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Everything posted by Bonkers

  1. It's hard to argue with this. However Mark Neeld is 1 season & 1 game into a contract for 3 seasons. The club has to back him & support him at least in the short term. When I say support I don't just mean give him assurances that he will have a job, I mean get people down there to help him in regards to the way he motivates & engages the playing group. The players were lazy & not switched on during Sunday's game, some responsibility has to fall at the coaches feet. However it is one game & I believe if he looks at his approach & relationship with the current playing group the situation can be turned around. I don't believe we have a great list however we have talent down back & forward. The midfield has to work harder & that comes from mindset & application demanded by the coach. A man on man accountable game style this week would help as the players looked lost when defending using a zone on the weekend.
  2. If you hear things why don't you spill the beans? The situation can't exactly get any worse IMO. Players performance often reflects the morale of the club overall. We hear a lot of moaning, people with conspiracy theories etc but not one amount of solid fact written here to support it all. I'm not calling you a liar I just don't understand why people don't provide the specific information to what they are referring to. Make people accountable if that is what has to happen to improve the club. I've read most of all the threads written since Sunday & there are a lot of theories & allegations flying around without anything to back it all up. From what I can see it's the players & coach that need to be held accountable. If the players have issues with the administration they should either let them be known or get on with the job. There was roughly 5 players that gave 100% on Sunday if there is a reason for that the players need to take responsibility & sort it out. From my perspective they are responsible for giving it their all on match day. The coach might give instructions but he can't make them run, chase, tackle, man up, defend etc. If the coach fails to inspire or motivate them then the club will have to make a decision.
  3. Honestly this is beyond a joke. The fact is Jim Stynes asked Cam Schwab to take a look at the FD as he was too ill to do it himself this was after the Andrews report I believe? I don't know what he found but I take it Schwab didn't approve of the professionalism under Bailey & reported as such. If the players had an issue with this that's there right however playing to get a CEO sacked for doing his job is not in their job description. I can think of a few other words but will refrain. I find it hard to believe the players are still holding a grudge & if they are it's time for this BS to stop, for all parties to act like men, air their grievances in a closed environment, get it off their chest & move on. If there are any grievances that is. Even if there were, don't the players see that most of all it would reflect poorly on them? I just find it hard to believe after 18months we are still at that point. But if the club is they need to sort it out now.
  4. It's an interesting point & perhaps the players need to train in match simulation full body contact & compete against each other to improve until they get the message of how they are expected to play & compete even if injuries are incurred.
  5. Brock was just the same as them. I've heard it all from the players in the last 5-10 years. I don't even bother listening to them anymore. Just because we are losing games & insipid on the field doesn't mean that it is anything to do with Jack Grimes performance as a captain. He lead as best as he could yesterday but his team mates weren't willing to follow. What more do you want from him? Viney, Clark & Jones may be captains in waiting but I don't think the captaincy of the club is the issue here. I could be wrong but ultimately its up to the individual players to do their bit on game day & be switched on to go into combat. Yesterday they weren't or didn't want to.
  6. I find your criticism of Trengove & Grimes a little perplexing. They both leave everything out on the field, lead by actions & are the type of characters you can build a club around. They were appointed because there was no one older that had these qualities. Grimes even though sometimes lacks skill left everything out on the ground yesterday & was visibly shattered afterwards. At some point the players on the ground with him have to take ownership & responsibility. I know when I played I didn't need a captain to motivate or cojole me into giving 100% for my team it was instinctive. The playing group are a group of pansies, they need to grow some balls & take this club forward. Stop waiting for others to do it & do it themselves. Ron Barassi said: If it is to be it is up to me. The saying couldn't be any more relevant for this bunch of so called AFL players.
  7. The club needs a proven coach who is a available who can build a culture. If Neeld is eventually proved to not be the right man as current evidence may suggest I won't support another unproven appointment.
  8. Being a board member is an unpaid position so I don't know how it can be said there's too much money in it for them. One thing I will say is that if anyone has any grievances within the club they should all be allowed to say their piece in an open & accountable forum. I think the club should have a lock in so all parties can air whatever grievances they hold & make all people accountable. I keep hearing how certain people are holding grudges etc & where there is smoke there is fire. All opinions & information should be left in that room. All FD staff & the board should be present as well as players. This club has hit rock bottom after yesterday & they need to sort whatever it is that is holding this club back. Strong leadership needs to be shown & all involved have to buy in. No more excuses from the players, coaches or admin. They are only in the positions they hold because we put them there & they need to fix whatever it is that stinks about the on field performances now. Sacking admin etc is only going to divide & split the club further. It is not what Jim Stynes would want after working so hard to mend this club. I believe McClardy does some work with reach, maybe he needs to do some similar work with the MFC. I realise this post may seem emotive to some but I honestly think the club needs to move forward together as a united entity & work needs to be done to build a culture where all members of the club actually work for each other & believe in each other.
  9. The players lack confidence. They need to play their game & not over think what they are doing. The game plan should come instinctively to them by now. Focus for the next game should be on pressuring the opposition all day & hunting the ball in numbers. The result is unimportant to me but they must fight & fight hard. If they can't do it they shouldn't be playing a highly paid combative sport. It's all between their ears.
  10. Ron Barassi(might be too old) Dermot Brereton? Leigh Matthews?
  11. I have nothing but praise for Jack Viney & on reading that he is probably already my favourite player. For a 1st game player to address the whole team after a loss like that shows immense leadership. I have nothing but admiration for his character. A great first game, he can hold his head high. His Dad would be more than proud of him I'm sure.
  12. My biggest concern is that it's round one & only a handful of players are prepared to do the things to play the game the right way & get themselves up for a game most would give their all to play in. Where is the motivation? The same thing happened last year round 1 against Brisbane. I have no doubt Neeld is professional & has changed the culture off the field in terms of professional preparation. However if you can't get your players up for Rd1 there is something seriously wrong. Do the players really want to play for him & the club? Is his game plan ineffective? Hinkley has had 6months with his mob & look at what he has produced. The same could be said for Hird/Thompson after they took over. I'm well aware the talent isn't there on the list, however what was dished up today was without doubt a disgrace. No effort or desire to play for the jumper or team mates. Feels like the club is going around on a merry go round of constant on field incompetence.
  13. The only trouble is as a foxtel subscriber you still have to listen to their shite. The 4 games on ch7 are simulcast on foxtel with no adds during the game. You still get all the bad commentary though.
  14. Dom Barry hits up Casey player 15m out. He's been ok in patches but looks intimidated by the bigger bodies.
  15. I've only been at the ground second half. But from that I'd say Terlich & Kent. Couch was good in the 3rd but has gone quiet from what I can see. Tom McDonald has been solid.
  16. Jetta absolutely nailed a hawks player with one of the best shirt fronts I've seen in a while.
  17. Barry with nice disposal inside 50 to hit Kent up. Kents disposal/decision making letting him down.
  18. Magnets had a bit of it this qtr without doing to much with it. Terlich best of the Dees & I'd say is too good for this level.
  19. Box hill against the run of play kick a goal after a Dom Barry turnover.
  20. Terlich with another 50 entry after a good tackle to win possession. 27 for Casey missing 10m out on the snap.
  21. Tom Couch doing well at least 6 disposals this qtr. Kent misses another on the run 45 degree angle 30m out on the run.
  22. Kent misses one from 45 & then kicks an opportunist goal crumbing 10m out. Trengove, Couch & Terlich all getting touches this qtr so far.
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