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Everything posted by george_on_the_outer

  1. There has been much conversation on Demonland about this matter before, the possible sites and the impossible sites. I am afraid that after 160 years as a club, 30 plus years since divorcing from the MCC, that we still do not have something of an AFL standard to train on, or a place for our administrative and coaching staff. We share our facility at AAMI park with 2 Rugby codes and a soccer team. No other AFL side is in this position. The current Board has been in power for 5 years, and I have been hearing proposals to fix this problem for the past 30 at AGM's. They claim to be looking at options in the "MCG precinct". The Board wasted a lot of time and effort with a proposal for Yarra park that was never going to fly because of residents, Railways, trees, parking and a slope that would have required pyramidal type earthmoving. I fear the option they are favouring is in the Gosch's paddock area and unless major alterations can be made to the ground or that the other tenants can be "encouraged" to move, then we will finish up with something 2nd rate. Compare the size of Gosch's ( particularly how narrow) with the Collingwood ground at Olympic park or the MCG itself. To widen it requires tree removal. The area currently occupied by soccer fields and the rugby pitch alongside Olympic Bvde would provide a proper sized ground, but can we convince them to move or swap? Can we fit in an an admin building, indoor gym and weights room in the remaining area....maybe in the car park, but where do the cars go? We still wouldn't control the upkeep of the ground as this lies with the Olympic Park trust. I want to see something which will last the club for the next 50-100 years, not something that we have to re-visit in 10 because we have fallen behind again. We need space, and to me it isn't available in "the MCG precinct"
  2. At the moment there is no VFL and no practice matches
  3. Until the match committee select at least 2 tall forwards and not use one of them as a stand in ruck, we will struggle to kick goals. As was proven in the WCE game.
  4. Hard to believe anything both of those have to say. Moorabbin to Seaford....really. Didn't seem to worry Hawthorn who moved from Glenferrie to Waverley and are now heading to Dingley.
  5. It was interesting listening to the players comments at the Casey training sessions in the past couple of days. To paraphrase " good to be at Casey because it is close in size to the MCG, so we can practice using the space" ( unlike Gosch's).
  6. Yes, that is correct. None of the existing committee would stand aside, to simply let Norm join, so it went to an election. 4 of the committee ran tickets that placed Norm last on their how-to-vote cards to protect their own positions!! Norm finished 9th in a contest for the 8 roles, nearly 100 votes behind no. 8. That was the final insult. Peter Smith, his son, who was playing for the Demons at the time, left to go to Carlton as he also wanted nothing to do with the club any more. In " The Red Fox" he recalled"....But I suspect those blokes were thinking more about their own positions than what was good for the club. They were also thinking that Dad would shake them up a bit too much....Maybe some of them felt it would have been a bit too much for them to handle"
  7. Having been following the MFC for a long, long time and wishing to make all the arguments raised so far into something concise...what I have seen for myself and have read about in the various histories of the Club, is that the common factor which has caused our demise is: Lack of Resources, and/or the willingness to apply resources to winning football matches. In "The Red Fox" there are multiple stories of the arguments that Smith had with the committee, long before his sacking in 1965. All of them were about resources. Other clubs were recruiting players and paying them good money, like Polly Farmer, Darryl Baldock etc, but the MCC committee refused to participate in this. Even before this we had the stories of Fanning and others who left at the height of their careers, simply because they could earn a living playing football in country leagues. In 1964 the days of the amateur player were as good as over. Even Barassi was offered 3,000 pounds and a 10,000 pound loan to join Carlton, which he said was something he would not have got at Melbourne. But the MCC committee still continued to stick its head in the sand, about what was happening. Until Barassi returned and made an ultimately futile attempt to turn the club into a professional operation, by removing it from the MCC, the Club was simply bled dry of talent or watched that talent disappear to other clubs. Zones that we had were not developed. Recruiting and more importantly, development was not done in those zones. They were just left to their own devices, while the MCC concentrated on what it was formed for...cricket. Contrast that with the work that Hawthorn and Richmond were doing in their zones. A friend of mine who worked as a teacher in the Eastern suburbs in the 80's said that any school that asked for a Hawthorn player to turn up to meet with the kids, kick a footy, were always obliged. Small wonder their supporter base grew over the subsequent periods. The MFC was banned from training at the MCG from 1985, so off to the Junction oval we were sent....to stay for the next 25 years! How much was spent by the MCC on facilities there....so little that the MFC Coterie group had to chip in to get a portable for the coaches to have a room to work in. Then the footballers were tossed out during cricket season in any case as it was still used to play games. It was a miracle that we had any success during this period! Other clubs were establishing proper facilities, were buying players from interstate, making offers to any talented players to join while Melbourne watched the likes of Healy, Spalding, Thompson and other disappear or players like Jarman not come. Why would they not?! It was not until the Stynes team convinced the MCC to kick in $1M per year that the club got any revenue from them for nearly 25 years. Even today 25,000 MCC members identify with the MFC, but as was pointed out at last years AGM, 4-5,000 of them come to more than 5 matches and don't take out a MCC/MFC membership. The MCC gets all the loot from football, yet gives little back. Same as in Norm Smith's day. It first really struck me about 30 years ago at at MFC AGM. The total assets of the club which had then been operating for nearly 150 years was less than the average house value in Melbourne! That was fine when you were running an amateur organisation, but this was supposed to be a professional operation. I can't remember who said it, but it was claimed that the MFC were "the most professional in the amateur era, and the most amateur in the professional era. Small wonder there has been so little success".
