) was in a cast for 6 weeks, 3 weeks after that i re broke it but they said i had just hurt tendons, 3 months later i had a pin inserted in there, its healed ok, i have lost movement in my wrist and retired at the ripe age of 23
  5. All these are great, nice to wake up and have some funny posts to read.
  6. Nah, great footballer but you could not trust him, although last pick in the pre season draft would be the most i would offer.
  7. Yeah, victory did not want to align them selves with a AFL club as they want all supporters from all clubs to follow them, fair enough too.
  8. i think the last 4 should go in a lotto or the last 8 where you can only lose one spot ie if you finish last and the 10th team draws the number 1 you automatically get the number 2
  9. Does any one have a pic of the old MFC done like the MCC? i Looked but could not find it.
  10. the last section of the robbo signs deal in the herald sun.
  11. In the Hun it qoutes Dean Bailey as saying "We're going to gain a little respect" Now 2 things in that the word "little" i think would have been said with a bit of tongue in check, the other is "WE'RE" in other words WE ARE! not we hope. Thats the talk i want, nay demand! As soon as i read that i felt good, i like the fact that he will demand respect not from the players but the whole of the football world, he reminds me of yoda "Do or do not, there is not try" Demanding, i love it!
  12. I'd take roughhead, i think he would be a great pick up.
  13. I was expecting the Filth and could have copped that due to their facilities, but the tankers! come on! Enjoy it Judas.
  14. Not victory's fault, would you want a stadium that does not even hold the average amount of fans that go to their games? i wouldn't. maybe the MFC should take a leaf out of their book and realise that you should stand up for and fight for what the club wants and needs. As mark robbinson said yesterday, 10 years ago we started to look for a new home and we are only now preparing to move into one, not good enough.
  15. Bell should be in and above davey, bruce, mclean, brown and robbo. my top 5 would have gone mcdonald jones green bell white thats [censored], those who awarded those should never do so again.
  16. I was hoping to get him. Will help put some hardness into the club. Oct 31 start and they have to come fit! I love that. Good thing Byron is not with us
  17. except you had us and the bombers in front of the blues.
  18. Why would you change your mind due to a leak? Who was to say it was not a family friend that leaked it? I'm sure Judd did not tell the MFC on friday that he would sign with them on monday, i think this leak story is utter crap.
  19. Exactly, why would harris make a statement that Judd is not coming to our club when there had been no contact from Judds management?
  20. Exactly Jaded, what he needed to say was i have chosen this club and want to be traded there. Say nothing about the other clubs, for him to say that due to our crap facilities and the fact that we train at different grounds over summer is the worst excuse ever, so you have to drive to a few different grounds. big deal, sounds like one of those toss pot celebrities wanting 18 brand new towels for every show and 4 bananas, 3 turkeys blah blah blah.
  21. I like the old one (similar to carltons), if not the current one is a million times better than that crappy thing.
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