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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. no bingo foreplay required biffo just rock up about closing time with a spare scooter
  2. no problems there biffo.....i got priorities always fix the herpes later
  3. can't tell you od......i'd have to kill you
  4. the one who had our next flag all mapped out in his blue('n'red)print
  5. that's right red.....lets not get ahead of ourselves.......remember cam
  6. you don't od.....it's illegal
  7. sipping?? more like slurping or guzzling. i don't think biffo has sipped anything in his life
  8. if its wet i hope they play wet weather footy and not that ring around the rosey shyte like last week first to the ball and move it forward as quick as possible as long as players down the ground know that's the plan they can structure accordingly
  9. he's stumped either way i think biffo
  10. as long as he doesn't put his foot in it maybe reeva pinched his allen key and got him pistorius?
  11. what was reeva thinking buying him socks for valentines day especially when he's so highly strung
  12. don't say it p-man you'll put the mozz on us
  13. talking about movies... i hear they are doing a remake of Bladerunner and calling it Bladegunner they're shooting it in 9mm for smartphones
  14. if he was half a man he'd take it on the shin
  15. you need to see a real doctor jvf that thin skin of yours could turn nasty you enjoy stalking?
  16. oscar may not have worn the pants but he called the shots you sound a little pistorius biffo
  17. and "Silence of the Limbs" the prosecution is looking a bit weak they claim oscar shot reema with a 9mm pistol that's one seriously small pistol
  18. you don't think not re-contracting a majority of the board was a little more than an oversight? especially given the timing i would expect a little more cynicism from a member of the bar redleg
  19. smacks of political interference members were not re-contracted, replacements not available...............hmmmmm
  20. i guess though only he can answer if it was a bad choice of word
  21. i wonder if the word "empathy" was a mistaken, bad-choice and he meant something else like "understanding" or "knowledge" or "expertise"?
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