  8. October in the NT...yeah sure!!... Darwin: We have had enough experience with how humid it is in June/July....only the locals know how bad it is in the buildup to the monsoon season, by October. You can't play during the day regardless, because of the heat, so it could only be at night. ( this might suit the broadcasters). Alice: too hot by that time.
  9. The loss of development coaches will be critical as the "hub/lockdown" situation continues. This club of anyone has learned how damaging the lack of good development to young players can be, thinking that all was required was to draft talent. Coaching is not about what happens on game day alone. In fact it is the easy part of the job. Getting the basics and the game plan/style into 40 odd players is not something that can be done by 1 or 2 assistants. And what if the plan has to change because critical players get injured? Other players have to be taught a new/different role. Look how miserable we were last year, when we had all manner of players on the field playing out of position, or not ready to play at senior level.
  10. ...and watch Collingwood get to play WCE, Fremantle and the S.A. sides in Victoria as "away" games in the first of the hub games.....then when the hubs are removed, they can play all their home games in Vic.
  11. ....and Richmond ( Soldo, Nankervis)......hang on haven't WCE ( Lycett, Vardy and Nic Nat on sidelines) and Richmond won the past 3 Premierships playing 2 genuine ruckmen???? ...and Collingwood, Adelaide and GWS playing only one genuine ruckman lost the GF?
  12. Jurrah....Schwartz....Jakovich.......as Docs said: what could have been/maybe/if only. Yet these are the most insanely talented players that I have seen at the club in the past 40 odd years. Blazing comets that shone brightly, but not for long enough. Amazing that Jurrah would never have seen an AFL game if it wasn't for the work of the Collingwood Industrial Magpies and Rupert Batheras.
  13. Truly amazing wasn't it? It was always a possibility when going to watch him play...you didn't know if he would kick 10 goals 1 or 1 goal 10. Either way it was his ability to make something out of nothing. As Drew Morphett said at one point 20 possessions as a full forward doesn't happen.
  14. And Eddie's suggesting WCE locate to Melbourne for the hub games in 2020..... So we get to play them in WA and Collingwood get to play their away game at.....MCG or Docklands!
  15. Maybe you were thinking of QLD v Vic 7-11 Jan 1966. Vic needed 387 runs in 2nd innings, 265 on the last day, after only scoring 130 in 1st innings. Watson opened with Redpath and were there on day 4 both on 61. Watson eventually out for 109 and Redpath 180 to win by 3 wickets.
  16. We have always wanted talent in the side. So Maddy Guerin playing Mozarts piano concerto No. 16 (upside down ) wins the competition by a mile!
  17. I can't remember who said it: "Melbourne were the most professional club in the Amateur era, and the most amateur club in the professional era". It still pervades the club, because we took so long to get even the most fundamental facilities for a professional football side, something that we are still trying to catch up with. Paying players, checkbook recruiting, assistant coaches, professionals on the Board instead of ex-players were all things that other clubs were doing long before Melbourne caught up. And during that "catch up" period, we had zero success, and the support of members dwindled and continues to dwindle compared with others. Soft salary cap and real salary cap will drag others down to our level. But we are coming from a long way back.
  18. Good news in an email from the MCC today: "Finally, I would like to announce and welcome to the MCC Committee Russel Howcroft who has been appointed to fill the casual vacancy created by the retirement of Mark Smith". Russell, of course, is one of the stalwarts on the ABC's Gruen show, but importantly is a former MFC Board member. We hope that this will continue to ensure our voice is heard over at the MCC, and that more can be done to sign up those 5,000 MCC members who go along to 4 or more Melbourne games each year, but do not sign up to the MFC/MCC membership.
