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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Better moral hysteria than no morals at at all..That's it, your "oxygen" needs to be cut off.
  2. Well at least you're right on both counts. Still BLOODY DISGRACEFUL. Your posts should be removed immediately as they are downright offensive to anybody who has had to suffer a battle with cancer. Get outta here.
  3. Seems to me certain people on this forum would make really good politicians. They re-write history, mangle the language, spin a point of view to suit their own vested interests and when challenged, under cover of "cowards castle" (see keyboard in this case) they stoop to insult. The plain fact is we are in a far better position than we have been for quite some time and in no small way, that is attributable to Jimmy, his Board, C Schwab and his management team. For goodness sake, let's talk this up, not get bogged down in one up manship and hyperbole. Go Dees!!!!
  4. Bub, You are correct. Previously, our finances were certainly in a parlous state. The debt reduction strategy has worked, allowing us to have working capital. The AFL has recognised our debt management strategy and to be quite frank, we are in a far better financial situation, than some of our competitors. Membership is on the rise and I suspect, we will see another surge after the Draft and the publicity that will surround that. And of course Jimma is a membership magnet. Those who subscribe to the "economics of anticipation" encourage a self-fulfilling prophecy, but we have now laid solid foundations and I truly believe we will reap the rewards, both on and off the field, in the not too distant future. Bub, I share your not unreasonable optimism and the more of us that do and get involved, the better off we will be. Cheers
  5. Also got an email from the club today, confirming my membership renewal. 2010 will be my 40 year as a member.
  6. Latest is 3AW is trying to lure Tim Lane. If that occurs, I might actually listen to 3 Awful Wireless.
  7. Nice report RB. I greatly admire your work in this area, in conjunction with the Melbourne Footy Club. I certainly believe that this is just another sign of a new and famous era for the MFC, both on and off the field. The club has not blown any trumpets to herald this trip and clearly will let the words and pictures speak for themselves.......unlike others. Understated, but full of real substance and that's what really matters. AFL headquarters will love this, which can only be good for us in the long run. Not that I'm saying that it was the primary motivation for this worthwhile trip. Once again, thanks for the report and well done. I can't wait to read the article and to see the vision.
  8. To paraphrase Shakespeare. "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble. Fillet of a Waite, In the caldron boil and bake; Eye of Judd, and toe of Chook, Mullet of Sticks, and tongue of Swann, Setanta’s baulk, and the outer wing, Fev’s now gone, so who’ll have a ping,— For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble."
  9. I agree, forget Ball and let's move on. It would be great to pick up Jurrahcane's cousin and word is we are showing a lot of interest in Jack Grimes' brother as well. Hopefully we can get these guys with 34 and 50. What still needs to be done though is to finalise our delistings, so we can use our picks. I think this has to happen by 2pm this Friday.
  10. I know some pretty cheesed off Filth supporters who could "care less".
  11. What do they say about pots and kettles? No, that's right, the most apt cliche is "people in grass houses should not get stoned." I can stand up to the "challenge" brother, but what I can't abide is being contrary for the sake of it and a lack of grace when one responds to a fellow poster. Anyway RR, you are the oracle after all and as mi old dad used to say, "don't try and teach you're grandmother to suck eggs" As a result, I have always had respect for my elders.
  12. Lies, damn lies and statistics. Build a bridge and get over it RR. It's a bloody forum for goodness sake, not question time in the House.........or are you really Wilson Tuckey? LJ, you're a star in my book.
  13. Apologies for any confusion. My post was moved from the "General" section of the Forum. Not my doing. As I'm sure you will note, I began my post by saying "Firstly, apologies if this has been covered on another thread, but I have been off line for some time." Clearly the topic had been covered elsewhere, hence the moderator moved my post. However, the reaction above shows how the intended context of my post was lost by plonking it in here
  14. Liam Jurrah totally eclipses any sun that might have emanated from Darren Cuthbertson. I remember Cuthbetson's day out against the Filth at Waverley on Queens Birthday (or was it Anzac Day back then?). Despite his effort that day, you could tell there was still something missing. LIam Jurrah is light years ahead --------just to perpetuate the cliche
  15. Cuthbertson was a "small" forward who could play tall. He was a pinch hitter, a bit like Robbo. Difference being Robbo had commitment and dedication. When the gauntlet was thrown down to Cuthbertson he couldn't cut the mustard. To compare him to LJ is to compare chalk and cheese.
  16. Woewy was a star. He was shattered when he was shafted in 2001 by Daniher and never returned to his previous level. As for McGough, one game, one award.....P......lease!!!
  17. LJ has innate talent that Cuthbertson could only dream about. Besides, a different time, place and style of footy back then.
  18. He is a star, no doubt. What we all hope is that the star can continue to burn brighter and not fade away. His "cameo" appearances this year, are sure to bring people through the turnstiles in 2010. That only happens when you have star quality. Best thing of all, I have a mate who barracks for the Filth, who grimaces every time I mentioned LJ's name. That alone makes the WW a star in my book.
  19. Firstly, apologies if this has been covered on another thread, but I have been off line for some time. Recent media reports indicate that the MFC has become increasingly keen on Luke Ball, with the hope that we can secure him in the PSD, therefore preserving our pick 18 in the National Draft. Mark Stevens, in the Hun, goes as far as saying that if we get him, he will leap frog Flash and Green and take over the captaincy from Junior in 2011. Ball is a quality individual and was and is greatly respected at St. Kilda. So why his apparent fall from grace at the Saints? He long has history of OP and other soft tissue injuries, his kicking leaves a lot to be desired, his pace has dropped of and he no longer seems to have the ability to break the lines. However, I agree there is a huge upside if we get him. As I said, he is a quality individual, who has commanded great respect. With our new crop of top flight , but very young mid fielders coming through, he could be just the mentor they need. The question remains, though, are we better to look for another KPP or get another top quality kid, like Jack Grimes brother, who comes with equally big raps as Jack, or do we roll the dice and get what may become our first really big marquee name for some time? I remain uncertain, but would be interested in others’ comments. Cheers
  20. And that does not "belittle"? Other than this nacre of wisdom, a great thread. Beamer is Melbourne through and through and if it's players like him that bond the group, then more power to his arm. I left the B&F night feeling proud of my club. And Jimmy and Beamer were the main catalyst for that feeling. For too long the clinical and sterile aspects of the MFC have bogged us down and if the odd cliche is needed to get the blood pumping, then I say why not.
  21. Love the clip of Jimmy's speech. I hope we get to see it in full somewhere. If anyone knows if a full version exists anywhere online, please let us know.
  22. I had a similar experience in 2008,WYL -although not as bad - in Makati. Managed to catch the Dees 51 point come from behind win against the Shockers. It is always nice to clear customs at the Aquino Airport and get on that plane
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