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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. oh c'mon......proportionality please
  2. ht, i have no idea on the veracity of this report in the washington examiner. sorry, but you are just dissing it using a tenuous red herring argument and an ad hominen one at that...... either address the posted issue or ignore it
  3. whorethorn can have him we're already carrying too many wounded
  4. not unusual at all jim, you're just scaremongering. it's easy to postulate disaster scenarios (and there will be many because of cv19 many (most) businesses run on a line of credit. if their revenue drops dramatically (cash flow) they are in deep doodoo. having said that the afl have been throwing money around like a drunken sailor for a long time whilst simultaneously screwing grass roots footy. i have little sympathy for their excesses as an organization. unfortunately it hits the clubs and supporters heavily
  5. given the right development and culture i think he could become a 200 gamer
  6. i'm tending to thinking the same. any games this year will seem unnatural, unsatisfactory and uninteresting, and more to do with money than football. i'd rather watch classic replays.
  7. interesting, the ooze way out in front on votes yet big majority of those who comment say tj
  8. semantics dd...... it's obvious they mean 1200 have tested +ve as of now with 480 active now. ....you're beating yourself up over nothing
  9. no doubt it's very complex dj, globalisation has its good side and its bad ugly side
  10. Lol, that's funny mfm. I'll bet good 'ole vijay and his partners and executives (plus all the bureaucratic leeches), grab most of that customer moolah and their employees get the dregs at the bottom of the barrel anyway.........but when it suits him he uses his downtrodden employees as sympathy fodder.... but you believe what you want
  11. so its the white patriarchal racist western colonialism to blame.....rightio, gotcha......
  12. moonie. obviously a new virus could evolve anywhere in the world even in a well regulated market and with normal regulated farmed animals but the chances are minimised and could be identified quicker but wet markets where exotics are sold live and either slaughtered at the market while you wait or taken home to slaughter all mixed up in an unhygienic environment with no health officials or any controls is just a disaster waiting to happen and largely preventable. I understand it is a long standing custom and if we didn't now live in such a connected global world i'd say it was their business, but that's not the reality of most of the world now so it becomes our concern too and no the animal sourced virus doesn't necessarily have to be eaten to be transmitted after sars china undertook to abolish the wet markets but failed to do so. And as i said it's not just china. i think (hope) this will be the death knell for such markets (wherever they are). maybe the who can stop politicking and do something about it
  13. was just talking on the phone to a friend in eildon. holiday makers are everywhere up there today. boat ramps are all closed but there are heaps of boats out on the weir. he's been involved with holiday makers in the past and today he's had heaps of them just knocking on his door asking for this and that. He's put up a sign that all enquiries must first be by phone but they all just ignore that. A friend of his has multiple sclerosis and is aged and at high risk, so her sister just drove up from melbourne and dumped her teenage kids with her to have a "holiday" and left. her sister is a nurse too. idiots everywhere
  14. ch9 just don't want to hand over any money, naturally, but i can understand being miffed if the nrl weren't in close collaboration with them re future plans for 2020 season.
  15. are you saying queenslanders eat bats? yuk, i didn't know that. but nothing surprises me about queenslanders anyway we were talking about wet markets of exotic wildlife, i'd be horrified if any existed here, even in qld
  16. but it's not just china, many (most) asian countries are big on eating/handling/butchering exotic wildlife in uncontrolled, unhygienic circumstances let's hope they too do something about it or globalisation will be death of all of us
  17. it might be from a bygone era but just cherry picking a few examples doesn't prove that it doesn't work. it certainly worked for norm smith and ron barassi and i could name many others. no doubt times have changed but it's a much more complex issue than just a question of bending to someone's will
  18. on what basis? 10 and 41 games. not obscure enough?
  19. not really, only anecdotal claims that player x said assistant coach y helped him with his z which doesn't in itself justify 10 full time highly paid assistant coaches let alone all the other specialist roles there has been this obsession in recent years (decades) about getting the extra 1% or even .1% advantage which is an inevitable consequence of increased professionalism, but somewhere along the way basic and natural football skills took a back seat
  20. even leading scientists are pulling figures out of their arrrz. there is more unknowns than knowns. it's still unchartered territory. if life or death choices are made in the future it will not just be science based......science. ethics, economics and politics will all play a part. we've all read about aktion t4 based on science and medicine with a good taste of ideology thrown in. and that went down well didn't it.
  21. nice one andy. we already knew you were a good man, this thoughtful act just reinforced it.
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