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Everything posted by demonique

  1. Perhaps a list of who stays would be more appropriate
  2. I think it is going to be long term pain!
  3. I've seen some pretty spineless displays in my 54 years, this looks like 1969 all over again.It doesn't get much worse than this, just expect more of it for the rest of the season I'm afraid.
  4. Over the decades Melbourne Football Club has been "White anted" by the leaches who joined the MCC for the social status they supposedly get, even though they didn't barrack for Melbourne. I think Melbourne footy club is owed big time by the MCC they have entertained those tossers for ever and a day and put many bums on seats for the major part of the last century. And what do we get, well we get to share the ground we helped to build with a bunch of other teams and we get bugger all. I probably don't know what I'm talking about on this subject, but it just seems to me that we have been a big contributer to the "G" over and we are not even allowed train there
  5. Yes quite right. Preaching to the converted. We are the tragics , you've got to get the uncommitted to commit, not so easy. A lot of call on peoples dollars these days, and folk are looking for value for their buck and there isn't a lot of value in a Demon membership I'm afraid. People do what they can!! Like all businesses, if the cash don't flow then its time to go.
  6. we have (Bourne) so much grief over many years, let it happen
  7. I like the idea very much of having a proper home ground advantage ala Geelong, Sydney, Brisbane.Well, Geelong to a lesser extent. Princes Park mentioned on this subject is impossible to get at.It took me an hour and a half to get there from Richmond at one time or another, absolute dump.
  8. Fortress Cranbourne!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drop the Melb and add the Cran--------------just joking!!
  9. Should have done something like this years ago. It would suit me perfectly living on the Mornington Peninsula
  10. They have GOT to believe when they sprint onto that ground that they are going to rip the oppositions throats out and absolutely believe that they are the BEST with no shadow of a doubt.they have got to be arrogant no question. You have that mental strength when you know you can handle anything that the oppos will throw at you.
  11. It is puzzling that Belz, but I just can't figure it out why they have fallen in such a heap in a short space of time. I know they didn't finish 2006 in winning style falling out of the 4. I feel on that occasion they were worked far too hard in the July. You can work too hard in training, slogging it out on the track 24/7 is bad, you must allow the body to recover before it improves(golden Rule)What happens when you over train you become lethargic and it is not easy then to correct that mistake. I have a feeling that our team has those symptoms. At times Melbourne in 2006 were magnificent. for it all to go down the gurgler in such a short space of time, yes, I'm looking for scapegoats
  12. They were probably buggered after their warm up!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Fitness and conditioning is the cornerstone. With it you can start to do all sorts of things such as think on the run, without it it becomes the headless chicken thing. I still think cramping in the 3rd quarter as we were is very poor, I don't care who is in charge Babba whatsit or anybody else for matter. I hear what you are saying Belze about running the lines etc But if your stuffed, you can't think straight, believe me I know, and running with, is more of a instinctive thing. we saw lots of that, out of position, leaving it up to someone else who was also stuffed, chasing shadows, missing tackles, terrible disposal by foot and by hand, and dodging out of physical contact, it was absolute rout by Hawthorn.They were given the game on a platter. It was a bad day when Old Norm was sacked by Melbourne Football club, I think we have a version of the Babe Ruth curse on the Boston Red Socks. Melbourne have never been the same again, save a couple of good but fruitless periods. The SOxs went 70 odd years with that curse, I only hope we stop the rot sooner than they.
  14. Whatever they have done to Davey beggars belief , he is a shadow of his former self of 18 months ago and that goes for the rest of them to varying degrees. No doubt they have a game plan but unfortunately , you have got to be up physically to put it in action. I don't know how hands on DB is with conditioning, but if he hasn't been, he will be now!!!!!!!!! All the game plans go out the window if the conditioning program is wrong. I do know quite a bit about fitness and conditioning and I feel they have got it wrong
  15. No way are they up to AFL spec, you only have to had been there on Sunday. They may well be fit to a good degree but they are not up to AFL standards of conditioning. I suspect many of the contributers on this site wouldn't know the first thing about fitness and what the lack of it doesn't allow you to do. You can have all the heart in the world and all the guts you require but if you come up against a superior unit and you are out of condition,you're STUFFED.
  16. Obviously he has taken pointers from David Neitz on how to mark a ball!!!!!!!!!
  17. I beg to differ, if you are unfit it appears like laziness and therefore unable to compete
  18. It just appears that since he has been in charge of fitness prep we have had such a huge number of injuries. They look so under prepared, players cramping in the 3rd quarter for Christs sake!!!!
  19. We have been vomit since we took on that Bohdan bloke as fitness guru. From chocolate to [censored] in last years pre- season. about 21 months ago we were on top of the ladder and hailed as Melbournes best team WTF happened
  20. Absolutely correct Jaded, who does he think he is? giving everybody the word that he is coming over for family and not the money, what a crock of crap. He's picked between Carlton and the Filth because they have deeper pockets in order to get a bidding war going. I don't wish ill on many people but I bloody hope his groin is stuffed. Everybody knows Melbourne training facilities are crap, have been for years. If he had know intention to play at our club why waste everybodies time and angst. He abviously has no honour nor integrity and is not fit to play for Melbourne!!
  21. If a player is unfit, not in a condition to survive aN AFL match, THAT PLAYER IS GOING TO GET HURT IN ALL KINDS OF WAYS, I suspect that ND was responsible for this fitness bloke, he made a mistake. The team that fronted up on match day number 1 representing the MFC was a shambolic rabble and I blame everybody in the football department. That team if people would like to caste thir mind back to that horrible day against the Saints where extremely unfit, you only had to look at their body language. I prey God that the new coach will do the necessary to put things right. Remember, it doesn't take long at all to become unfit, ample time in the off season to fall apart, witness one B Pickett. I feel we are going to bounce back very strongly next season having said all that
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