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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Great vision to see Roosy tell the kid he's in. Warms the cockles.
  2. Absolutely agree. He is still 20, with his entire AFL career in front of him. He is only in his 2nd year and with 2 seasons left on his contract, a lot can happen between now and then. We keep forgetting that for AFL players, their football careers are their entire livelihood, so it would be against his own interests to put pen to paper right now. He has a perfect right to weigh up his future. That said, I am confident that the major drivers in whatever decision he does make, will not be money or the 'go home' factor. He simply wants to see our footy club is clearly heading in the right direction and that he can see a future where he will play a pivotal role in a red hot finals campaign in the not too distant future. And that is his right. Kick ass in 2016 Jesse.
  3. think Hawthorn 2008. ............. no wait. Shouldn't dare to dream after our last decade. Should I?
  4. Still can't find the link to the Herald Sun story that Redleg referred to.
  5. Try using liquid paper Fester. ............ Oh ..... wait!!!
  6. This is precisely what confronts the crowd at Tullamarine.
  7. Banana or Strawberry daiquiri permitted?
  8. Ahh, now we know who Chris' alter ego is. Been channeling him for years.
  9. OK, OK. I admit it. .................. I am not Chris from Camberwell. But gee, it does make any Dees supporter cringe when he gets on talk back radio. If he utters any prognostication, you don't even have to think about putting in the waster paper bin.
  10. Actually Clint I reckon it's very likely and makes a lot of sense.
  11. As I said above, the usual 'banal' defence. When devoid of rational argument, all ya gotta do is stoop to puerile name calling.
  12. I don't think it was the photos in themselves that caused the problem, rather it was the comment/s which were attributed to them. The banal line of defence by some - and I don't mean you - that we are being too PC is just ridiculous and does not bear any proper scrutiny. Women have not just suffered in modern history, but for aeons. It is not pc to attempt to remove what has been endemic and intrinsic in a male dominated world since time immemorial. Anyway MD, as I said above, it's done, let's move on and get on with talking about what it will take to make the Dees great again.
  13. Support what the mods have done here. No need to debate he said, she said issues. It's done, move one.
  14. me too. Surely it is hard to tell who the PM is these days? They change so often.
  15. On tippin winners at the races, I give him a big fat zero. On his footy connections, I'd give him a 7
  16. I once predicted the fall of the Roman Empire. Seriously, I have no information other than what my snout gave me. That's all.
  17. Can't be sure on that one LH, but I would think sometime after the Granny is done and dusted.
  18. Not my prediction Ernest. It comes from my 'reliable source'
  19. Do I get a last wish?
  20. You've made my day Bub. Heard from the axiomatic 'reliable source' that Roosy is currently walking around with a smile he just can't wipe of his face. Apparently he is pretty chuffed at landing another 'big fish', which will be announced when the time is right. I just hope my 'reliable source' is correct.
  21. Didn't Derryn Grinch renounce the MFC sometime ago, due to his perception of the MFC's treatment of women? I wouldn't lose any sleep if he did
  22. I think Adam Scott has a link to the Dees, given his friendship with Jeff White.
  23. Let's just hope the seal doesn't break.
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