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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. it was a joke. rpfc believes that if we play carlton, each in our home strips, the melbourne players will mistake carlton players for melbourne players. P.s. your shorts pickup gave me a chuckle
  2. Not too sure about that He is well developed for his age, doesn't look like a late shooter to me As an inside mid I'd be happy with around 178 Current theory for male growth prediction is "For Boys: (Father’s Height + Mother’s Height + 5) / 2" P.S. thats in inches. For centimeters (Father + (Mother + 12.5)) / 2 So, how tall's his mum??
  3. be careful with your avatar nostradeemus or rpfc will mistake you for a carlton troll
  4. white shorts were always a pretty effective clash strip yeah I know - being flippant again, but there is some truth in it Re Carlton, don't you think the presence of red on the front and back of our strip plus red sox would be enough? You could toss in red shorts. Red is a pretty powerful differentiator. Seriously, I don't see a clash then. Or is it just me?
  5. maybe exaggerating a tad. Point was that the "clash" lobby have gone overboard and see clashes everywhere even where there isn't any significant clash. I thought cam made that point too
  6. Jack, the powers to be think the reverse jumper is still too dark. We were made to change the red clash strip of a few years ago because it was seen as too dark and red still clashed with other teams red. We may have a different view but today it won't float The ultimate solution would be no clashes, play home strip always like we did for a 100 years when grounds were muddier, no lights were employed etc. The "clash" lobby has power at the moment but at least Cam says it is being challenged. Little steps at a time.
  7. OK,for those interested, here is the reply from club (GC may not be decided yet?) Half the competition.
  8. we can all guess pretty well why he is there, but the point was does he deserve to be there.
  9. Really? Didn't you read too closely? Doesn't sound like an endorsement to me - just a matter of practicalities within current interpretations But YMMV Edit: spelling
  10. Haha, ok, you can take the credit then. Still, nice to know that supporters at MFC are not just numbers.
  11. old dee, it was always going to be white, at least for the short/medium term. I am a realist underneath I thought there were plenty of positives though 1. Navy shorts (maybe). This has a big impact on % of white 2. Reduced number of clash definitions (maybe) working towards none 3. No cartoon like graphics I would consider these significant "wins", but then I'm a glass half-full kinda guy I wonder if my email prompted the response It was good to get such a comprehensive explanation of the club's thinking. For a long time we have laboured over a lack of detail both from the AFL and the club, so we have had to speculate on a lot of issues. At least now we have a better framework for future discussions. I look forward to the release of our new clash jumper. Then might be a good time for further robust discussion, eh.
  12. Yep, at least in the making Now just one more KPB and a 2ndRuck All coming together nicely
  13. Did you support the boards decision when they decided to go silver? Not disagreeing with your sentiments, Deezman but you should always keep a little in reserve Yes Cam's communication was great, appreciated, comprehensive and to the point. No spin there. I thought everyone (no matter what side of the fence) could take some positives from it And its nice to think us bigoted keyboard heroes have a voice no matter how small Its a great club to feel part of
  14. You're right Jarka, I'm happy too Mind you a few years ago you could have said all KPPs. We didn't have much of a spine at all
  15. Thanks Cam for clubs perspective I wish you luck with the navy shorts. As you know the NRL allow coloured shorts This will go a long way to breaking up that "all white" from a distance look Best of luck too on trying to reduce the number of defined clashes
  16. And as far as Essenscum go I suggest we wear our Home strip when we play them away They did it us this year and there were no consequences or fines Plus we played a few home games against them in recent years in our away strip I reckon they owe us for at least the next decade in compensation
  17. who said we have a clash with GC? I don't see one.
  18. Ah, but you are only a baby accountant DeezMan
  19. Tis a thing of beauty, tis it not old dee Aggh . . . sigh . . . . get outta our way Vlad
  20. Update attachments (logos, emblem) and this would be my preferred
  21. I have an email at the club on exactly that question. Will post if answered
  22. Good question tu. Let us all know if you get an answer.
  23. Cups? I thought the Filth didn't use cups, just straight out of the bottle
  24. lets see. How many years did the press call us the Invincible Whites? Couple of years, 3, 4? that would be before the VFA, VFL, AFL years wouldn't it? but if you really feel strongly about going back to all-white why don't you suggest it to the club
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