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bush demon

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Everything posted by bush demon

  1. Great turnover by Watts resulting in a goal, totally missed by Lane. Mel 2.0 port nil
  2. You speak with clarity.
  3. i have had some good sleeps over this issue and feel pretty comfortable about the post-season shake-out. the 'tom is a liar' thing is irrelevant. if you are forced to 'lie' under duress then it is not really a lie. in the player's world they are forced to play for the club they are sent to. they then have to mimic max. loyalty or get villified by the gallery everytime they enter the workplace. on the other hand we should not fall for the set-play put into place by the afl and gwc. if you blinked you missed it: a 'phoenix' club such as ours is about to have the gold ransacked from our cupboard just at the point where we have thrown off the shackles of our unsuccessful post-Norm Smith era . but this is exactly what is happening, and come the end of the season scully will be shielded by all his corporate backers and it won't matter how loudly we moan about fibs and 'but you promised'. there needs to be a day of reckoning, and before the end of the season just for the pride of the organisation and its supporters. we still have the cattle to restore pride to the club, but this won't happen if the cattle see us cowering before $$$player managers$$ and the $$$afl$$.
  4. The pursuit of Scully is heartening: http://www.watoday.com.au/afl/afl-news/the-truth-of-gws-is-out-there-20110713-1he3y.html
  5. yes i would appoint trenners as part of generational change, make sure that greeny is sweet with it. this is like bad constipation. if we go bad on sat. night i think it will bring things to a head. will be much more scrutiny of player 31's performances from now on. Go The Mighty Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
  6. I still remember the last messiah episode in 1981 ending very poorly, with the coach becoming increasingly agitated by his non-performing cattle. imagine the camera shot to malthouse in the box if we were 70 points down at Paterson's Stadium.
  7. As financial stakeholders in the club (as most here would be, I hope - i have a trident membershp), posters are certainly entitled to vent their feelings and emotions, and feel ripped off by duplicitous $$$managements$$$ and a double-dealing AFL. The commentary on here about TS has been quite muted considering that you are talking abouit passsionate supporters of a football club. We do not have to kow-tow to $$$managements$$$ who say they are waiting for neptune to be in alignment with the fourth house of opportunity before they will reveal their divine wisdom to us.
  8. Wolfmother if your cool voice of reason is proven true you will get your own bronze statue outside the G... It is puzzling to me how TS is being promoted as marquee man when his career is still in its infancy. this would be place huge pressure on him next year if he does go to the dark side (blacktown).
  9. It's AFL v Rugby. The home and away series is small change.
  10. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/clamp-on-third-party-deals-spells-doom-for-demons/story-e6frf9jf-1226094204738 AFL crackdown on third-party deals "doom for scully and mfc" etc
  11. Maybe the thread title could be changed periodically to keep it all fresh and to keep team sippers on-task. fwiw my thought- of-the-day relates to the blucher interview where he felt the need to repeat the information that 'we don't even know who the coach will be next year', followed by his statement that the decision (on scully) would be made shortly after the last round. well i doubt any COACHING decision will be made that soon, making this a fairly gratuitous even misleading comment by blucher. making me think the decision has already been made, hence my thread title, "The Needle and the Damage done". "I hit the city and i lost my band gubby allen got another man, oooh ooh the damage done."
  12. Hear! Hear! My thoughts exactly. If Tom Scully can't or won't spot up a target beyond 30 metres (a melbourne premiership) then give his number to a career demon, not a careerist. tom may well be a top bloke, but so too are the players who have committed to our club beyond this year's last pay cheque. as for gws, that is a mighty stab in the dark. sure, the afl are almost gifting them a premiership but corporate largesse only lasts in the good times.
  13. Allan Jeans had a star-studded team in the 1960s, and it is amazing they only won one premiership in their 'window'. 1966, the premiership to end all premierships. Ditterich, Baldock, Murray, Ian Stewart...
  14. i thought that it was significant he repeated the point in the same interview and then alluded to whether melbourne made the finals. This suggests Tom is doing some serious quality control auditing of our organisation!
  15. I wish he would stop banging on about whether DB was going to be coach next year.
  16. Gubby should be promoted to No.2 and have his very own Metricon Stadium.
  17. Whatever happened to the "it costs more to live in Sydney" argument that used to be bandied around?
  18. http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-sport/gws-make-huge-afl-offer-to-scully-20110712-1hb23.html
  19. Hassa Mann was offered a new pair of boots to play for Melbourne, this trumped Richmond's offer of a new Holden. Not sure if this booty would do in these days of grab the cash and run. It is a sad, stressful thread and not doing any of us Demons tragics any good.
  20. I'll put this out for discussion: Why does Tom never do media re: Melbourne? In last couple of months Jack Watts and Jack Trengove have been prominent, I have also heard Frawley talk about the club in recent times.
  21. The business cannot survive without the sport. the 'business' is the parasite living off its host, aussie rules. aussie rules survived as a sport from 1858 until 1965 when ron took three thousand quid per annum to leave the demons and go with the devil.
  22. I am not against the idea of a national competition but anyone thinking that this can happen with ten teams in Victoria are kidding themselves. There will be a marked increase in uncompetitive games, which in turn will have a significant impact on sponsorship, membership and survival of a number of traditional vfl teams. the afl are gambling with victorian money that they can overtake rugby in nsw and qld. If the TS melodrama of 2011 is causing heartburn amongst supporters, (and it is) get ready for the brave new world of player transfers, free agency and delayed contract negotiations en masse. 1. melbourne's window is now under great threat; 2. north, richmond, saints, footscray have matured or not-g00d-enough lists and will do it hard over the next few seasons. essendon still playing on adrenalin and may yet fall back into the pelloton. 3. the non vic and non-football states may well be able to boast two teams in each state but this hides the fact that at the least port, brisbane, adelaide and even sydney will have their backs against the wall over the next 3-5 seasons. 4. greater western sink-hole and goldcoast will continue to suck up high picks for the next few seasons placing even greater pressures on an 'even competition'. 5. the major problem is that there are far too many clubs, and the competition has lost its cohesion.
  23. i am 99.6% sure that his disposal isn't good enough for the massive $$$ being touted. there will already be enough pressure on our list in 2012 from other raiders. we would be better to cut our losses: Battle at GWS Park: Starring: Tom as The Young Buffalo Gubby Allen and Kevin Sheedy as the nasty lions Big Jim Stynes as the Buffalo King MFC as the herd of buffalos AFL money men as the two evil crocodiles Plot: Can Big Jim inflict mortal damage on the nasty lions as they seek to lure our tom away into the clutches of the GWS? Has Tom's dodgy knee been injured beyond repair by the AFL money men? Will there be replacement baby buffalos in the event our tom doesn't make it?
  24. Can this thread be moved to one headed, "There is but one team and its name is AFL F.C (All other non-believers are just chasing laundry).
  25. It's about time Tom had another press conference and told websters to chill out, he will respond to the GWS/AFL bribery claims in due course.
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