  19. I have great respect for PJ, and as far as the MFC is concerned, they should be erecting a statue outside the MCG in recognition of his saving the club financially. However, his view as shown by Moonshadow is way off the mark. Associating player retention to facilities may have some merit, but it completely ignores the results of having proper facilities. North Melbourne may have made 7 prelims in a row, but they didn't win any premierships in that period. Hawthorn, WCE, Sydney and Richmond did....all with excellent facilities. Melbourne may have made the GF in 2000 with only the Junction oval as a training ground, but Essendon and Brisbane were the power houses again with facilities ( at the time) simply light years ahead of what we had. Over both those periods, Melbourne and North had great lists, yet not being able to develop players properly and train them to the standards that the Premiership teams had only resulted in multiple years of failure.
  20. But if the NRL pinches your idea and it helps them survive instead of foundering in their own cesspit of a "sport", then you will be banned from AFL..........
  21. Loved Robbo and the excitement he could bring....but he had zero defensive side. I remember one game against Essendon where his opponent had 28 possessions!
  22. Since there is nothing else to talk about at the moment, here is a re-run of an article I wrote for Demonland a couple of years ago: Footy club Theme songs ( and their origins) We all know our own Club theme song, but singing such a thing has not always been done. Over many, many years those songs have evolved, with the majority “borrowed” from other sources with the lyrics suitably adjusted. So where did they come from, and what insights into the team and its own history do they give? Richmond: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxMHbg3R00g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Cz92GzEt2I This clip explains a lot about Richmond supporters. Remember this when you next hear it! Especially the sexual overtones…..no, doesn’t bear thinking about…. But the best version of their team song is this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBD49n36F9k Fremantle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDsuU6v2gYE Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-qz4Icl3_Q Freo supporters should be serious vodka drinkers…… Melbourne: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIHJ3NYIRro&list=PL79A42F90C35FD143 Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvdHKS-rskA Sorry for the American overtones….. Adelaide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3zS83-IQ3k Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itUDOuFcWb4&feature=related …and even more American overtones….. Essendon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL0DRyhUt1c Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCN9KIPfMPE Visions of the prohibition era…..not much has changed at the Dons! Brisbane: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2OnZG6VnJk Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K1q9Ntcr5g&feature=related There was something wrong with this played at the Grand Final in front of 100,000 Australians Collingwood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chRE_oHWG9g Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvvNbV5IORM It’s bad enough listening to the original song that they pinched but their supporters haven’t changed over the history of the club: http://www.convictcreations.com/football/collingwood.htm Geelong: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akAkWj7kXt0 Surprisingly they tried this version in 1992, when they thought they would parody “Pinball Wizard” by the Who: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQFwnOIpej4 Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXzsVb1pPFY …you have to wait a bit for the chorus to recognise it….. Hawthorn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2pumIAeS0c Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StDpLge_ITM More Americanism, but gotta love Cagney! Carlton: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPpe2LVfgwo Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4NMnwrKwpk If you listen to the words it simply wouldn’t be written today! The song was No. 21 on the White star line orchestra play list i.e the Titanic. St.Kilda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--f9cjE9h4s Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyLjbMBpGDA Shortest lyrics of any club song. Satchmo is great regardless! Sydney: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1oQjBUeqAE Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSd_l508dwA&feature=related What does shake down the thunder from the sky mean? West Coast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr5vcF66lH8 Original: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=iVQPsro2p0A Why do all Mike Brady songs sound the same?...Very 80’s Footscray: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCWSiW7vKrA Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGbdoQk9EIA The song is based on an old sea shanty called “Sons of the Sea” Port Adelaide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2cUM71RA24 The original was penned local composers Quentin Eyers ( who plays in a Sikh band ) and Les Kaczmarek (the original bass player with Cold Chisel). Like the people who support the club, it is a shocker, and the alternative lyrics are probably more appropriate: We've got no Power at all Our [censored] are so small Come on, Port Adelaide are wankers We are the Bogans from Port We're always in court It's true Port Adelaide tradition We'll never stop, stop, stop Growin our drug, drug crop There's history here in the making Port supporters are sad No-one knows who's their dad Paternity tests is ours for the taking With our drug network so strong We can't go wrong We're the Alberton crowd Port Adelaide proud And the losers are those Who've earned the right To wear the silver - teal And black and white And the Port supporters Oh so small > > >>True Ferals > > >>One and all Gold Coast: Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGPHbeNUDFg However I much prefer the Kazakhstan version ( rarely heard): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkVKyXDv81I GWS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epvc4wDWQCQ Put together by Harry Angus of The Cat Empire! But could he have recently attended a Jewish wedding when he composed this piece? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BMtlNLnXxI
  23. It won't make much difference if no junior football is played this year. Try picking today's talent on the back of what a 16 or 17 year old was doing last year. You will have as much chance of selecting quality at pick 1 or pick 20.
  24. I was wondering whether Brad still had that shirt from his days at Melbourne or did someone drag it out of the back room for the interview?
  25. Reduced lists = contracts to be re-negotiated for existing players = Buddy takes a pay cut, and Sydney are let off the hook by Headquarters!
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